SOURCES: php.vim - up to ver 1.17

arekm arekm at
Thu Sep 1 21:12:11 CEST 2005

Author: arekm                        Date: Thu Sep  1 19:12:11 2005 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- up to ver 1.17

---- Files affected:
   php.vim (1.4 -> 1.5) 

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/php.vim
diff -u SOURCES/php.vim:1.4 SOURCES/php.vim:1.5
--- SOURCES/php.vim:1.4	Sat Jun 18 11:42:53 2005
+++ SOURCES/php.vim	Thu Sep  1 21:12:06 2005
@@ -2,8 +2,41 @@
 " Language:	PHP
 " Author:	John Wellesz <John.wellesz (AT) teaser (DOT) fr>
 " URL:
-" Last Change: 2005 May 31th
-" Version: 1.12
+" Last Change: 2005 June 30th
+" Version: 1.17
+" Changes: 1.17		- Now following parts of split lines are indented:
+"						Instead of:
+"							$foo=
+"							"foo"
+"							."foo";
+"						You have:
+"							$foo=
+"								"foo"
+"								."foo";
+"					- If a "case : break;" was declared on a single line, the
+"					  following "case" was not indented correctly.
+"					- If a </script> html tag was preceded by a "?>" it wasn't indented.
+"					- Some other minor corrections and improvements.
+" Changes: 1.16		- Now starting and ending '*' of multiline '/* */' comments are aligned
+"					  on the '*' of the '/*' comment starter.
+"					- Some code improvements that make indentation faster.
+" Changes: 1.15		- Corrected some problems with the indentation of
+"					  multiline "array()" declarations.
+" Changes: 1.14		- Added auto-formatting for comments (using the Vim option formatoptions=qroc).
+"					- Added the script option PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel to
+"					  indent the '{' and '}' at the same level than the
+"					  code they contain.
+" Changes: 1.13		- Some code cleaning and typo corrections (Thanks to
+"					  Emanuele Giaquinta for his patches)
 " Changes: 1.12		- The bug involving searchpair() and utf-8 encoding in Vim 6.3 will
 "					  not make this script to hang but you'll have to be
@@ -97,14 +130,6 @@
 " NOTE: This script must be used with PHP syntax ON and with the php syntax
 "		script by Lutz Eymers ( ) that's the script bundled with Gvim.
-"	This script set the option php_sync_method of PHP syntax script to 0
-"	(fromstart indenting method) in order to have an accurate syntax.
-"	If you are using very big PHP files (which is a bad idea) you will
-"	experience slowings down while editing, if your code contains only PHP
-"	code you can comment the line below.
-let php_sync_method = 0
 "	In the case you have syntax errors in your script such as end of HereDoc
 "	tags not at col 1 you'll have to indent your file 2 times (This script 
@@ -129,37 +154,62 @@
 "		   at end of lines (by default this option is unset), NOTE that you
 "		   MUST remove CR when the fileformat is UNIX else the indentation
 "		   won't be correct...
+" Options: PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel = 1 to indent the '{' and '}' at the same
+"		   level than the code they contain.
+"		   Exemple:
+"			Instead of:
+"				if ($foo)
+"				{
+"					foo();
+"				}
+"			You will write:
+"				if ($foo)
+"					{
+"					foo();
+"					}
+"			NOTE: The script will be a bit slower if you use this option because
+"			some optimizations won't be available.
-setlocal nosmartindent
-setlocal nolisp
-"This will prevent a bug involving searchpair(), its 'r' flag, utf-8 and vim 6.3
-"from occurring but will forbid you to write other '/*' inside a '/* */' comment.
-if version <= 603 && &encoding == 'utf-8'
-	let s:searchpairflags = 'bW'
-	let s:searchpairflags = 'bWr'
+" The 4 following lines prevent this script from being loaded several times per buffer.
+" They also prevent the load of different indent scripts for PHP at the same time.
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+	finish
+let b:did_indent = 1
+"	This script set the option php_sync_method of PHP syntax script to 0
+"	(fromstart indenting method) in order to have an accurate syntax.
+"	If you are using very big PHP files (which is a bad idea) you will
+"	experience slowings down while editing, if your code contains only PHP
+"	code you can comment the line below.
