Re: OpenVPN i łączenie dwóch podsieci

Przemek [N/A] pszemaz w
Śro, 31 Maj 2006, 12:26:23 CEST

Powertoalem dalej.. i znalazlem takie oto cos:


# On the Linux side you must first set up ethernet bridging.
# Here is a configuration which I use:

modprobe tun
modprobe bridge

openvpn --mktun --dev tap0
openvpn --mktun --dev tap1

brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 eth1
brctl addif br0 tap0
brctl addif br0 tap1

ifconfig tap0 promisc up
ifconfig tap1 promisc up
ifconfig eth1 promisc up

ifconfig br0 netmask broadcast

# end of script

# This script will set up ethernet bridging between eth1, tap0, and tap1.
# Change the br0 ifconfig to match the ifconfig that would be used for
# eth1 under normal, non-bridged configuration.
# Use as many tapX virtual adapters as you will have remote clients connecting.

# In the firewall, add these entries to allow TAP devices
# and ethernet bridges to operate:

iptables -A INPUT -i tap+ -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i br0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i br0 -j ACCEPT

jezeli u mnie eth0 - zewn IP i eth1 - LAN to powyzsze w skrypcie stale: eth1,tap0,tak1 sa poprawne?


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