SOURCES: vim-gtkfilechooser-bonobo.patch (NEW), vim-bonobo-2005090...

emes emes at
Fri Sep 9 22:12:43 CEST 2005

Author: emes                         Date: Fri Sep  9 20:12:43 2005 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- updated patches to build with bonobo component

---- Files affected:
   vim-gtkfilechooser-bonobo.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW), vim-bonobo-20050909.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/vim-gtkfilechooser-bonobo.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/vim-gtkfilechooser-bonobo.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Fri Sep  9 22:12:43 2005
+++ SOURCES/vim-gtkfilechooser-bonobo.patch	Fri Sep  9 22:12:38 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+diff -urN vim63-pld-before-gtkchooser/src/gui_gtk.c vim63-pld-with-gtkchooser/src/gui_gtk.c
+--- vim63-pld-before-gtkchooser/src/gui_gtk.c	2005-09-09 16:33:27.806599424 +0200
++++ vim63-pld-with-gtkchooser/src/gui_gtk.c	2005-09-09 16:38:56.025702536 +0200
+@@ -39,6 +39,15 @@
+ #include "vim.h"
++/* Check to see if we are able to use GtkFileChooser */
++#if defined(HAVE_GTK2)
++# endif
+ #if 0
+ /* Gnome redefines _() and N_().  Grrr... */
+ # ifdef _
+@@ -1547,6 +1556,7 @@
+  * Implementation of the file selector related stuff
+  */
++#if !defined(HAVE_FILECHOOSER)
+     static void
+ browse_ok_cb(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer cbdata)
+@@ -1578,6 +1588,7 @@
+     if (MAIN_LEVEL() > 0)
+ }
+     static gboolean
+@@ -1615,7 +1626,11 @@
+ 	       char_u *initdir,
+ 	       char_u *filter)
+ {
++#if !defined(HAVE_FILECHOOSER)
+     GtkFileSelection *fs;	/* shortcut */
++    GtkFileChooserDialog *fs;
+     char_u dirbuf[MAXPATHL];
+     char_u *p;
+@@ -1625,6 +1640,7 @@
+     if (!gui.filedlg)
+     {
++#if !defined(HAVE_FILECHOOSER)
+ 	gui.filedlg = gtk_file_selection_new((const gchar *)title);
+ 	gtk_window_set_modal(GTK_WINDOW(gui.filedlg), TRUE);
+ 	gtk_window_set_transient_for(GTK_WINDOW(gui.filedlg),
+@@ -1641,6 +1657,26 @@
+ 	gtk_signal_connect_object(GTK_OBJECT(gui.filedlg),
+ 		"destroy", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(browse_destroy_cb),
+ 		GTK_OBJECT(gui.filedlg));
++        if(saving == 0)
++            gui.filedlg = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new ((const gchar *)title,
++                    GTK_WINDOW(gui.mainwin),
++                    GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN,
++                    GTK_STOCK_OPEN, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT,
++                    NULL);
++        else
++            gui.filedlg = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new ((const gchar *)title,
++                    GTK_WINDOW(gui.mainwin),
++                    GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE,
++                    GTK_STOCK_SAVE, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT,
++                    NULL);
++        gtk_window_set_modal(GTK_WINDOW(gui.filedlg), TRUE);
++        fs = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_DIALOG(gui.filedlg);
++        gtk_container_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(fs), 4);
+     }
+     else
+ 	gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(gui.filedlg), (const gchar *)title);
+@@ -1665,16 +1701,40 @@
+ 			      && STRLEN(dirbuf) + 2 + STRLEN(dflt) < MAXPATHL)
+ 	STRCAT(dirbuf, dflt);
+-    gtk_file_selection_set_filename(GTK_FILE_SELECTION(gui.filedlg),
+-						      (const gchar *)dirbuf);
++#if !defined(HAVE_FILECHOOSER)
++	gtk_file_selection_set_filename(GTK_FILE_SELECTION(gui.filedlg),
++				(const gchar *)dirbuf);
++	if((dirbuf[STRLEN(dirbuf) - 1]) == '/')
++	    gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(fs),
++		    (const gchar *)dirbuf);
++	else
++	    gtk_file_chooser_set_filename(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(fs),
++		    (const gchar *)dirbuf);
+ # ifndef HAVE_GTK2
+     gui_gtk_position_in_parent(GTK_WIDGET(gui.mainwin),
