[MBT] new ticket for pkg octave-devel "wrong path to includes"

bugs at pld.org.pl bugs at pld.org.pl
Wed Sep 18 22:54:28 CEST 2002

Date: 2002-09-18 22:54:27+02	Author: The Undefined (undefine) <undefine at pld.org.pl> 
Title:         wrong path to includes
Ticket ID:     #333
Ticket URL:    http://bugs.pld.org.pl/?bug=333
Package:       octave-devel-2.1.36-8
Distribution:  PLD-Ra.main PLD-1.0.devel.main
Category:      doesn't work as it should
Current state: opened

[undefine at atos octave]$ grep include/octave *
defaults.h:#define OCTAVE_OCTINCLUDEDIR "/usr/include/octave-2.1.36"
oct-conf.h:#define OCTAVE_CONF_MKOCTFILE_INCFLAGS "-I/usr/include/octave-2.1.36 -I/usr/include/octave-2.1.36/octave -I/usr/include" 
[undefine at atos octave]$ rpm -qf /usr/include/octave/ /usr/include/octave-2.1.36
błąd: plik /usr/include/octave-2.1.36: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu
[undefine at atos octave]$ pwd

now some programs use octave doesn't build correctly

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