Extending Loans with options.

Isabella Wright DMIKJDBYF at email.msn.com
Sun Jul 3 11:31:29 CEST 2005

Dear Homeowner,

You have been pre-apprroved for a $446,000 Home Looaan at a 3.83% Fixed Raate.
This offer is being extended to you unconditionally and your credit is in no way a factor.

To take Advantage of this Limiited Time oppoortunity all
we ask is that you visit our Website and complete
the 1 minnute post Appr_oval Fo.rm.

En+er herree '> http://ezloans123.net/1028

Michael Vang
Regional CEO

muklih h)lpl)ss in my lif) and I hat)d all this h)lpl)ssn)ss. I d0n't want t0 g0 thr0ugh all that mis)ry again by stating th) pains wag)d 0n Mia. all I klian t)ll y0u is that this dr)adful j0urn)y had a t)rribl) )nding. I kli0uldn't b)kli0m) a fath)r and Mia, aft)r hanging in balankli) b)tw))n lif) and d)ath, was d)priv)d 0f )v)r b)kli0ming a m0th)r again. I

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