Top Notch Home Loans at low rates

Shawna Connolly dqmal at
Sat Jul 2 12:50:02 CEST 2005

Dear Homeowner,

You have been pre-apprroved for a $448,000 Home Looaan at a 3.63% Fixed Raate.
This offer is being extended to you unconditionally and your credit is in no way a factor.

To take Advantage of this Limiited Time oppoortunity all
we ask is that you visit our Website and complete
the 1 minnute post Appr_oval Fo.rm.

En+er herree '>

Latisha Metz
Regional CEO

My Dear Mother I promised to send you an account of the voyage and now fulfill my promise. I intended to send you the original paper but it is on very thick paper in a Pocket Book and I thought it would only be the trouble of writing out a copy for you and here it is, such as it is, a true and faithful copy. I found very little to write about generally, and many times I was on the point of giving it up as useless, but I thought of my Promise and Kept it up to the end of the voyage. I have given the temperature nearly every day it was taken three times a day. I have the noon reading of the thermometer in the shade, therefore we had it much hotter in the sun, and colder at night than I have given, for instance when I have given 86° it was 100° in the sun, and when I have given 36° it was only 32° at nine at night. I have given the latitude and longitude when I could get it but it was only occasionally I could depend upon it.

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