+ 				       GTK_WIDGET(gui.filedlg), VW_POS_MOUSE);
+ # endif
++#if !defined(HAVE_FILECHOOSER)
+     gtk_widget_show(gui.filedlg);
+     while (gui.filedlg && GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE(gui.filedlg))
++    if (gui.browse_fname != NULL) {
++	g_free(gui.browse_fname);
++	gui.browse_fname = NULL;
++    }
++    if (gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(fs)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
++	gui.browse_fname = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename(
++    gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(fs));
++    gui.filedlg = NULL;
+     if (gui.browse_fname == NULL)
+ 	return NULL;
+Files vim63-pld-before-gtkchooser/src/.gui_gtk.c.rej.swp and vim63-pld-with-gtkchooser/src/.gui_gtk.c.rej.swp differ

Index: SOURCES/vim-bonobo-20050909.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/vim-bonobo-20050909.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Fri Sep  9 22:12:43 2005
+++ SOURCES/vim-bonobo-20050909.patch	Fri Sep  9 22:12:38 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,72112 @@
+diff -Nur vim63/runtime/doc/gui.txt.orig vim63-bonobo/runtime/doc/gui.txt.orig
+--- vim63/runtime/doc/gui.txt.orig	2004-06-07 11:05:18.000000000 +0200
++++ vim63-bonobo/runtime/doc/gui.txt.orig	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1,951 +0,0 @@
+-*gui.txt*       For Vim version 6.3.  Last change: 2004 Jun 02
+-		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
+-Vim's Graphical User Interface				*gui* *GUI*
+-1. Starting the GUI		|gui-start|
+-2. Scrollbars			|gui-scrollbars|
+-3. Mouse Control		|gui-mouse|
+-4. Making GUI Selections	|gui-selections|
+-5. Menus			|menus|
+-6. Extras			|gui-extras|
+-7. Shell Commands		|gui-shell|
+-Other GUI documentation:
+-|gui_x11.txt|	For specific items of the X11 GUI.
+-|gui_w32.txt|	For specific items of the Win32 GUI.
+-{Vi does not have any of these commands}
+-1. Starting the GUI				*gui-start* *E229* *E233*
+-First you must make sure you actually have a version of Vim with the GUI code
+-included.  You can check this with the ":version" command, it should include
+-"+GUI_Athena", "+GUI_BeOS", "+GUI_GTK", "+GUI_Motif" or "MS-Windows ... bit
+-GUI version".
+-How to start the GUI depends on the system used.  Mostly you can run the
+-GUI version of Vim with:
+-    gvim [options] [files...]
+-The X11 version of Vim can run both in GUI and in non-GUI mode.  See
+-					*gui-init* *gvimrc* *.gvimrc* *_gvimrc*
+-When the GUI starts up initializations are carried out, in this order:
+-- The termcap options are reset to their default value for the GUI.
+-- If the system menu file exists, it is sourced.  The name of this file is
+-  normally "$VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim".  You can check this with ":version".  Also
+-  see |$VIMRUNTIME|.  To skip loading the system menu include 'M' in
+-  'guioptions'.				*buffers-menu* *no_buffers_menu*
+-  The system menu file includes a "Buffers" menu.  If you don't want this, set
+-  the "no_buffers_menu" variable in your .vimrc (not .gvimrc!): >
+-	:let no_buffers_menu = 1
+-< NOTE: Switching on syntax highlighting also loads the menu file, thus
+-  disabling the Buffers menu must be done before ":syntax on".
+-  The path names are truncated to 35 characters.  You can truncate them at a
+-  different length, for example 50, like this: >
+-	:let bmenu_max_pathlen = 50
+-- If the "-U {gvimrc}" command-line option has been used when starting Vim,
+-  the {gvimrc} file will be read for initializations.  The following
+-  initializations are skipped.
+-- For Unix and MS-Windows, if the system gvimrc exists, it is sourced.  The
+-  name of this file is normally "$VIM/gvimrc".  You can check this with
+-  ":version".  Also see |$VIM|.
+-- The following are tried, and only the first one that exists is used:
+-  - If the GVIMINIT environment variable exists and is not empty, it is
+-    executed as an Ex command.
