ppcrcd/conf.dir/usr: bin bin/xmltar.pl bin/xmluntar.pl lib/ppcrcd/xmltar.pl lib/ppcrcd/xmluntar.pl

sparky cvs at pld-linux.org
Thu Jan 5 21:07:01 CET 2006

Author: sparky
Date: Thu Jan  5 21:06:56 2006
New Revision: 6740

   ppcrcd/conf.dir/usr/bin/xmltar.pl   (contents, props changed)
   ppcrcd/conf.dir/usr/bin/xmluntar.pl   (contents, props changed)
   ppcrcd/conf.dir/usr/lib/ppcrcd/xmltar.pl   (contents, props changed)
   ppcrcd/conf.dir/usr/lib/ppcrcd/xmluntar.pl   (contents, props changed)
- my utility for packaging text files in one xml file (configuration can
  be easyly edited without unpacking files)

Added: ppcrcd/conf.dir/usr/bin/xmltar.pl
--- (empty file)
+++ ppcrcd/conf.dir/usr/bin/xmltar.pl	Thu Jan  5 21:06:56 2006
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../lib/ppcrcd/xmltar.pl
\ No newline at end of file

Added: ppcrcd/conf.dir/usr/bin/xmluntar.pl
--- (empty file)
+++ ppcrcd/conf.dir/usr/bin/xmluntar.pl	Thu Jan  5 21:06:56 2006
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../lib/ppcrcd/xmluntar.pl
\ No newline at end of file

