SPECS: perl-Test-MockObject.spec - pl, generic URL
qboosh at pld-linux.org
Tue Nov 8 21:41:26 CET 2005
Author: qboosh Date: Tue Nov 8 20:41:26 2005 GMT
Module: SPECS Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- pl, generic URL
---- Files affected:
perl-Test-MockObject.spec (1.1 -> 1.2)
---- Diffs:
Index: SPECS/perl-Test-MockObject.spec
diff -u SPECS/perl-Test-MockObject.spec:1.1 SPECS/perl-Test-MockObject.spec:1.2
--- SPECS/perl-Test-MockObject.spec:1.1 Mon Nov 7 15:21:38 2005
+++ SPECS/perl-Test-MockObject.spec Tue Nov 8 21:41:19 2005
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
%define pdir Test
%define pnam MockObject
Summary: Test::MockObject - Perl extension for emulating troublesome interfaces
+Summary(pl): Test::MockObject - rozszerzenie Perla do emulacji kłopotliwych interfejsów
Name: perl-Test-MockObject
Version: 1.01
Release: 1
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
Group: Development/Languages/Perl
Source0: http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/%{pdir}/%{pdir}-%{pnam}-%{version}.tar.gz
# Source0-md5: b056d6cc9c287285c1e5b04b04384178
+URL: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-MockObject/
BuildRequires: perl-devel >= 1:5.8.0
BuildRequires: rpm-perlprov >= 4.1-13
%if %{with tests}
@@ -28,20 +29,30 @@
BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
-It's a simple program that doesn't use any other modules, and those are easy to
-test. More often, testing a program completely means faking up input to
-another module, trying to coax the right output from something you're not
-supposed to be testing anyway.
-Testing is a lot easier when you can control the entire environment. With
-Test::MockObject, you can get a lot closer.
-Test::MockObject allows you to create objects that conform to particular
-interfaces with very little code. You don't have to reimplement the behavior,
-just the input and the output.
-# %description -l pl
+It's a simple program that doesn't use any other modules, and those
+are easy to test. More often, testing a program completely means
+faking up input to another module, trying to coax the right output
+from something you're not supposed to be testing anyway.
+Testing is a lot easier when you can control the entire environment.
+With Test::MockObject, you can get a lot closer.
+Test::MockObject allows you to create objects that conform to
+particular interfaces with very little code. You don't have to
+reimplement the behavior, just the input and the output.
+%description -l pl
+Jest to prosty program nie używający żadnych innych modułów, a te są
+łatwe do sprawdzenia. Co więcej, kompletne przetestowanie programu
+oznacza fałszowanie wejścia do innego modułu, próbując wyłudzić
+prawdziwe wyjście z czegoś, czego nie powinno się testować.
+Testowanie jest dużo łatwiejsze, jeśli można sterować całym
+środowiskiem. Przy użyciu Test::MockObject można się do tego zbliżyć.
+Test::MockObject pozwala tworzyć obiekty zgodne z pewnymi interfejsami
+przy użyciu bardzo małej ilości kodu. Nie trzeba reimplementować
+zachowania, wystarczy wejście i wyjście.
%setup -q -n %{pdir}-%{pnam}-%{version}
@@ -75,6 +86,8 @@
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld-linux.org
+Revision 1.2 2005/11/08 20:41:19 qboosh
+- pl, generic URL
Revision 1.1 2005/11/07 14:21:38 migo
- initial revision
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