+-  - If the user gvimrc file exists, it is sourced.  The name of this file is
+-    normally "$HOME/.gvimrc".  You can check this with ":version".
+-  - For Win32, when $HOME is not set, "$VIM\_gvimrc" is used.
+-  - When a "_gvimrc" file is not found, ".gvimrc" is tried too.  And vice
+-    versa.
+-- If the 'exrc' option is set (which is NOT the default) the file ./.gvimrc
+-  is sourced, if it exists and isn't the same file as the system or user
+-  gvimrc file.  If this file is not owned by you, some security restrictions
+-  apply.  When ".gvimrc" is not found, "_gvimrc" is tried too.  For Macintosh
+-  and DOS/Win32 "_gvimrc" is tried first.
+-NOTE: All but the first one are not carried out if Vim was started with
+-"-u NONE" and no "-U" argument was given, or when started with "-U NONE".
+-All this happens AFTER the normal Vim initializations, like reading your
+-.vimrc file.  See |initialization|.
+-But the GUI window is only opened after all the initializations have been
+-carried out.  If you want some commands to be executed just after opening the
+-GUI window, use the |GUIEnter| autocommand event.  Example: >
+-	:autocommand GUIEnter * winpos 100 50
+-You can use the gvimrc files to set up your own customized menus (see |:menu|)
+-and initialize other things that you may want to set up differently from the
+-terminal version.
+-Recommended place for your personal GUI initializations:
+-	Unix		    $HOME/.gvimrc
+-	OS/2		    $HOME/.gvimrc or $VIM/.gvimrc
+-	MS-DOS and Win32    $HOME/_gvimrc or $VIM/_gvimrc
+-	Amiga		    s:.gvimrc or $VIM/.gvimrc
+-There are a number of options which only have meaning in the GUI version of
+-Vim.  These are 'guicursor', 'guifont', 'guipty' and 'guioptions'.  They are
+-documented in |options.txt| with all the other options.
+-If using the Motif or Athena version of the GUI (but not for the GTK+ or Win32
+-version), a number of X resources are available.  See |gui-resources|.
+-Another way to set the colors for different occasions is with highlight
+-groups.  The "Normal" group is used to set the background and foreground
+-colors.  Example (which looks nice): >
+-	:highlight Normal guibg=grey90
+-The "guibg" and "guifg" settings override the normal background and
+-foreground settings.  The other settings for the Normal highlight group are
+-not used.  Use the 'guifont' option to set the font.
+-Also check out the 'guicursor' option, to set the colors for the cursor in
+-various modes.
+-Vim tries to make the window fit on the screen when it starts up.  This avoids
+-that you can't see part of it.  On the X Window System this requires a bit of
+-guesswork.  You can change the height that is used for the window title and a
+-task bar with the 'guiheadroom' option.
+-						*:winp* *:winpos* *E188*
+-		Display current position of the top left corner of the GUI vim
+-		window in pixels.  Does not work in all versions.
+-:winp[os] {X} {Y}							*E466*
+-		Put the GUI vim window at the given {X} and {Y} coordinates.
+-		The coordinates should specify the position in pixels of the
+-		top left corner of the window.  Does not work in all versions.
+-		Does work in an (new) xterm |xterm-color|.
+-		When the GUI window has not been opened yet, the values are
+-		remembered until the window is opened.  The position is
+-		adjusted to make the window fit on the screen (if possible).
+-						    *:win* *:winsize* *E465*
+-:win[size] {width} {height}
+-		Set the window height to {width} by {height} characters.
+-		Obsolete, use ":set lines=11 columns=22".
+-		If you get less lines than expected, check the 'guiheadroom'
+-		option.
+-If you are running the X Window System, you can get information about the
+-window Vim is running in with this command: >
+-	:!xwininfo -id $WINDOWID
+-2. Scrollbars						*gui-scrollbars*
+-There are vertical scrollbars and a horizontal scrollbars.  You may
+-configure which ones appear with the 'guioptions' option.
