State of userland headers

Jeff Dike jdike at
Sat Mar 25 17:03:01 CET 2006

On Sat, Mar 25, 2006 at 01:33:55AM -0500, Kyle Moffett wrote:
> So perhaps could we define an informal subset of the kernel code that  
> works in both userspace and kernel-space and put it in include/libk?   
> Stuff like linked lists, spinlocks (depends on arch, may not be  
> supported), etc could be in linux/libk and linux/include/libk or  
> similar, and then from there included into linux/include/linux/ 
> list.h, etc, as well as into the UML files that need it.  Since the  
> provider and user would both be the Linux kernel, I see no issues  
> with trying to provide a stable interface of any kind, especially if  
> we document it as "PRIVATE - FOR KERNEL USE ONLY!!!" with big warning  
> signs. As a nice bonus, this would make it possible to implement some  
> user-space unit tests of various pieces.

This would be perfect.


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