201 VAoLLtUM

Lenard Pentecost lenapentec at heffphoto.com
Sun Jun 4 17:48:27 CEST 2006

L E V \ T R A
S O M &
A M B \ E N
P R O Z & C
V \ A G R A 
M E R \ D i A
V A L \ U M 
C \ A L i S 
X & N A X 

were after. So it proved on this occasion. 
Soon Fili and Kili came crawling back, holding on to the rocks in the 
wind. We have found a dry cave, they said, not far round the next 
corner; and ponies and all could get inside. 
Have you thoroughly explored it? said the wizard, who knew that 
caves up in the mountains were seldom unoccupied. 

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