SPECS: fonts-TTF-Bitstream-Cyberfonts.spec - use shared license-in...
glen at pld-linux.org
Sun Aug 28 18:02:57 CEST 2005
Author: glen Date: Sun Aug 28 16:02:57 2005 GMT
Module: SPECS Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- use shared license-installer.sh script
- make package build work on end-user
- rel 2
---- Files affected:
fonts-TTF-Bitstream-Cyberfonts.spec (1.4 -> 1.5)
---- Diffs:
Index: SPECS/fonts-TTF-Bitstream-Cyberfonts.spec
diff -u SPECS/fonts-TTF-Bitstream-Cyberfonts.spec:1.4 SPECS/fonts-TTF-Bitstream-Cyberfonts.spec:1.5
--- SPECS/fonts-TTF-Bitstream-Cyberfonts.spec:1.4 Sun Aug 28 17:42:32 2005
+++ SPECS/fonts-TTF-Bitstream-Cyberfonts.spec Sun Aug 28 18:02:51 2005
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
Name: %{base_name}-installer
Version: 1.0
-Release: 1%{?with_license_agreement:wla}
+Release: 2%{?with_license_agreement:wla}
License: Nondistributable but free (See Bitstream-Cyberfonts-licence.txt)
Group: Fonts
%if %{with license_agreement}
@@ -23,11 +23,15 @@
# NoSource1-md5: 63a6f607ac5a78d34b67247b893faf5b
Source2: ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/communicator/extras/fonts/windows/CyberCJK.ZIP
# NoSource2-md5: 63a6f607ac5a78d34b67247b893faf5b
-Source3: %{base_name}-licence.txt
BuildRequires: unzip
+# we need the -installer package as otherwise can't make end-user
+# package to work. see also comments in %%prep section.
+BuildRequires: %{base_name}-installer
Requires: %{_fontsdir}/TTF
Requires(post,postun): fontpostinst
+Source0: license-installer.sh
+Source1: %{base_name}-licence.txt
Requires: unzip
Requires: rpm-build-tools
Requires: wget
@@ -39,25 +43,23 @@
Bitstream Cyberfonts True Type font.
-%if ! %{with license_agreement}
+%if %{without license_agreement}
License issues made us not to include inherent files into this package
by default. If you want to
create full working package please build it with one of the following
%{base_name}.install --with license_agreement %{_datadir}/%{base_name}/%{base_name}.spec
-%{base_name}.install --with license_agreement ftp://ftp.pld-linux.org/dists/ac/PLD/<your_arch>/PLD/RPMS/%{base_name}-{version}-{release}.src.rpm
%description -l pl
Font True Type Cyberfonts firmy Bitstream.
-%if ! %{with license_agreement}
+%if %{without license_agreement}
Kwestie licencji zmusiły nas do niedołączania do tego pakietu istotnych
plików. Jeśli chcesz stworzyć
w pełni funkcjonalny pakiet, zbuduj go za pomocą polecenia:
%{base_name}.install --with license_agreement %{_datadir}/%{base_name}/%{base_name}.spec
-%{base_name}.install --with license_agreement ftp://ftp.pld-linux.org/dists/ac/PLD/<your_arch>/PLD/RPMS/%{base_name}-{version}-{release}.src.rpm
@@ -66,76 +68,31 @@
/usr/bin/unzip -L %{SOURCE0}
/usr/bin/unzip -L %{SOURCE1}
/usr/bin/unzip -L %{SOURCE2}
-install %{SOURCE3} ./
+# ugly hack, to work with -installer package, when it may not fetch this file
+# from CVS with builder (-nc, -ncs)
+install %{_datadir}/%{base_name}/Bitstream-Cyberfonts-licence.txt .
-%if ! %{with license_agreement}
+%if %{without license_agreement}
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_bindir},%{_datadir}/%{base_name}}
-cat <<EOF >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/%{base_name}.install
-if [ "\$1" = "--with" -a "\$2" = "license_agreement" ]
- TMPDIR=\`rpm --eval "%%{tmpdir}"\`; export TMPDIR
- SPECDIR=\`rpm --eval "%%{_specdir}"\`; export SPECDIR
- SRPMDIR=\`rpm --eval "%%{_srcrpmdir}"\`; export SRPMDIR
- SOURCEDIR=\`rpm --eval "%%{_sourcedir}"\`; export SOURCEDIR
- BUILDDIR=\`rpm --eval "%%{_builddir}"\`; export BUILDDIR
- RPMDIR=\`rpm --eval "%%{_rpmdir}"\`; export RPMDIR
- if [ -f \$SPECDIR/%{base_name}.spec ]; then
- mv -f \$SPECDIR/%{base_name}.spec \$SPECDIR/%{base_name}.spec.prev
- fi
- if echo "\$3" | grep '\.src\.rpm$' >/dev/null; then
- ( cd \$SRPMDIR
- if echo "\$3" | grep '://' >/dev/null; then
- wget --passive-ftp -t0 "\$3"
- else
- cp -f "\$3" .
- fi
- rpm2cpio \`basename "\$3"\` | ( cd \$TMPDIR; cpio -i %{base_name}.spec ) )
- if ! cp -i \$TMPDIR/%{base_name}.spec \$SPECDIR/%{base_name}.spec; then
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- if ! cp -i "\$3" \$SPECDIR; then
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- ( cd \$SPECDIR
- %{_bindir}/builder -nc -ncs --with license_agreement --opts --target=%{_target_cpu} %{base_name}.spec
- if [ "\$?" -ne 0 ]; then
- exit 2
- fi
- RPMNAME=%{base_name}-%{version}-%{release}wla.noarch.rpm
- rpm -U \$RPMDIR/\$RPMNAME || \
- echo -e Install manually the file:\\\n \$RPMDIR/\$RPMNAME )
- if [ "\$BACKUP_SPEC" -eq 1 ]; then
- mv -f \$SPECDIR/%{base_name}.spec.prev \$SPECDIR/%{base_name}.spec
- fi
- cat %{_datadir}/%{base_name}/Microsot-EULA.txt
- echo "
-License issues made us not to include inherent files into this package
-by default. If you want to
-create full working package please build it with the following command:
-\$0 --with license_agreement %{_datadir}/%{base_name}/%{base_name}.spec
+sed -e '
+ s/@BASE_NAME@/%{base_name}/g
+ s/@TARGET_CPU@/%{_target_cpu}/g
+ s- at VERSION@-%{version}-g
+ s- at RELEASE@-%{release}-g
+ s, at SPECFILE@,%{_datadir}/%{base_name}/%{base_name}.spec,g
+ s, at LICENSE@,%{_datadir}/%{base_name}/Bitstream-Cyberfonts-licence.txt,
+' %{SOURCE0} > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/%{base_name}.install
install %{_specdir}/%{base_name}.spec $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{base_name}
+install %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{base_name}/Bitstream-Cyberfonts-licence.txt
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{ttffontsdir}
install *.ttf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{ttffontsdir}
-install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{base_name}
-install %{SOURCE3} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{base_name}/Bitstream-Cyberfonts-licence.txt
@@ -162,11 +119,12 @@
%if %{with license_agreement}
+%doc Bitstream-Cyberfonts-licence.txt
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/%{base_name}.install
%define date %(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
@@ -174,6 +132,11 @@
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld-linux.org
+Revision 1.5 2005/08/28 16:02:51 glen
+- use shared license-installer.sh script
+- make package build work on end-user
+- rel 2
Revision 1.4 2005/08/28 15:42:32 glen
- removed superfluous Obsoletes itself
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