SOURCES: poppler-c++.patch (NEW), djvulibre-c++.patch (NEW) - C++ ...

qrczak qrczak at
Sun Dec 11 12:20:21 CET 2005

Author: qrczak                       Date: Sun Dec 11 11:20:21 2005 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- C++ fixes needed for gcc4, mostly "extra qualification" errors.

---- Files affected:
   poppler-c++.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW), djvulibre-c++.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/poppler-c++.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/poppler-c++.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sun Dec 11 12:20:21 2005
+++ SOURCES/poppler-c++.patch	Sun Dec 11 12:20:16 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+--- poppler-0.4.2/poppler/	2005-08-24 19:57:47.000000000 +0200
++++ poppler-0.4.2/poppler/	2005-12-11 06:49:56.000000000 +0100
+@@ -3025,7 +3025,7 @@
+   virtual void visitWord (TextWord *word, int begin, int end,
+ 			  PDFRectangle *selection) { };
+-  GooString *TextSelectionDumper::getText(void);
++  GooString *getText(void);
+ private:
+   TextLineFrag *frags;
+--- poppler-0.4.2/qt/poppler-qt.h~	2005-06-27 01:35:27.000000000 +0200
++++ poppler-0.4.2/qt/poppler-qt.h	2005-12-11 12:07:26.000000000 +0100
+@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
+     UseOC
+   };
+-  static Document *Document::load(const QString & filePath);
++  static Document *load(const QString & filePath);
+   Page *getPage(int index) const{ return new Page(this, index); }
+@@ -172,11 +172,11 @@
+   bool okToAddNotes() const;
+   double getPDFVersion() const;
+-  Document::~Document();
++  ~Document();
+ private:
+   DocumentData *data;
+-  Document::Document(DocumentData *dataA);
++  Document(DocumentData *dataA);
+ };
+ }