+let php_sync_method = 0
-if &fileformat == "unix" && exists("PHP_removeCRwhenUnix") && PHP_removeCRwhenUnix
-	let myul=&ul
-	silent! %s/\r$//g
+" Apply PHP_default_indenting option
 if exists("PHP_default_indenting")
 	let b:PHP_default_indenting = PHP_default_indenting * &sw
 	let b:PHP_default_indenting = 0
-" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded. But reset those state
-" variables
+if exists("PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel")
+	let b:PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel = PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel
+	let b:PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel = 0
 let b:PHP_lastindented = 0
 let b:PHP_indentbeforelast = 0
 let b:PHP_indentinghuge = 0
 let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = b:PHP_default_indenting
 let b:PHP_LastIndentedWasComment = 0
+let b:PHP_InsideMultilineComment = 0
 " PHP code detect variables
 let b:InPHPcode = 0
 let b:InPHPcode_checked = 0
@@ -167,22 +217,33 @@
 let b:InPHPcode_tofind = ""
 let b:PHP_oldchangetick = b:changedtick
 let b:UserIsTypingComment = 0
+let b:optionsset = 0
-if exists("b:did_indent")
-	finish
-let b:did_indent = 1
+" The 4 options belows are overriden by indentexpr so they are always off
+" anyway...
 setlocal nosmartindent
-setlocal nolisp
+setlocal noautoindent 
 setlocal nocindent
-setlocal autoindent
+setlocal nolisp " autoindent must be on, so this line is also useless...
 setlocal indentexpr=GetPhpIndent()
 setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},0),:,!^F,o,O,e,*<Return>,=?>,=<?,=*/
-" Only define the function once.
+"This will prevent a bug involving searchpair(), its 'r' flag, utf-8 and vim 6.3
+"from occurring but will forbid you to write other '/*' inside a '/* */' comment.
+if version <= 603 && &encoding == 'utf-8'
+	let s:searchpairflags = 'bW'
+	let s:searchpairflags = 'bWr'
+" Clean CR when the file is in Unix format
+if &fileformat == "unix" && exists("PHP_removeCRwhenUnix") && PHP_removeCRwhenUnix
+	silent! %s/\r$//g
+" Only define the functions once per Vim session.
 if exists("*GetPhpIndent")
 	finish " XXX
@@ -205,14 +266,14 @@
 		" everything as php
 		if b:InPHPcode_and_script && lastline =~ '?>\s*$'
 			let lnum = lnum - 1
+		elseif lastline =~ '^\s*?>.*<?\%(php\)\=\s*$'
+			let lnum = lnum - 1
 		elseif lastline =~ '^\s*\%(//\|#\|/\*.*\*/\s*$\)' " if line is under comment
 			let lnum = lnum - 1
 		elseif lastline =~ '\*/\s*$' " skip multiline comments
 			call cursor(lnum, 1)
 			call search('\*/\zs', 'W') " positition the cursor after the first */
-			let lnum = searchpair('/\*', '', '\*/\zs', s:searchpairflags, '') " find the most outside /*
+			let lnum = searchpair('/\*', '', '\*/\zs', s:searchpairflags) " find the most outside /*
 			"echo 'lnum skipnonphp= ' . lnum
 			"call getchar()
@@ -255,6 +316,12 @@
 	if lnum==1 && getline(lnum)!~ '<?'
 		let lnum=0
+	" This is to handle correctly end of script tags; to return the real last php
+	" code line else a '?>' could be returned has last_line
+	if b:InPHPcode_and_script && !b:InPHPcode
+		let b:InPHPcode_and_script = 0
+	endif
 	return lnum
 " }}}
@@ -264,7 +331,7 @@
 	" times faster but you may have troubles with '{' inside comments or strings
 	" that will break the indent algorithm...
