Stop settling for scraps on Tinder

Tommy Jensen tommy at
Fri Jul 7 19:28:37 CEST 2023


As a regular guy, is it possible to sleep with multiple women every
week without much effort?

Well yes, actually it is.

The guys that are sleeping with 5+ women on a weekly basis are not
special in any way, they just do things differently to you and I.

They understand what women are hard-wired to find attractive in a man.

If you're curious what that is... WATCH THIS VIDEO.


Within the first 60 seconds, you’ll realize why 10% of men get 90%
of women.

It’s not a mistake or something that will EVER change. It’s human
nature and hard-wired into both sexes.

But... you CAN become part of that 10% if you know the tricks outlined
in the video.

(feminists are very angry about this video, so it might not be up for





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