SPECS: pwc.spec - updated to 10.0.7a - this package is not useless...

sparky sparky at pld-linux.org
Sun Sep 11 16:43:26 CEST 2005

Author: sparky                       Date: Sun Sep 11 14:43:26 2005 GMT
Module: SPECS                         Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- updated to 10.0.7a - this package is not useless as pwc.ko in kernel has
  no decompressor (again)
- prepared for new kernel: Module.symvers
- file name changed to pwc-unofficial.ko so it will not confilct with
  kernel's pwc, try adding: "alias pwc pwc-unofficial" in modprobe.conf

---- Files affected:
   pwc.spec (1.3 -> 1.4) 

---- Diffs:

Index: SPECS/pwc.spec
diff -u SPECS/pwc.spec:1.3 SPECS/pwc.spec:1.4
--- SPECS/pwc.spec:1.3	Wed Apr 13 12:11:56 2005
+++ SPECS/pwc.spec	Sun Sep 11 16:43:21 2005
@@ -4,21 +4,22 @@
 %bcond_without	dist_kernel	# allow non-distribution kernel
 %bcond_without	kernel		# don't build kernel modules
 %bcond_without	smp		# don't build SMP module
-%bcond_without	userspace	# don't build userspace module
+%bcond_without	userspace	# don't build userspace package
 %bcond_with	verbose		# verbose build (V=1)
+%define	_modile_file_name	pwc-unofficial.ko
 Summary:	PWC - decompressor modules for Philips USB webcams
 Summary(pl):	PWC - moduły dekompresujące obraz z kamer internetowych Philipsa
 Name:		pwc
-Version:	10.0.7
+Version:	10.0.7a
 %define		_rel	1
 Release:	%{_rel}
 License:	GPL
 Group:		Applications/Multimedia
 Source0:	http://www.saillard.org/linux/pwc/files/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
-# Source0-md5:	920ac4cb4feacb345b1dcfd19de28448
-Patch0:		%{name}-Makefile.patch
-Patch1:		%{name}-hotfix-for-kernel-2.6.10.patch
+# Source0-md5:	8f6f61f49e84690a955a059f39577935
+Patch0:		%{name}-hotfix-for-kernel-2.6.10.patch
 URL:		http://www.saillard.org/linux/pwc/
 %if %{with kernel}
 %{?with_dist_kernel:BuildRequires:	kernel-module-build >= 2.6.7}
@@ -29,25 +30,31 @@
 Decompresor module for Philips webcams, this allows you to use higher
-resoluwion and framerate. Working cameras: Philips: PCA645VC and
-646VC, "Vesta", "Vesta Pro", "Vesta Scan", "ToUCam XS" (PCVC720K/40,
-/20 is supported by ov511), "ToUCam Fun", "ToUCam Pro", "ToUCam Scan",
-"ToUCam II", "ToUCam Pro II"; Askey VC010; Creative Labs Webcam: 5
-(the old one; USB Product ID: 0x400C) and Pro Ex Logitech QuickCam
-3000 Pro, 4000 Pro, Notebook Pro, Zoom and Orbit/Sphere; Samsung
-MPC-C10 and MPC-C30; Sotec Afina Eye; Visionite VCS UM100 and VCS
+resoluwion and framerate. Working cameras:
+- Philips: PCA645VC and 646VC, "Vesta", "Vesta Pro", "Vesta Scan",
+  "ToUCam XS" (PCVC720K/40,/20 is supported by ov511), "ToUCam Fun",
+  "ToUCam Pro", "ToUCam Scan", "ToUCam II", "ToUCam Pro II"
+- Askey VC010
+- Creative Labs Webcam: 5 (the old one; USB Product ID: 0x400C)
+- Pro Ex Logitech QuickCam 3000 Pro, 4000 Pro, Notebook Pro,
+  Zoom and Orbit/Sphere
+- Samsung MPC-C10 and MPC-C30
+- Sotec Afina Eye
+- Visionite VCS UM100 and VCS UC300
 %description -l pl
 Moduł dekompresujący obraz z kamer na układzie Philipsa. Pozwala na
 uzyskanie większej rozdzielczości i ilości klatek. Obsługiwane kamery:
-Philips: PCA645VC and 646VC, "Vesta", "Vesta Pro", "Vesta Scan",
-"ToUCam XS" (PCVC720K/40, K/20 działa z ov511), "ToUCam Fun", "ToUCam
-Pro", "ToUCam Scan", "ToUCam II", "ToUCam Pro II"; Askey VC010;
-Creative Labs Webcam: 5 (stary typ; USB Product ID: 0x400C) i Pro Ex
-Logitech QuickCam 3000 Pro, 4000 Pro, Notebook Pro, Zoom i
-Orbit/Sphere; Samsung MPC-C10 and MPC-C30; Sotec Afina Eye; Visionite