 	let synname = synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name")
-	if synname == "phpParent" || synname == "javaScriptBraces" || synname == "phpComment" && b:UserIsTypingComment
+	if synname == "Delimiter" || synname == "phpParent" || synname == "javaScriptBraces" || synname == "phpComment" && b:UserIsTypingComment
 		return 0
 		return 1
@@ -299,7 +366,7 @@
 	" A closing bracket? let skip the whole block to save some recursive calls
-	if getline(beforeelse) =~ '^\s*}' " .s:endline
+	if getline(beforeelse) =~ '^\s*}'
 		let beforeelse = FindOpenBracket(beforeelse)
 		" Put us on the block starter
@@ -358,7 +425,23 @@
 " }}}
 let s:notPhpHereDoc = '\%(break\|return\|continue\|exit\);'
-let s:blockstart = '\%(\%(\%(}\s*\)\=else\%(\s\+\)\=\)\=if\>\|while\>\|for\%(each\)\=\>\|declare\|||\|&&\>\)'
+let s:blockstart = '\%(\%(\%(}\s*\)\=else\%(\s\+\)\=\)\=if\>\|while\>\|switch\>\|for\%(each\)\=\>\|declare\>\|[|&]\)'
+" make sure the options needed for this script to work correctly are set here
+" for the last time. They could have been overriden by any 'onevent'
+" associated setting file...
+let s:autorestoptions = 0
+if ! s:autorestoptions
+	au BufWinEnter,Syntax	*.php,*.php3,*.php4,*.php5	call ResetOptions()
+	let s:autorestoptions = 1
+function! ResetOptions()
+	if ! b:optionsset
+		setlocal formatoptions=qroc
+		let b:optionsset = 1
+	endif
 function! GetPhpIndent()
@@ -399,6 +482,7 @@
 		let b:PHP_lastindented = v:lnum
 		let b:PHP_LastIndentedWasComment=0
+		let b:PHP_InsideMultilineComment=0
 		let b:PHP_indentbeforelast = 0
 		let b:InPHPcode = 0
@@ -471,8 +555,18 @@
 			if cline =~ '\*/' " End comment tags must be indented like start comment tags
 				call cursor(v:lnum, 1)
 				call search('\*/\zs', 'W')
-				let lnum = searchpair('/\*', '', '\*/\zs', s:searchpairflags, '') " find the most outside /*
-				return indent(lnum)
+				let lnum = searchpair('/\*', '', '\*/\zs', s:searchpairflags) " find the most outside /*
+				let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = b:PHP_default_indenting
+				let b:PHP_LastIndentedWasComment = 0 " prevent a problem if multiline /**/ comment are surounded by
+													 " other types of comments
+				if cline =~ '^\s*\*/'
+					return indent(lnum) + 1
+				else
+					return indent(lnum)
+				endif
 			elseif cline =~? '<script\>' " a more accurate test is useless since there isn't any other possibility
 				let b:InPHPcode_and_script = 1
@@ -500,8 +594,7 @@
 			" Skip /* \n+ */ comments execept when the user is currently
 			" writting them
-		elseif !UserIsEditing && cline =~ '^\s*/\*\%(.*\*/\)\@!'
-			" \ && IslinePHP(v:lnum, '/\*')=="phpComment"
+		elseif !UserIsEditing && cline =~ '^\s*/\*\%(.*\*/\)\@!' && getline(v:lnum + 1) !~ '^\s*\*' " XXX indent comments
 			let b:InPHPcode = 0
 			let b:InPHPcode_tofind = '\*/'
@@ -509,7 +602,6 @@
 			" same as php code)
 		elseif cline =~? '^\s*</script>'
 			let b:InPHPcode = 0
-			" let b:InPHPcode_and_script = 0
 			let b:InPHPcode_tofind = s:PHP_startindenttag
 	endif " }}}
@@ -517,8 +609,8 @@
 	" Non PHP code is let as it is
 	if !b:InPHPcode && !b:InPHPcode_and_script
 		return -1
-	elseif !b:InPHPcode
-		let b:InPHPcode_and_script = 0
+	"elseif !b:InPHPcode
+	"	let b:InPHPcode_and_script = 0 " now it is GetLastRealCodeLNum that resets this variable
 	" Align correctly multi // or # lines
@@ -533,6 +625,29 @@
 		let b:PHP_LastIndentedWasComment = 0
 	" }}}
+	" Indent multiline /* comments correctly {{{
+	"if we are on the start of a MULTI * beginning comment or if the user is
+	"currently typing a /* beginning comment.
