EXTRA-TIME - last 5-10 times l0nger!

Coy Greenwood fcekymslpr at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 4 17:07:47 CEST 2005

EXTRA-TIME  - last 5-10 times l0nger!

This new d0ct0r devel0ped, herbaI supplements,
allows users more control over e-j-a-c-u-I-a-t-i-0-n,
c0mpletely curing "Premature E-jac-uI-at-i0-n" and
other se-e-e-x-u-a-l dysfuncti0n pr0blems.

- N0n-h0rm0nal herbaI therapy
- Acts l0cally 0n the sex 0rgans
- Regulates pr0cess of ej-a-c-u-I-at-i-0-n
- Acts through neuro-endocrine pathway
- Acts on the high centres of emoti0n in the brain


molecular journey brandenburg site recriminatory wasp incubus kinky nebraska cardinal foldout needy rustic bragg aflame bombast  bayed dirichlet circumferential lodgepole gradual caretaker ectoderm lower gadget genuine ancestor dylan dust diorama ak photography must nippon fed attache barrett larceny corpse puc countersink marshal  jeffrey conjugate arch crux borden cycle ax bowie narcissist gasp cerulean troutman helpful pow psychoanalytic bonaparte affectation arcana resent lagrange deflector cellar choreograph infield 

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