[MBT] new ticket for pkg kernel "Nothing appeares in /proc/acpi/events"

bugs at pld-linux.org bugs at pld-linux.org
Thu Oct 30 23:25:05 CET 2003

Date: 2003-10-30 23:25:04+01	Author: Łukasz Maśko (paranoid) <masko at ipipan.waw.pl> 
Title:         Nothing appeares in /proc/acpi/events
Ticket ID:     #763
Ticket URL:    http://bugs.pld-linux.org/?bug=763
Package:       kernel-2.4.22-1.4
Category:      doesn't work as it should
Current state: opened

Probably ACPI is broken. No events are reported via /proc/acpi/events (I've checked button events). It worked fine in 2.4.18-2.8 (which I also have installed). In this way, it's impossible to use such deamons as acpid.

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