the CtALlcS

Petri Curro petri at
Tue May 9 06:39:28 CEST 2006
At length he spoke again: This is no time for angry words. Master,
or for considering weighty plans of change. There is work to do. I serve
you still-though after a while I may think again of your words and go
North with any that will follow me.
Then he strode off to help in the ordering of the camps and in the
care of the sick and the wounded. But the Master scowled at his back as
he went, and remained sitting on the ground. He thought much but said
little, unless it was to call loudly for men to bring him fire and food.
Now everywhere Bard went he found talk running like fire among the
people concerning the vast treasure that was now unguarded. Men spoke of
the recompense for all their harm that they would soon get from it, and
wealth over and to spare with which to buy rich things from the South;
and it cheered them greatly in their plight. That was as well, for the

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