SOURCES: nagios.vim (NEW) - add to SOURCES instead

glen glen at
Mon Jul 18 17:08:08 CEST 2005

Author: glen                         Date: Mon Jul 18 15:08:08 2005 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- add to SOURCES instead

---- Files affected:
   nagios.vim (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/nagios.vim
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/nagios.vim:1.1
--- /dev/null	Mon Jul 18 17:08:08 2005
+++ SOURCES/nagios.vim	Mon Jul 18 17:08:03 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Filename:	nagios.vim
+" Language:     Nagios template object configuration file
+" Maintainer:	Lance Albertson <ramereth at>
+" Orginal Author: Ava Arachne Jarvis <ajar at>
+" URL:
+"  * previous URL appears to be dead
+" Version:	0.1
+" Last Change:  2005 Jan 4
+if !exists("main_syntax")
+  if version < 600
+    syntax clear
+  elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+    finish
+  endif
+  let main_syntax = 'nagios'
+if version >= 600
+  setlocal iskeyword=_,-,A-Z,a-z,48-57
+syn match nagiosComment '#.*'
+syn match nagiosConstant '\<[0-9]\+%\?\>'
+syn match nagiosConstant '\<[a-z]\>'
+syn region nagiosString  start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=nagiosMacro
+syn region nagiosString  start=+'+ end=+'+ contains=nagiosMacro
+syn keyword nagiosSpecial  name register use
+syn match nagiosDef 'define[ \t]\+\(\(host\|service\)extinfo\|host\|service\|timeperiod\|contact\|command\)'
+syn match nagiosDef 'define[ \t]\+\(host\|contact\|service\)group'
+syn match nagiosDef 'define[ \t]\+\(service\|host\)dependency'
+syn match nagiosDef 'define[ \t]\+\(service\|host\|hostgroup\)escalation'
+syn match nagiosMacro  '\$CONTACT\(NAME\|ALIAS\|EMAIL\|PAGER\)\$'
+syn match nagiosMacro  '\$\(ARG\|USER\)\([1-9]\|[1-2][0-9]\|3[0-2]\)\$'
+syn match nagiosMacro  '\$\(OUTPUT\|PERFDATA\|EXECUTIONTIME\|LATENCY\)\$'
+syn match nagiosMacro  '\$NOTIFICATION\(TYPE\|NUMBER\)\$'
+syn match nagiosMacro  '\$\(\(SHORT\|LONG\)\?DATETIME\|DATE\|TIME\|TIMET\)\$'
+syn match nagiosMacro  '\$\(LASTSTATECHANGE\|STATETYPE\)\$'
+syn match nagiosMacro  '\$ADMIN\(EMAIL\|PAGER\)\$'
+syn match nagiosMacro  '\$\(SERVICE\|HOST\)ATTEMPT\$'
+syn match nagiosMacro  '\$LAST\(HOST\|SERVICE\)CHECK\$'
+syn region nagiosDefBody start='{' end='}' contains=nagiosDirective,nagiosMacro,nagiosConstant,nagiosString,nagiosSpecial transparent
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  active_checks_enabled address alias check_command
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  check_freshness check_period checks_enabled check_interval
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  command_line command_name
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  contact_groups contact_name contactgroup_name
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  dependent_host_name dependent_service_description
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  email event_handler event_handler_enabled
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  execution_failure_criteria first_notification execution_failure_options
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  flap_detection_enabled freshness_threshold failure_prediction_enabled
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  friday high_flap_threshold host_name
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  host_notification_commands
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  host_notification_options
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  host_notification_period hostgroup_name
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  is_volatile last_notification
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  low_flap_threshold max_check_attempts
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  members monday normal_check_interval
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  notification_failure_criteria notification_failure_options
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  notification_interval notification_options
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  notification_period notifications_enabled
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  obsess_over_service pager parallelize_check
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  parents passive_checks_enabled
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  process_perf_data retain_nonstatus_information
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  retain_status_information retry_check_interval
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  saturday service_description
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  service_notification_commands
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  service_notification_options
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  service_notification_period stalking_options
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  sunday thursday timeperiod_name tuesday wednesday
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  icon_image icon_image_alt vrml_image statusmap_image
+syn keyword nagiosDirective  notes notes_url 2d_coords 3d_coords obsess_over_host inherits_parent
+hi link nagiosComment Comment
+hi link nagiosConstant Number
+hi link nagiosDef Statement
+hi link nagiosDirective Define
+hi link nagiosMacro Macro
+hi link nagiosString String
+hi link nagiosSpecial Special

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