SOURCES (LINUX_2_6): iptables-nf-comment.patch (NEW) - [submitted]...

cieciwa cieciwa at
Thu Sep 15 09:39:12 CEST 2005

Author: cieciwa                      Date: Thu Sep 15 07:39:12 2005 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: LINUX_2_6
---- Log message:
- [submitted] comment - iptables patch.

---- Files affected:
   iptables-nf-comment.patch (NONE ->  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/iptables-nf-comment.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/iptables-nf-comment.patch:
--- /dev/null	Thu Sep 15 09:39:12 2005
+++ SOURCES/iptables-nf-comment.patch	Thu Sep 15 09:39:07 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ .comment-test    |    2 +
+ libipt_comment.c |   58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
+ 2 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
+diff -Nur iptables/extensions/.comment-test
+---	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ iptables/extensions/.comment-test	2005-09-15 08:20:04.000000000 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
++[ -f $KERNEL_DIR/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_comment.h ] && echo comment
+diff -Nur iptables/extensions/libipt_comment.c
+---	2005-09-15 08:05:41.000000000 +0200
++++ iptables/extensions/libipt_comment.c	2005-09-15 08:20:04.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+-/* Shared library add-on to iptables to add comment match support.
+- *
++/* Shared library add-on to iptables to add comment match support. 
++ * 
+  * ChangeLog
+  *     2003-05-13: Brad Fisher <brad at>
+  *         Initial comment match
+@@ -29,16 +29,24 @@
+ 	{0}
+ };
++/* Initialize the match. */
+ static void
+-parse_comment(const char *s, struct ipt_comment_info *info)
++init(struct ipt_entry_match *m, unsigned int *nfcache)
++	*nfcache |= NFC_UNKNOWN;
++static void
++parse_comment(const unsigned char *s, struct ipt_comment_info *info)
+ {	
+ 	int slen = strlen(s);
+-	if (slen >= IPT_MAX_COMMENT_LEN) {
++	if (slen > IPT_MAX_COMMENT_LEN) {
+ 		exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+ 			"COMMENT must be shorter than %i characters", IPT_MAX_COMMENT_LEN);
+ 	}
+-	strcpy((char *)info->comment, s);
++	strcpy(info->comment, s);
+ }
+ /* Function which parses command options; returns true if it
+@@ -53,11 +61,12 @@
+ 	switch (c) {
+ 	case '1':
+-		check_inverse(argv[optind-1], &invert, &optind, 0);
++		check_inverse(optarg, &invert, &optind, 0);
+ 		if (invert) {
+ 			exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+ 					"Sorry, you can't have an inverted comment");
+ 		}
+ 		parse_comment(argv[optind-1], commentinfo);
+ 		*flags = 1;
+ 		break;
+@@ -83,34 +92,31 @@
+       const struct ipt_entry_match *match,
+       int numeric)
+ {
+-	struct ipt_comment_info *commentinfo = (struct ipt_comment_info *)match->data;
+-	commentinfo->comment[IPT_MAX_COMMENT_LEN-1] = '\0';
+-	printf("/* %s */ ", commentinfo->comment);
++	printf("/* %s */ ", ((struct ipt_comment_info *)match->data)->comment);
+ }
+ /* Saves the union ipt_matchinfo in parsable form to stdout. */
+ static void
+ save(const struct ipt_ip *ip, const struct ipt_entry_match *match)
+ {
+-	struct ipt_comment_info *commentinfo = (struct ipt_comment_info *)match->data;
+-	commentinfo->comment[IPT_MAX_COMMENT_LEN-1] = '\0';
+-	printf("--comment \"%s\" ", commentinfo->comment);
++/* I wonder whether this works? */
++	printf("--comment \"%s\" ", ((struct ipt_comment_info *)match->data)->comment );
+ }
+-static struct iptables_match comment = {
+-    .next 		= NULL,
+-    .name 		= "comment",
+-    .version 		= IPTABLES_VERSION,
+-    .size 		= IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_comment_info)),
+-    .userspacesize	= IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_comment_info)),
+-    .help		= &help,
+-    .parse 		= &parse,
+-    .final_check 	= &final_check,
+-    .print 		= &print,
+-    .save 		= &save,
+-    .extra_opts		= opts
++struct iptables_match comment
++= { .next            = NULL,
++    .name            = "comment",
++    .version         = IPTABLES_VERSION,
++    .size            = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_comment_info)),
++    .userspacesize   = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_comment_info)),
++    .help            = &help,
++    .init            = &init,
++    .parse           = &parse,
++    .final_check     = &final_check,
++    .print           = &print,
++    .save            = &save,
++    .extra_opts      = opts
+ };
+ void _init(void)

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