Looking for WvDial maintainers

Patrick Patterson ppatters at nit.ca
Wed Feb 27 23:40:09 CET 2002

Hi There...

If you have received this e-mail, it's because you were the last person from 
your distribution to package WvDial. If you in fact are the current WvDial 
maintainer, then please reply to this message, so that I can add you to the 
distribution list for new release announcements (or alternatively, a "No 
Thanks, I'm already on the wvdial-list is OK too ;) If you are not the 
current WvDial maintainer, please forward this mail to the person within your 
organisation who is.

The other reason that I want to contact everyone, is to make sure that there 
are no extra patches to WvDial out there that haven't made it into the base 
tree - My aim is to get up to the point where I can release a new version of 
WvDial, and the most work that you should have to do as a maintainer is set 
it up on your build farm... (Ok, I can dream ;)

Thanks in advance...

Patrick Patterson
Open Source Ambassador
Net Integration Technologies

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