Index: SOURCES/djvulibre-c++.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/djvulibre-c++.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sun Dec 11 12:20:21 2005
+++ SOURCES/djvulibre-c++.patch	Sun Dec 11 12:20:16 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+--- djvulibre-3.5.16/libdjvu/GURL.h~	2003-11-07 23:08:21.000000000 +0100
++++ djvulibre-3.5.16/libdjvu/GURL.h	2005-12-11 06:53:06.000000000 +0100
+@@ -278,10 +278,10 @@
+       //@}
+       /// Returns TRUE if #gurl1# and #gurl2# are the same
+-   bool	GURL::operator==(const GURL & gurl2) const;
++   bool	operator==(const GURL & gurl2) const;
+       /// Returns TRUE if #gurl1# and #gurl2# are different
+-   bool	GURL::operator!=(const GURL & gurl2) const;
++   bool	operator!=(const GURL & gurl2) const;
+       /// Assignment operator
+    GURL &	operator=(const GURL & url);
+--- djvulibre-3.5.16/libdjvu/ByteStream.h~	2003-11-07 23:08:20.000000000 +0100
++++ djvulibre-3.5.16/libdjvu/ByteStream.h	2005-12-11 07:07:29.000000000 +0100
+@@ -242,8 +242,8 @@
+       and writes it to the specified stream. */
+   void formatmessage( const char *fmt, ... );
+   /** Looks up the message and writes it to the specified stream. */
+-  void ByteStream::writemessage( const char *message );
++  void writemessage( const char *message );
+   /** Writes a one-byte integer to a ByteStream. */
+   void write8 (unsigned int card8);
+   /** Writes a two-bytes integer to a ByteStream.
+--- djvulibre-3.5.16/libdjvu/GContainer.h~	2004-05-13 17:16:34.000000000 +0200
++++ djvulibre-3.5.16/libdjvu/GContainer.h	2005-12-11 08:15:38.000000000 +0100
+@@ -969,6 +969,92 @@
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------
++// ------------------------------------------------------------
++/** @name Hash functions
++    These functions let you use template class \Ref{GMap} with the
++    corresponding elementary types. The returned hash code may be reduced to
++    an arbitrary range by computing its remainder modulo the upper bound of
++    the range.
++    @memo Hash functions for elementary types. */
++/** Hashing function (unsigned int). */
++static inline unsigned int 
++hash(const unsigned int & x) 
++  return x; 
++/** Hashing function (int). */
++static inline unsigned int 
++hash(const int & x) 
++  return (unsigned int)x;
++/** Hashing function (long). */
++static inline unsigned int
++hash(const long & x) 
++  return (unsigned int)x;
++/** Hashing function (unsigned long). */
++static inline unsigned int
++hash(const unsigned long & x) 
++  return (unsigned int)x;
++/** Hashing function (void *). */
++static inline unsigned int 
++hash(void * const & x) 
++  return (unsigned long) x; 
++/** Hashing function (const void *). */
++static inline unsigned int 
++hash(const void * const & x) 
++  return (unsigned long) x; 
++/** Hashing function (float). */
++static inline unsigned int
++hash(const float & x) 
++  // optimizer will get rid of unnecessary code  
++  unsigned int *addr = (unsigned int*)&x;
++  if (sizeof(float)<2*sizeof(unsigned int))
++    return addr[0];
++  else
++    return addr[0]^addr[1];
++/** Hashing function (double). */
++static inline unsigned int
++hash(const double & x) 
++  // optimizer will get rid of unnecessary code
++  unsigned int *addr = (unsigned int*)&x;
++  if (sizeof(double)<2*sizeof(unsigned int))
++    return addr[0];
++  else if (sizeof(double)<4*sizeof(unsigned int))
++    return addr[0]^addr[1];
++  else
++    return addr[0]^addr[1]^addr[2]^addr[3];    
++// ------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -1266,89 +1352,6 @@
+ };
+-// ------------------------------------------------------------
+-// ------------------------------------------------------------
+-/** @name Hash functions
+-    These functions let you use template class \Ref{GMap} with the
+-    corresponding elementary types. The returned hash code may be reduced to
+-    an arbitrary range by computing its remainder modulo the upper bound of
+-    the range.
+-    @memo Hash functions for elementary types. */
+-/** Hashing function (unsigned int). */
+-static inline unsigned int 
+-hash(const unsigned int & x) 
+-  return x; 
+-/** Hashing function (int). */
+-static inline unsigned int 
+-hash(const int & x) 
+-  return (unsigned int)x;
+-/** Hashing function (long). */
+-static inline unsigned int
+-hash(const long & x) 
+-  return (unsigned int)x;
+-/** Hashing function (unsigned long). */
+-static inline unsigned int
+-hash(const unsigned long & x) 
+-  return (unsigned int)x;
+-/** Hashing function (void *). */
+-static inline unsigned int 
+-hash(void * const & x) 
+-  return (unsigned long) x; 
+-/** Hashing function (const void *). */
+-static inline unsigned int 
+-hash(const void * const & x) 
+-  return (unsigned long) x; 
+-/** Hashing function (float). */
+-static inline unsigned int
+-hash(const float & x) 
+-  // optimizer will get rid of unnecessary code  
+-  unsigned int *addr = (unsigned int*)&x;
+-  if (sizeof(float)<2*sizeof(unsigned int))
+-    return addr[0];
+-  else
+-    return addr[0]^addr[1];
+-/** Hashing function (double). */
+-static inline unsigned int
+-hash(const double & x) 
+-  // optimizer will get rid of unnecessary code
+-  unsigned int *addr = (unsigned int*)&x;
+-  if (sizeof(double)<2*sizeof(unsigned int))
+-    return addr[0];
+-  else if (sizeof(double)<4*sizeof(unsigned int))
+-    return addr[0]^addr[1];
+-  else
+-    return addr[0]^addr[1]^addr[2]^addr[3];    
+ //@}
+ //@}

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