Added: ppcrcd/conf.dir/usr/lib/ppcrcd/xmltar.pl
--- (empty file)
+++ ppcrcd/conf.dir/usr/lib/ppcrcd/xmltar.pl	Thu Jan  5 21:06:56 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+# $Id$
+use strict;
+#use warnings;
+sub help {
+print <<EOF;
+xmltar.pl - script for storing multiple files in one xml archive.
+Specially useful for storing text like documentation and configuration files.
+As everything is text it is possible to edit stored files without extracting
+them. Special vim folds help a lot when storing many files.
+One xmltar file cannot be stored into annother.
+-v, -nv  - enable/disable verbose output (default: disabled)
+-c, -nc  - enable/disable comments and vim folds (default: enabled)
+-p       - stay in place, archive files respecting to current \$PWD
+-r       - if specified file don't exists mark it ar removed
+-s <str> - use <str> as tab in archive
+--       - end of options, everything after is a file
+If no file is specified it will read file list from standart input,
+one per line.
+exit 0;
+my $verbose = 0;
+my $comment = 1;
+my $stayinplace = 0;
+my $removed = 0;
+my $stepadd = "  ";
+my @filelist;
+while ( defined $ARGV[0] ) {
+	my $arg = shift @ARGV;
+	# I would use switch but it's in perl-modules
+	help() if $arg =~ /^-(-?help|h)$/;
+	$verbose = 1 if $arg eq "-v";
+	$verbose = 0 if $arg eq "-nv";
+	$comment = 1 if $arg eq "-c";
+	$comment = 0 if $arg eq "-nc";
+	$stayinplace = 1 if $arg eq "-p";
+	if ($arg eq "-r") { $stayinplace = 1; $removed = 1; }
+	$stepadd = shift @ARGV if $arg eq "-s";
+	if ($arg eq "--") {
+		push(@filelist, shift @ARGV) while ( $ARGV[0] );
+		last;
+	}
+	next if $arg =~ /^-(v|nv|c|nc|p|r|s)$/;
+	push @filelist, $arg;
+my %multilink;
+sub lastname {
+	$_ = $_[0];
+	s|.*/||;
+	s/&/&amp;/g;
+	s/"/&quot;/g;
+	return $_;
+sub packfile {
+	my ($file, $step, $localdir, $level) = @_;
+	my ( $links, $inode) = (stat "$file")[3, 1];
+	if ( $links > 1 ) {
+		if ( $multilink{$inode} ) {
+			warn "L $file\n" if $verbose;
+			print $step."<!--L $localdir".lastname($file)." {{{$level -->\n" if $comment;
+			print $step.'<xmltar:hardlink name="'.lastname($file).'">';
+			print $multilink{$inode};
+			print "</xmltar:hardlink>\n";
+			return;
+		}
+		$multilink{$inode}=$localdir.lastname($file);
+	}
+	warn "F $file\n" if $verbose;
+	unless ( open F_IN, $file ) {
+		warn "Can't read file \"$file\": $!\n";
+		return;
+	}
+	print $step."<!--F $localdir".lastname($file)." {{{$level -->\n" if $comment;
+	print $step.'<xmltar:file mode="';
+	printf "%04o",  ((stat $file)[2]) & 07777;
+	print '" name="'.lastname($file)."\">\n";
+	while ( <F_IN> ) {
+		print $_;
+	}
+	print "</xmltar:file>\n";
+sub packlink {
+	my ($link, $step, $localdir, $level) = @_;
+	warn "S $link\n" if $verbose;
+	print $step."<!--S $localdir".lastname($link)." {{{$level -->\n" if $comment;
+	print $step.'<xmltar:symlink name="'.lastname($link).'">';
+	print readlink $link;
+	print "</xmltar:symlink>\n";
+sub packdir {
+	my ($dir, $step, $localdir, $level) = @_;
+	warn "D $dir\n" if $verbose;
+	$localdir .= lastname($dir) . "/";
+	print $step."<!--D $localdir {{{$level -->\n" if $comment;
+	$level++;
+	print $step . '<xmltar:dir mode="';
+	printf "%04o",  ((stat $dir)[2]) & 07777;
+	print '" name="'.lastname($dir)."\">\n";
+	opendir DIR, $dir or warn "Can't open dir '$dir': $!\n";
+	foreach my $file ( sort readdir DIR ) {
+		next if $file =~ /^\.{1,2}$/;
+		$file = $dir ."/". $file;
+		if (-d $file) {
+			packdir($file, $step.$stepadd, $localdir, $level);
+			next;
+		}
+		if (-l $file) {
+			packlink($file, $step.$stepadd, $localdir, $level);
+			next;
+		}
+		if (-f $file) {
+			packfile($file, $step.$stepadd, $localdir, $level);
+			next;
+		}
+		warn "Unknown type or no file: $file\n";
+	}
+	closedir DIR;
+	print $step . "</xmltar:dir>\n";
+unless ( @filelist ) {
+	warn "specify files, one per line\n";
+	while ( <> ) {
+		chomp;
+		push @filelist, $_;
+	}
+unless ( $stayinplace ) {
+    foreach my $file (@filelist) {
+	if (-d $file) {
+		$file =~ s/\/$//;
+		packdir($file, "", "", 1);
+		next;
+	}
+	if (-l $file) {
+		packlink($file, "", "", 1);
+		next;
+	}
+	if (-f $file) {
+		packfile($file, "", "", 1);
+		next;
+	}
+	warn "Unknown type or no file: $file\n";
+    }
+} else {
+	my $dir="";
+	my $level=1;
+	my $step="";
+	foreach my $file (sort @filelist) {
+		die "only local files, $file\n" if $file =~ /^\// or $file =~ /\.\./;
+		$file =~ s/\/$//;
+		$file = $file;
+		while ( $file !~ /^$dir/ ) {
+			$dir =~ s/[^\/]*\/$//;
+			$step =~ s/$stepadd$//;
+			$level--;
+			print $step . "</xmltar:dir>\n";
+		}
+		( my $filename = $file ) =~ s/^$dir//;
+		while ( $filename =~ s/^(.*?)\/// ) {
+			$dir .= $1."/";
+			print $step."<!--D $dir {{{$level -->\n" if $comment;
+			print $step . '<xmltar:dir name="'.lastname($1)."\">\n";
+			$level++;
+			$step .= $stepadd;
+		}
+		if (-d $file) {
+			packdir($file, $step, $dir, $level);
+			next;
+		}
+		if (-l $file) {
+			packlink($file, $step, $dir, $level);
+			next;
+		}
+		if (-f $file) {
+			packfile($file, $step, $dir, $level);
+			next;
+		}
+		if ( $removed ) {
+			unless (-e $file) {
+				print $step."<!--R $dir".lastname($file)." {{{$level -->\n" if $comment;
+				print $step.'<xmltar:removed name="'.lastname($file)."\" />\n";
+				next;
+			}
+		}
+		warn "Unknown type or no file: $file\n";
+	}
+	while ( $dir ) {
+		$dir =~ s/[^\/]*\/$//;
+		$step =~ s/$stepadd$//;
+		$level--;
+		print $step . "</xmltar:dir>\n";
+	}
+# prevent vim from detecting this
+print "\n<!-- v"."im: set syntax=xml";
+print " fdm=marker" if $comment;
+print ": -->\n";

