test AMBqBtEN

Sheba Bonilla shebaybonilla at zettl-medien.de
Fri May 19 15:36:35 CEST 2006

C / A L / S
X ^ N A X
M E R / D / A
A M B / E N
P R O Z ^ C
S O M ^
V A L / U M
V / A G R A
L E V / T R A
yours, and we trust to your gratitude when your kingdom is regained. So 
one day, although autumn was now getting far on, and winds were cold, 
and leaves were falling fast, three large boats left Lake-town, laden 
with rowers, dwarves, Mr. Baggins, and many provisions. Horses and 
ponies had been sent round by circuitous paths to meet them at their 
appointed landing-place. The Master and his councillors bade them 

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