+	if b:PHP_InsideMultilineComment || b:UserIsTypingComment
+		if cline =~ '^\s*\*\%(\/\)\@!'   " if cline == '*'
+			if last_line =~ '^\s*/\*' " if last_line == '/*'
+				return indent(lnum) + 1
+			else
+				return indent(lnum)
+			endif
+		else
+			let b:PHP_InsideMultilineComment = 0
+		endif
+	endif
+	if !b:PHP_InsideMultilineComment && cline =~ '^\s*/\*' " if cline == '/*'
+		let b:PHP_InsideMultilineComment = 1
+		return -1
+	endif
+	" }}}
 	" Some tags are always indented to col 1
@@ -572,18 +687,6 @@
 		return b:PHP_default_indenting
-	" if the last line is a stated line and it's not indented then why should
-	" we indent this one??
-	" if optimized mode is active and nor current or previous line are an 'else'
-	" or the end of a possible bracketless thing then indent the same as the previous
-	" line
-	if last_line =~ '[;}]'.endline && last_line !~# '^\s*\%(default\|case\).*:' 
-		if ind==b:PHP_default_indenting
-			return b:PHP_default_indenting
-		elseif b:PHP_indentinghuge && ind==b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel && cline !~# '^\s*\%(else\|\%(case\|default\).*:\|[})];\=\)' && last_line !~# '^\s*\%(\%(}\s*\)\=else\)' && getline(GetLastRealCodeLNum(lnum - 1))=~';'.endline
-			return b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel
-		endif
-	endif
 	" Search the matching open bracket (with searchpair()) and set the indent of cline
 	" to the indent of the matching line.
@@ -593,17 +696,46 @@
 		return ind
-	" While editing check for end of comment and indent it like its beginning
-	if UserIsEditing && cline =~ '\*/' " End comment tags must be indented like start comment tags
+	" Check for end of comment and indent it like its beginning
+	if cline =~ '^\s*\*/' " End comment tags must be indented like start comment tags
 		call cursor(v:lnum, 1)
 		call search('\*/\zs', 'W')
-		let lnum = searchpair('/\*', '', '\*/\zs', s:searchpairflags, '') " find the most outside /*
-		return indent(lnum)
+		let lnum = searchpair('/\*', '', '\*/\zs', s:searchpairflags) " find the most outside /*
+		let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = b:PHP_default_indenting
+		if cline =~ '^\s*\*/'
+			return indent(lnum) + 1
+		else
+			return indent(lnum)
+		endif
+	endif
+	let defaultORcase = '^\s*\%(default\|case\).*:'
+	" if the last line is a stated line and it's not indented then why should
+	" we indent this one??
+	" if optimized mode is active and nor current or previous line are an 'else'
+	" or the end of a possible bracketless thing then indent the same as the previous
+	" line
+	if last_line =~ '[;}]'.endline && last_line !~# defaultORcase 
+		if ind==b:PHP_default_indenting " if no indentation for the previous line
+			return b:PHP_default_indenting
+		elseif b:PHP_indentinghuge && ind==b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel && cline !~# '^\s*\%(else\|\%(case\|default\).*:\|[})];\=\)' && last_line !~# '^\s*\%(\%(}\s*\)\=else\)' && getline(GetLastRealCodeLNum(lnum - 1))=~';'.endline
+			return b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel
+		endif
 	let LastLineClosed = 0 " used to prevent redundant tests in the last part of the script
-	let unstated='\%(^\s*'.s:blockstart.'.*)\|\%(//.*\)\@<!\<e'.'lse\>\)'.endline
+	"let terminated = '\%(;\%(\s*?>\)\=\|<<<\a\w*\)'.endline.'\|}\%(.*{'. endline.'\)\@!'
+	let terminated = '\%(;\%(\s*?>\)\=\|<<<\a\w*\|}\)'.endline
+	" What is a terminated line?
+	" - a line terminated by a ";" optionaly followed by a "?>"
+	" - a HEREDOC starter line (the content of such block is never seen by this script)
+	" - a "}" not followed by a "{"
+	let unstated   = '\%(^\s*'.s:blockstart.'.*)\|\%(//.*\)\@<!\<e'.'lse\>\)'.endline
 	" What is an unstated line?
 	" - an "else" at the end of line
 	" - a  s:blockstart (if while etc...) followed by anything and a ")" at
@@ -633,7 +765,12 @@
 		"					lkhlkh();
 		"					echo 'infinite loop\n';
 		"				}
-	elseif ind != b:PHP_default_indenting && last_line =~ ';'.endline.'\|^\s*}\%(.*{'. endline.'\)\@!'
