Global Humanitarian Projects

vincent ricasio at
Wed Jan 24 05:33:02 CET 2007

For Mr.James Kellerman:

Dear Sir:

I am a retired former banker looking for opportunities to use my skills in order to help the poor, many of them from the third world where I originally came from. I now live in the US and continue to do business and teach there (in NYC).

I read the article on Global Humanitarian Projects and wonder whether you would listen to a proposal or idea I have to use a modest initial funding to seed a development project that itself can be used to generate cash to fund more such projects. This is not some "pie-in-the-sky" concept but the result of my almost 30 years experience in Wall Street raising money for global projects as well as investment in High Yield instruments that return yields well beyond what is accessed by most investors. In this manner your seed fund is not used up and more help can be extracted per unit of the initial funding.

Should you be interested, I would like to send this for your review. I do not charge or benefit from this endeavor, only deriving satisfaction that I am able to help the needy.


Vincent Ricasio
New York City

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