+-The interface looks like this (with ":set guioptions=mlrb"):
+-		       +------------------------------+
+-		       | File  Edit		 Help | <- Menu bar (m)
+-		       +-+--------------------------+-+
+-		       |^|			    |^|
+-		       |#| Text area.		    |#|
+-		       | |			    | |
+-		       |v|__________________________|v|
+- Normal status line -> |-+ File.c	       5,2  +-|
+- between Vim windows   |^|""""""""""""""""""""""""""|^|
+-		       | |			    | |
+-		       | | Another file buffer.     | |
+-		       | |			    | |
+-		       |#|			    |#|
+- Left scrollbar (l) -> |#|			    |#| <- Right
+-		       |#|			    |#|    scrollbar (r)
+-		       | |			    | |
+-		       |v|			    |v|
+-		       +-+--------------------------+-+
+-		       | |< ####		   >| | <- Bottom
+-		       +-+--------------------------+-+    scrollbar (b)
+-Any of the scrollbar or menu components may be turned off by not putting the
+-appropriate letter in the 'guioptions' string.  The bottom scrollbar is
+-only useful when 'nowrap' is set.
+-VERTICAL SCROLLBARS					*gui-vert-scroll*
+-Each Vim window has a scrollbar next to it which may be scrolled up and down
+-to move through the text in that buffer.  The size of the scrollbar-thumb
+-indicates the fraction of the buffer which can be seen in the window.
+-When the scrollbar is dragged all the way down, the last line of the file
+-will appear in the top of the window.
+-If a window is shrunk to zero height (by the growth of another window) its
+-scrollbar disappears. It reappears when the window is restored.
+-If a window is vertically split, it will get a scrollbar when it is the
+-current window and when, taking the middle of the current window and drawing a
+-vertical line, this line goes through the window.
+-When there are scrollbars on both sides, and the middle of the current window
+-is on the left half, the right scrollbar column will contain scrollbars for
+-the rightmost windows.  The same happens on the other side.
+-HORIZONTAL SCROLLBARS					*gui-horiz-scroll*
+-The horizontal scrollbar (at the bottom of the Vim GUI) may be used to
+-scroll text sideways when the 'wrap' option is turned off.  The
+-scrollbar-thumb size is such that the text of the longest visible line may be
+-scrolled as far as possible left and right.  The cursor is moved when
+-necessary, it must remain on a visible character (unless 'virtualedit' is
+-Computing the length of the longest visible takes quite a bit of computation,
+-and it has to be done every time something changes.  If this takes too much
+-time or you don't like the cursor jumping to another line, include the 'h'
+-flag in 'guioptions'.  Then the scrolling is limited by the text of the
+-current cursor line.
+-							*athena-intellimouse*
+-If you have an Intellimouse and an X server that supports using the wheel,
+-then you can use the wheel to scroll the text up and down in gvim.  This works
+-with XFree86 4.0 and later, and with some older versions when you add patches.
+-See |scroll-mouse-wheel|.
+-For older versions of XFree86 you must patch your X server.  The following
+-page has a bit of information about using the Intellimouse on Linux as well as
+-links to the patches and X server binaries (may not have the one you need
+-3. Mouse Control					*gui-mouse*
+-The mouse only works if the appropriate flag in the 'mouse' option is set.
+-When the GUI is switched on, and 'mouse' wasn't set yet, the 'mouse' option is
+-automatically set to "a", enabling it for all modes except for the
+-|hit-enter| prompt.  If you don't want this, a good place to change the
+-'mouse' option is the "gvimrc" file.
+-Other options that are relevant:
+-'mousefocus'	window focus follows mouse pointer |gui-mouse-focus|
+-'mousemodel'	what mouse button does which action
+-'mousehide'	hide mouse pointer while typing text
+-'selectmode'	whether to start Select mode or Visual mode
+-A quick way to set these is with the ":behave" command.
+-							*:behave* *:be*
+-:be[have] {model}	Set behavior for mouse and selection.  Valid
+-			arguments are:
+-			   mswin	MS-Windows behavior
+-			   xterm	Xterm behavior
+-			Using ":behave" changes these options:
+-			option		mswin			xterm	~
+-			'selectmode'	"mouse,key"		""
+-			'mousemodel'	"popup"			"extend"
+-			'keymodel'	"startsel,stopsel"	""
+-			'selection'	"exclusive"		"inclusive"
+-In the $VIMRUNTIME directory, there is a script called |mswin.vim|, which will
+-also map a few keys to the MS-Windows cut/copy/paste commands.  This is NOT
+-compatible, since it uses the CTRL-V, CTRL-X and CTRL-C keys.  If you don't
+-mind, use this command: >
+-	:so $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
+-For scrolling with a wheel on a mouse, see |scroll-mouse-wheel|.