+		"
+		"	OR even (ADDED for version 1.17 - no modification required )
+		"
+		"			$thing =
+		"				"something";
+	elseif ind != b:PHP_default_indenting && last_line =~ terminated
 		" If we are here it means that the previous line is:
 		" - a *;$ line
 		" - a [beginning-blanck] } followed by anything but a { $
@@ -694,7 +831,7 @@
 				" If we find a '{' or a case/default then we are inside that block so lets
 				" indent properly... Like the line following that block starter
-				if previous_line =~# '^\s*\%(case\|default\).*:\|{'.endline
+				if previous_line =~# defaultORcase.'\|{'.endline
@@ -720,13 +857,17 @@
 		if indent(last_match) != ind " if nothing was done lets the old script continue
 			let ind = indent(last_match) " let's use the indent of the last line matched by the alhorithm above
-			let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = b:PHP_default_indenting "line added in version 1.02 to prevent optimized mode
+			let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = b:PHP_default_indenting " line added in version 1.02 to prevent optimized mode
 			" from acting in some special cases
+			" case and default are indented 1 level below
+			if cline =~# defaultORcase
+				let ind = ind - &sw
+			endif
 			return ind
 	let plinnum = GetLastRealCodeLNum(lnum - 1)
 	let pline = getline(plinnum) " previous to last line
@@ -737,28 +878,68 @@
 	" Sorry for this unreadable thing...
 	let last_line = substitute(last_line,"\\(//\\|#\\)\\(\\(\\([^\"']*\\([\"']\\)[^\"']*\\5\\)\\+[^\"']*$\\)\\|\\([^\"']*$\\)\\)",'','')
+	if ind == b:PHP_default_indenting
+		if last_line =~ terminated
+			let LastLineClosed = 1
+		endif
+	endif
 	" Indent blocks enclosed by {} or () (default indenting)
 	if !LastLineClosed " the last line isn't a .*; or a }$ line
+		" Indent correctly multilevel and multiline '(.*)' things
 		" if the last line is a [{(]$ or a multiline function call (or array
 		" declaration) with already one parameter on the opening ( line
 		if last_line =~# '[{(]'.endline || last_line =~? '\h\w*\s*(.*,$' && pline !~ '[,(]'.endline
-			let ind = ind + &sw
-			if cline !~# '^\s*\%(default\|case\).*:' " case and default are not indented inside blocks
+			if !b:PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel || last_line !~# '^\s*{' " XXX mod {
+				let ind = ind + &sw
+			endif
+			if b:PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel || cline !~# defaultORcase " XXX mod (2) {
+				" case and default are not indented inside blocks
 				let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = ind
 				return ind
+			" If the last line isn't empty and ends with a '),' then check if the
+			" ')' was oppened on the same line, if not it means it closes a
+			" multiline '(.*)' thing and that the current line need to be
+			" de-indented one time.
+		elseif last_line =~ '\S\+\s*),'.endline
+			call cursor(lnum, 1)
+			call search('),'.endline, 'W')
+			let openedparent = searchpair('(', '', ')', 'bW', 'Skippmatch()')
+			if openedparent != lnum
+				let ind = indent(openedparent)
+			endif
+			" In all other cases if the last line isn't terminated indent 1
+			" level higher but only if the line before the last line wasn't
+			" indented for the same reason.
+		elseif cline !~ '^\s*{' && pline =~ '\%(;\%(\s*?>\)\=\|<<<\a\w*\|{\|^\s*'.s:blockstart.'\s*(.*)\)'.endline.'\|^\s*}\|'.defaultORcase
+			let ind = ind + &sw
+		" If the PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel is set then indent the '{'
+		if  b:PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel && cline =~# '^\s*{' " XXX mod {
+			let ind = ind + &sw
+		endif
+	elseif last_line =~# defaultORcase
+		let ind = ind + &sw
-	" If the current line closes a multiline function call or array def
+	" If the current line closes a multiline function call or array def XXX
 	if cline =~  '^\s*);\='
 		let ind = ind - &sw
-	elseif cline =~# '^\s*\%(default\|case\).*:'
+		" CASE and DEFAULT are indented at the same level than the SWITCH
+	elseif cline =~# defaultORcase
 		let ind = ind - &sw
-	endif
-	if last_line =~# '^\s*\%(default\|case\).*:'
-		let ind = ind + &sw
 	let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = ind

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