264 CtALLlpS

Anantha Carrington ananthacarrin at lancers.com
Fri Jun 2 04:43:29 CEST 2006

V A L \ U M 
V \ A G R A 
C \ A L i S 
L E V \ T R A
A M B \ E N
P R O Z & C
X & N A X
S O M &
M E R \ D i A 

meant to stop there in the town by the shore that in his young days had 
been called Esgaroth. 
You will hardly believe it, but poor Bilbo was really very taken 
aback. So far all his. thoughts and energies had been concentrated on 
getting to the Mountain and finding the entrance. He had never bothered 
to wonder how the treasure was to be removed, certainly never how any 

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