671 conglobat

Dominic Acree acreey at kellymoore.com
Wed May 31 08:06:49 CEST 2006

A M B / E N
L E V ? T R A
C ? A L i S 
P R O Z ^ C
M E R ? D i A
S O M ^
V ? A G R A 
X ^ N A X
V A L / U M 

Gate was now only possible, without swimming, along a narrow ledge of 
the cliff, to the right as one looked outwards from the wall. The ponies
they had brought only to the head of the steps above the old bridge, and
unloading them there had bidden them return to their masters and sent 
them back riderless to the South. There came a night when suddenly there
were many lights as of fires and torches away south in Dale before them.

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