PLD-doc: PLD-udev-FAQ.en (NEW) - english translation, I'll also ad...

prism prism at
Sun Nov 13 11:34:41 CET 2005

Author: prism                        Date: Sun Nov 13 10:34:41 2005 GMT
Module: PLD-doc                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- english translation, I'll also add it to the wiki

---- Files affected:
   PLD-udev-FAQ.en (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: PLD-doc/PLD-udev-FAQ.en
diff -u /dev/null PLD-doc/PLD-udev-FAQ.en:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sun Nov 13 11:34:41 2005
+++ PLD-doc/PLD-udev-FAQ.en	Sun Nov 13 11:34:36 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+From: Fryderyk Dziarmagowski <freetz>
+To: pld-users-pl at
+Subject: [FAQ] PLD udev FAQ
+Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2005 21:59:31 +0100
+PLD udev FAQ (udev-0.71-5)
+1. Which kernel version is recommended for proper work of udev/udev-hotplug?
+   *Minimum recommended version is 2.6.12.x* (udev hotplug won't work with the older)
+2. Udev doesn't load all modules for me!
+   ...that's because it loads only modules for PCI devices that meet the requirements
+   included in udev rules. That rules allow auto-loading feature only for internal
+   USB devices (hubs), such as uhci-hcd or ehci-hcd.
+   If you want to get the modules of all devices loaded automatically, enable
+   udevsynthetize in /etc/udev/udev.conf. This is experimental and not fully tested
+   though.
+3. What about hotplug? Will my pendrive work?
+   Hotplug included in current udev replaces the old hotplug completely. Paralell
+   work of both is rather not advisable, so after udev's installation the old
+   hotplugs is uninstalled.
+   USB pendrive will work like a charm if you read answer no. 1.
+4. I'd like to connect my digital camera/scanner/other USB device to my computer.
+   Do I have to mount /proc/bus/usb with proper permissions?
+   Absolutely not. Install udev-digicam package, add yourself to the digicam group,
+   and udev's agent will do the rest, no matter if that's a scanner or other USB
+   input device you connected.
+5. Can udev automatically mount partitions or cd drives it finds?
+   No. There are specialized programs for this, like gnome-volume-manager.
+6. I'm using nvidia-legacy and the /dev/nvidia* is not created!
+   That's a problem of nvidia (legacy) drivers. udev has nothing to do with it.
+   Unfortunately, you must manually create proper device files using mknod.
+7. I have to manually load modules such as psmouse or evdev! Why?
+   The kernel's input layer is broken. It's said to be fixed in 2.6.15...
+8. Do I have to add the usb-controller alias in /etc/modprobe.conf?
+   No. All *-hcd modules are loaded automatically.
+9. I get the error messages about failed agents in my system's logs!
+   They don't work because they are not there - unless you installed udev-digicam,
+   which has the usb agent. That udev warnings in logs don't look nice, but they
+   are absolutely harmless. This will be fixed if there will be a person willing
+   to fix it ;)
+10. I've got a problem which is not covered here. How do I diagnose it?
+   Set udev_log to "info" in /etc/udev/udev.conf to improve verbosity of udev,
+   use udevmonitor (man udevmonitor) to get even more infomation, check the
+   linux-hotplug list's archive
+   If still unsure, ask your question on PLD mailing lists.
\ No newline at end of file

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