SOURCES: smbwebclient-config.php (NEW) - sample config extracted f...

glen glen at
Wed Dec 28 08:27:47 CET 2005

Author: glen                         Date: Wed Dec 28 07:27:47 2005 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- sample config extracted from source

---- Files affected:
   smbwebclient-config.php (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/smbwebclient-config.php
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/smbwebclient-config.php:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed Dec 28 08:27:47 2005
+++ SOURCES/smbwebclient-config.php	Wed Dec 28 08:27:42 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+class smbwebclient_config extends smbwebclient {
+# CONFIGURATION SECTION - Change for your needs
+# You can set this constant to see a single domain (or workgroup),
+# a domain and a server, a domain/server/shared resource
+# and (even) a path into a domain/server/shared.
+# For example to see only folder Bilbo in 'Bolson' shared resource
+# at 'HOBBIT' server in 'TIERRAMEDIA' domain would be:
+# var $cfgSambaRoot = 'TIERRAMEDIA/HOBBIT/Bolson/Bilbo';
+# Note: Do not put any slash at beginning/end.
+# Tip: To share only their home directory in your SAMBA server to
+#      users (auth req.) you must set cfgSambaRoot to
+#      'DOMAIN/SERVER/homes'
+#var $cfgSambaRoot = '';
+# Anonymoys login is disallowed by default.
+# If you have public shares in your network, turn on this flag
+# i.e. var $cfgAnonymous = true;
+#var $cfgAnonymous = false;
+# Path at web server to store downloaded files. This script will
+# check when it need to update the cached file. This path must be
+# writable to the user that runs your web server.
+# If you set this value to '' cache will be disabled.
+# Note: this feature is a security risk.
+#var $cfgCachePath = false;
+# This script try to set language from web browser. If browser
+# language is not supported you can set a default language.
+#var $cfgDefaultLanguage = 'en';
+# Default charset (as suggested by Norbert Malecki)
+#var $cfgDefaultCharset = 'ISO-8859-1';
+# Default browse server for your network. A browse server is where
+# you run smbclient -L subcommand to read available domains and/or
+# workgroups. Set to 'localhost' if you are running SAMBA server
+# in your web server. Maybe you will need cfgDefaultUser and
+# cfgDefaultPassword if no anonymous browsing is allowed.
+#var $cfgDefaultServer = 'localhost';
+# Path to smbclient program.
+# i.e. var $cfgSmbClient = '/usr/bin/smbclient';
+#var $cfgSmbClient = 'smbclient';
+# Authentication method with smbclient
+# 'SMB_AUTH_ENV' USER environment variable (more secure)
+# 'SMB_AUTH_ARG' smbclient -U param
+#var $cfgAuthMode = 'SMB_AUTH_ARG';
+# If you have Apache mod_rewrite installed you can put this
+# .htaccess file in same path of smbwebclient.php:
+#  <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
+#   RewriteEngine on
+#   RewriteCond    %{REQUEST_FILENAME}  -d
+#   RewriteRule ^(.*/[^\./]*[^/])$ $1/
+#   RewriteRule ^(.*)$ smbwebclient.php?path=$1 [QSA,L]
+#  </IfModule>
+# Then you will be able to access to use "pretty" URLs
+# i.e: http://server/windows-network/DOMAIN/SERVER/SHARE/PATH
+# To do this, all you have to set is cfgBaseUrl and set
+# cfgModRewrite = true
+# (i.e. http://server/windows-network/)
+# Note - Change this if you want to use mod_rewrite
+#var $cfgModRewrite = false;
+#var $cfgBaseUrl = '';
+# Do not show dot files (like .cshrc)
+#var $cfgHideDotFiles = true;
+# Do not show system shared resources (like admin$ or C$)
+#var $cfgHideSystemShares = true;
+# Do not show printer resources
+#var $cfgHidePrinterShares = false;
+# Log level
+# -1 = no messages
+#  0 = log actions performed
+#  1 = smbclient calls
+# >1 = smbclient output
+#var $cfgLogLevel = 0;
+# Log facility
+#var $cfgFacility = LOG_DAEMON;
+# User authentication (BasicAuth or FormAuth)
+#var $cfgUserAuth = 'BasicAuth';
+# Change PHP session name ('' to use default session name)
+#var $cfgSessionName = 'SMBWebClientID';
+# Virus scanner to upload files -- suggested by Bill R <wjries at>
+# Only ClamAV is available in this revision, set to false to
+# disable virus scanning.
+#var $cfgAntivirus = 'ClamAV';
+# Format to upload compressed folders: tar, tgz or zip
+#var $cfgArchiver = 'tgz';

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