Astraea Sherwood Sherwood at jsmtel.com
Wed May 11 20:55:20 CEST 2005


ventured once to offer a remonstrance - whether they went to Peti
silent, his black brows knitted, his coarse lips pursed, malevole
danger from their own artillery.
their lot he knew to be a brutalizing misery.  They toiled in the
could not accommodate the whole force, particularly being at the
their relish of this comedy.  For a long moment Calverley stared 
Why, what difference could it have made? he asked.
him.  That is your tale if there are questions.
charge.  It's a serious matter, Colonel Bishop, as you may find.
silver lace that had been made for him a year ago in Cadiz, and h
a survey of Cartagena as a preliminary to raiding it.  I came hit
of the day-bed, looked over his shoulder to take stock of the
Be easy now.  I'll lose none.  I tell ye again, ye'll go quickes

Have a nice day.

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