+-3.1 Moving Cursor with Mouse				*gui-mouse-move*
+-Click the left mouse button somewhere in a text buffer where you want the
+-cursor to go, and it does!
+-This works in	    when 'mouse' contains ~
+-Normal mode	    'n' or 'a'
+-Visual mode	    'v' or 'a'
+-Insert mode	    'i' or 'a'
+-Select mode is handled like Visual mode.
+-You may use this with an operator such as 'd' to delete text from the current
+-cursor position to the position you point to with the mouse.  That is, you hit
+-'d' and then click the mouse somewhere.
+-							*gui-mouse-focus*
+-The 'mousefocus' option can be set to make the keyboard focus follow the
+-mouse pointer.  This means that the window where the mouse pointer is, is the
+-active window.  Warning: this doesn't work very well when using a menu,
+-because the menu command will always be applied to the top window.
+-If you are on the ':' line (or '/' or '?'), then clicking the left or right
+-mouse button will position the cursor on the ':' line (if 'mouse' contains
+-'c', 'a' or 'A').
+-In any situation the middle mouse button may be clicked to paste the current
+-3.2 Selection with Mouse				*gui-mouse-select*
+-The mouse can be used to start a selection.  How depends on the 'mousemodel'
+-'mousemodel' is "extend": use the right mouse button
+-'mousemodel' is "popup":  use the left mouse button, while keeping the Shift
+-key pressed.
+-If there was no selection yet, this starts a selection from the old cursor
+-position to the position pointed to with the mouse.  If there already is a
+-selection then the closest end will be extended.
+-If 'selectmode' contains "mouse", then the selection will be in Select mode.
+-This means that typing normal text will replace the selection.  See
+-|Select-mode|.  Otherwise, the selection will be in Visual mode.
+-Double clicking may be done to make the selection word-wise, triple clicking
+-makes it line-wise, and quadruple clicking makes it rectangular block-wise.
+-See |gui-selections| on how the selection is used.
+-3.3 Other Text Selection with Mouse		*gui-mouse-modeless*
+-						*modeless-selection*
+-A different kind of selection is used when:
+-- in Command-line mode
+-- in the Command-line window and pointing in another window
+-- at the |hit-enter| prompt
+-- whenever the current mode is not in the 'mouse' option
+-- when holding the CTRL and SHIFT keys in the GUI
+-Since Vim continues like the selection isn't there, and there is no mode
+-associated with the selection, this is called modeless selection.  Any text in
+-the Vim window can be selected.  Select the text by pressing the left mouse
+-button at the start, drag to the end and release.  To extend the selection,
+-use the right mouse button when 'mousemodel' is "extend", or the left mouse
+-button with the shift key pressed when 'mousemodel' is "popup".
+-The middle mouse button pastes the text.
+-The selection is removed when the selected text is scrolled or changed.
+-On the command line CTRL-Y can be used to copy the selection into the
+-clipboard.  To do this from Insert mode, use CTRL-O : CTRL-Y <CR>.
+-3.4 Using Mouse on Status Lines				*gui-mouse-status*
+-Clicking the left or right mouse button on the status line below a Vim
+-window makes that window the current window.  This actually happens on button
+-release (to be able to distinguish a click from a drag action).
+-With the left mouse button a status line can be dragged up and down, thus
+-resizing the windows above and below it.  This does not change window focus.
+-The same can be used on the vertical separator: click to give the window left
+-of it focus, drag left and right to make windows wider and narrower.
+-3.5 Various Mouse Clicks				*gui-mouse-various*
+-    <S-LeftMouse>	Search forward for the word under the mouse click.
+-			When 'mousemodel' is "popup" this starts or extends a
+-			selection.
+-    <S-RightMouse>	Search backward for the word under the mouse click.
+-    <C-LeftMouse>	Jump to the tag name under the mouse click.
