SysVinit - po ostatniej aktualizacji

lord_Niedzwiedz sir_Misiek w
Śro, 13 Mar 2019, 15:22:36 CET

After last actualization I heave something like this.

[root w aaricia ~]# vrpm mailing -- -q SysVinit 

***  rpm-fake-resolver was built with glibc;  please do  ***
***  not report errors before trying a dietlibc version. ***
[root w aaricia ~]# vrpm mailing -- -e SysVinit-2.88-19.x86_64 

***  rpm-fake-resolver was built with glibc;  please do  ***
***  not report errors before trying a dietlibc version. ***
error: %trigger(SysVinit-2.94-2.x86_64) skryptlet nie powiódł się, 
status wyjścia 1

What next ?

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