First draft of procedure

Lukas Dobrek dobrek w
Sob, 21 Kwi 2001, 15:17:19 CEST

		*** Minimal requirements for beta testing ***

1. The package to be tested is installed in a minimal environment.
2. The environment includes only these packages, which the tested package depends on.
3. The environment includes a group of base packages which does not depend on the tested package and is selected by beta testers.
4. The testing procedure must include the following steps:
	a) checking the consistency of CVS sources with URL sources
	b) installing the package by hand
		- check if the %pre and %post scripts work correctly (e.g.
		  if the package adds necessary users/groups and if they have
		  UIDs/GIDs consistent with CVS PLD-doc/uid_gid.db.txt file)
	c) upgrading the package after rebuilding it locally with a higher revision number
	d) removing the package by hand
		- check if the %preun and %postun scripts work correctly
	e) do all package-specific checks
		- are the example config files OK?
		- do the rc-scripts files work?
		- does the daemon start up correctly immediately after

It is impossible to specify a detailed list of necessary or possible tests for
each package. Each case should be treated individually.

It is very important for the beta testers to document fully all the tests which they carried out and to commit them to the CVS. Also, all the tools which they create for testing, should be committed to the CVS.

Łukasz Dobrek
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Appelstraße 2, 30167 Hannover, Germany
e-mail:dobrek w
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