-VCS UM100 i VCS UC300.
+- Philips: PCA645VC and 646VC, "Vesta", "Vesta Pro", "Vesta Scan",
+  "ToUCam XS" (PCVC720K/40, K/20 działa z ov511), "ToUCam Fun",
+  "ToUCam Pro", "ToUCam Scan", "ToUCam II", "ToUCam Pro II"
+- Askey VC010
+- Creative Labs Webcam: 5 (stary typ; USB Product ID: 0x400C)
+- Pro Ex Logitech QuickCam 3000 Pro, 4000 Pro, Notebook Pro,
+  Zoom i Orbit/Sphere
+- Samsung MPC-C10 and MPC-C30
+- Sotec Afina Eye
+- Visionite VCS UM100 i VCS UC300.
 %package -n kernel-video-pwc
 Summary:	Linux driver for Philips USB webcams
@@ -57,18 +64,19 @@
 Requires(post,postun):	/sbin/depmod
 %if %{with dist_kernel}
-Requires(postun):	%requires_releq_kernel_up
 %description -n kernel-video-pwc
 This is driver for Philips USB webcams for Linux.
 This package contains Linux module.
+File is called %{_modile_file_name}.
 %description -n kernel-video-pwc -l pl
 Sterownik dla Linuksa do kamer internetowych Philipsa.
 Ten pakiet zawiera moduł jądra Linuksa.
+Plik nazywa się %{_modile_file_name}.
 %package -n kernel-smp-video-pwc
 Summary:	Linux SMP driver for Philips USB webcams
@@ -78,23 +86,26 @@
 Requires(post,postun):	/sbin/depmod
 %if %{with dist_kernel}
-Requires(postun):	%requires_releq_kernel_smp
 %description -n kernel-smp-video-pwc
 This is driver for Philips USB webcams for Linux.
 This package contains Linux SMP module.
+File is called %{_modile_file_name}.
 %description -n kernel-smp-video-pwc -l pl
 Sterownik dla Linuksa do kamer internetowych Philipsa.
 Ten pakiet zawiera moduł jądra Linuksa SMP.
+Plik nazywa się %{_modile_file_name}.
 %setup -q
-%patch0 -p1
-%patch1 -p0
+%patch0 -p0
+grep -E "^pwc-objs" Makefile > Makefile.new
+echo "obj-m	+= pwc.o" >> Makefile.new
+mv -f Makefile{.new,}
 %if %{with kernel}
@@ -108,6 +119,7 @@
 	ln -sf %{_kernelsrcdir}/config-$cfg .config
 	ln -sf %{_kernelsrcdir}/include/linux/autoconf-$cfg.h include/linux/autoconf.h
 	ln -sf %{_kernelsrcdir}/include/asm-%{_target_base_arch} include/asm
+	ln -sf %{_kernelsrcdir}/Module.symvers-$cfg Module.symvers
 	touch include/config/MARKER
 	%{__make} -C %{_kernelsrcdir} clean \
 		RCS_FIND_IGNORE="-name '*.ko' -o" \
@@ -127,10 +139,10 @@
 %if %{with kernel}
 install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/%{_kernel_ver}{,smp}/kernel/drivers/usb/media
 install pwc-%{?with_dist_kernel:up}%{!?with_dist_kernel:nondist}.ko \
-	$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/%{_kernel_ver}/kernel/drivers/usb/media/pwc.ko
+	$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/%{_kernel_ver}/kernel/drivers/usb/media/%{_modile_file_name}
 %if %{with smp} && %{with dist_kernel}
 install pwc-smp.ko \
-	$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/%{_kernel_ver}smp/kernel/drivers/usb/media/pwc.ko
+	$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/%{_kernel_ver}smp/kernel/drivers/usb/media/%{_modile_file_name}
@@ -152,12 +164,12 @@
 %if %{with kernel}
 %files -n kernel-video-pwc
 %if %{with smp} && %{with dist_kernel}
 %files -n kernel-smp-video-pwc
@@ -173,6 +185,13 @@
 All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld-linux.org
+Revision 1.4  2005/09/11 14:43:21  sparky
+- updated to 10.0.7a - this package is not useless as pwc.ko in kernel has
+  no decompressor (again)
+- prepared for new kernel: Module.symvers
+- file name changed to pwc-unofficial.ko so it will not confilct with
+  kernel's pwc, try adding: "alias pwc pwc-unofficial" in modprobe.conf
 Revision 1.3  2005/04/13 10:11:56  aflinta
 - up to version 10.0.7

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