+-    <C-RightMouse>	Jump back to position before the previous tag jump
+-			(same as "CTRL-T")
+-3.6 Mouse Mappings					*gui-mouse-mapping*
+-The mouse events, complete with modifiers, may be mapped.  Eg: >
+-   :map <S-LeftMouse>     <RightMouse>
+-   :map <S-LeftDrag>      <RightDrag>
+-   :map <S-LeftRelease>   <RightRelease>
+-   :map <2-S-LeftMouse>   <2-RightMouse>
+-   :map <2-S-LeftDrag>    <2-RightDrag>
+-   :map <2-S-LeftRelease> <2-RightRelease>
+-   :map <3-S-LeftMouse>   <3-RightMouse>
+-   :map <3-S-LeftDrag>    <3-RightDrag>
+-   :map <3-S-LeftRelease> <3-RightRelease>
+-   :map <4-S-LeftMouse>   <4-RightMouse>
+-   :map <4-S-LeftDrag>    <4-RightDrag>
+-   :map <4-S-LeftRelease> <4-RightRelease>
+-These mappings make selection work the way it probably should in a Motif
+-application, with shift-left mouse allowing for extending the visual area
+-rather than the right mouse button.
+-Mouse mapping with modifiers does not work for modeless selection.
+-3.7 Drag and drop						*drag-n-drop*
+-You can drag and drop one or more files into the Vim window, where they will
+-be opened as if a |:drop| command was used.
+-If you hold down Shift while doing this, Vim changes to the first dropped
+-file's directory.  If you hold Ctrl Vim will always split a new window for the
+-file.  Otherwise it's only done if the current buffer has been changed.
+-You can also drop a directory on Vim.  This starts the explorer plugin for
+-that directory (assuming it was enabled, otherwise you'll get an error
+-message).  Keep Shift pressed to change to the directory instead.
+-If Vim happens to be editing a command line, the names of the dropped files
+-and directories will be inserted at the cursor.  This allows you to use these
+-names with any Ex command.  Special characters (space, tab, double quote and
+-'|'; backslash on non-MS-Windows systems) will be escaped.
+-4. Making GUI Selections				*gui-selections*
+-							*quotestar*
+-You may make selections with the mouse (see |gui-mouse-select|), or by using
+-Vim's Visual mode (see |v|).  If 'a' is present in 'guioptions', then
+-whenever a selection is started (Visual or Select mode), or when the selection
+-is changed, Vim becomes the owner of the windowing system's primary selection
+-(on MS-Windows the |gui-clipboard| is used; under X11, the |x11-selection| is
+-used - you should read whichever of these is appropriate now).
+-							*clipboard*
+-There is a special register for storing this selection, it is the "*
+-register.  Nothing is put in here unless the information about what text is
+-selected is about to change (eg with a left mouse click somewhere), or when
+-another application wants to paste the selected text.  Then the text is put
+-in the "* register.  For example, to cut a line and make it the current
+-selection/put it on the clipboard: >
+-	"*dd
+-Similarly, when you want to paste a selection from another application, e.g.,
+-by clicking the middle mouse button, the selection is put in the "* register
+-first, and then 'put' like any other register.  For example, to put the
+-selection (contents of the clipboard): >
+-	"*p
+-When using this register under X11, also see |x11-selection|.  This also
+-explains the related "+ register.
+-Note that when pasting text from one Vim into another separate Vim, the type
+-of selection (character, line, or block) will also be copied.  For other
+-applications the type is always character.  However, if the text gets
+-transferred via the |x11-cut-buffer|, the selection type is ALWAYS lost.
+-When the "unnamed" string is included in the 'clipboard' option, the unnamed
+-register is the same as the "* register.  Thus you can yank to and paste the
+-selection without prepending "* to commands.
+-5. Menus						*menus*
+-For an introduction see |usr_42.txt| in the user manual.
+-5.1 Using Menus						*using-menus*
+-Basically, menus can be used just like mappings.  You can define your own
+-menus, as many as you like.
+-Long-time Vim users won't use menus much.  But the power is in adding your own
+-menus and menu items.  They are most useful for things that you can't remember
+-what the key sequence was.
+-For creating menus in a different language, see |:menutrans|.
+-							*menu.vim*
+-The default menus are read from the file "$VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim".  See
+-|$VIMRUNTIME| for where the path comes from.  You can set up your own menus.
+-Starting off with the default set is a good idea.  You can add more items, or,
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

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