SOURCES: gcc33-multi32-hack.patch (NEW) - optimalization hack for ...

misi3k misi3k at
Mon Jun 20 12:23:32 CEST 2005

Author: misi3k                       Date: Mon Jun 20 10:23:32 2005 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- optimalization hack for sparc64 from aurora

---- Files affected:
   gcc33-multi32-hack.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/gcc33-multi32-hack.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/gcc33-multi32-hack.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Mon Jun 20 12:23:32 2005
+++ SOURCES/gcc33-multi32-hack.patch	Mon Jun 20 12:23:27 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+This is an optimization hack which should only be present
+in a sparc 32bit driver of the compiler compiled with
+host/target/build sparc64-redhat-linux --with-cpu=v7.
+As long long HOST_WIDE_INT slows things down, we can have in
+addition to the sparc64-*/3.2/{cc1,cc1plus}
+sparc-*/3.2/{cc1,cc1plus} binaries which are suitable for compiling
+-m32 code only, but use long HOST_WIDE_INT.
+--- gcc/gcc.c.jj	2003-05-15 18:06:04.000000000 -0400
++++ gcc/gcc.c	2003-05-20 10:31:15.000000000 -0400
+@@ -3003,6 +3003,8 @@ process_command (argc, argv)
+   int have_c = 0;
+   int have_o = 0;
+   int lang_n_infiles = 0;
++  int m64 = 0;
++  int used_B = 0;
+   int is_modify_target_name;
+   int j;
+@@ -3493,6 +3495,7 @@ warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY o
+ 			    PREFIX_PRIORITY_B_OPT, 0, &warn_B, 0);
+ 		add_prefix (&include_prefixes, concat (value, "include", NULL),
++		used_B = 1;
+ 		n_switches++;
+ 	      }
+ 	      break;
+@@ -3555,6 +3558,13 @@ warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY o
+ #endif
+ 	      goto normal_switch;
++	    /* HACK START */
++	    case 'm':
++	      if (p[1] == '6' && p[2] == '4')
++		m64 = 1;
++	    /* FALLTHROUGH */
++	    /* HACK END */
+ 	    default:
+ 	    normal_switch:
+@@ -3621,6 +3631,26 @@ warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY o
+   /* Use 2 as fourth arg meaning try just the machine as a suffix,
+      as well as trying the machine and the version.  */
+ #ifndef OS2
++  /* HACK START */
++  if (!m64 && !used_B && !strncmp (spec_machine, "sparc64-", 8))
++    {
++      const char *sparc32_exec_prefix =
++	concat (standard_exec_prefix, "sparc-", spec_machine + 8,
++		dir_separator_str, spec_version, dir_separator_str, NULL);
++      add_prefix (&exec_prefixes, sparc32_exec_prefix, "GCC",
++		  PREFIX_PRIORITY_LAST, 0, warn_std_ptr, 0);
++    }
++  /* HACK END */
++  /* HACK START */
++  if (!m64 && !used_B && !strncmp (spec_machine, "ppc64-", 6))
++    {
++      const char *ppc32_exec_prefix =
++	concat (standard_exec_prefix, "ppc-", spec_machine + 6,
++		dir_separator_str, spec_version, dir_separator_str, NULL);
++      add_prefix (&exec_prefixes, ppc32_exec_prefix, "GCC",
++		  PREFIX_PRIORITY_LAST, 0, warn_std_ptr, 0);
++    }
++  /* HACK END */
+   add_prefix (&exec_prefixes, standard_exec_prefix, "GCC",
+ 	      PREFIX_PRIORITY_LAST, 1, warn_std_ptr, 0);
+   add_prefix (&exec_prefixes, standard_exec_prefix, "BINUTILS",

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