Added: ppcrcd/conf.dir/usr/lib/ppcrcd/xmluntar.pl
--- (empty file)
+++ ppcrcd/conf.dir/usr/lib/ppcrcd/xmluntar.pl	Thu Jan  5 21:06:56 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+# $Id$
+use strict;
+#use warnings;
+use File::Path;
+my $verbose = 0;
+my $comment = 0;
+my @filelist;
+while ( $ARGV[0] ) {
+	my $arg = shift @ARGV;
+	$verbose = 1 if $arg eq "-v";
+	$comment = 1 if $arg eq "-c";
+	next if $arg =~ /^-[vc]$/;
+	push @filelist, $arg;
+ at ARGV = @filelist;
+sub convname {
+	$_ = $_[0];
+	s/&quot;/"/g;
+	s/&amp;/&/g;
+	s/&lt;/</g;
+	s/&gt;/>/g;
+	return $_;
+my $leftmany = 0;
+my $dir = "./";
+my $L;
+while ( $L = <> ) {
+	chomp $L;
+	$L =~ s/^\s*//;
+	next unless $L;
+	if ( $L =~ s/^<xmltar:hardlink\s+(.*?)>(.*?)<\/xmltar:hardlink>// ) {
+		my $to = $2;
+		my %opts = ( map { /([a-z]+)="(.*?)"/g } $1 );
+		unless ( $opts{"name"} ) {
+			warn "hardlink has no name!\n";
+			redo;
+		}
+		my $new = $dir.convname($opts{"name"});
+		rmtree($new);
+		warn "L $new\n" if $verbose;
+		link $to, $new or 
+			warn "Can't create hardlink '$new' -> '$to': $!\n";
+		chmod oct($opts{"mode"}), $to if $opts{"mode"};
+		redo;
+	}
+	if ( $L =~ s/^<xmltar:symlink\s+(.*?)>(.*?)<\/xmltar:symlink>// ) {
+		my $to = $2;
+		my %opts = ( map { /([a-z]+)="(.*?)"/g } $1 );
+		unless ( $opts{"name"} ) {
+			warn "symlink has no name!\n";
+			redo;
+		}
+		my $new = $dir.convname($opts{"name"});
+		rmtree($new);
+		warn "S $new\n" if $verbose;
+		symlink $to, $new or 
+			warn "Can't create symlink '$new' -> '$to': $!\n";
+		redo;
+	}
+	if ( $L =~ s/^<xmltar:dir\s+(.*?)>// ) {
+		my %opts = ( map { /([a-z]+)="(.*?)"/g } $1 );
+		unless ( $opts{"name"} ) {
+			warn "dir has no name!\n";
+			redo;
+		}
+		$dir .= convname($opts{"name"})."/";
+		warn "D $dir\n" if $verbose;
+		unless ( -d $dir ) {
+			rmtree($dir);
+			mkdir $dir or die "Error creating dir $dir; $!\n";
+		}
+		chmod oct($opts{"mode"}), $dir if $opts{"mode"};
+		redo;
+	}
+	if ( $L =~ s/^<\/xmltar:dir>// ) {
+		$dir =~ s|[^/]*/$|| or warn "Error undir!!!$!\n";
+		redo;
+	}
+	if ( $L =~ s/^<xmltar:file\s+(.*?)>// ) {
+		my %opts = ( map { /([a-z]+)="(.*?)"/g } $1 );
+		unless ( $opts{"name"} ) {
+			warn "file has no name!\n";
+			redo;
+		}
+		my $file = $dir.convname($opts{"name"});
+		rmtree($file);
+		warn "F $file\n" if $verbose;
+		open F_OUT, "> $file" or die "Can't create file $file: $!\n";
+		if ( $L ) {
+			warn "Warning: file '$file' should start in next line\n";
+			if ( $L =~ s/^(.*?)<\/xmltar:file>// ) {
+				# onle line file
+				print F_OUT $1;
+				close F_OUT;
+				chmod oct($opts{"mode"}), $file if $opts{"mode"};
+				redo;
+			} else {
+				print F_OUT $L;
+			}
+		}
+		while ( my $Fline = <> ) {
+			if ( $Fline =~ s/^(.*?)<\/xmltar:file>// ) {
+				print F_OUT $1;
+				chomp $Fline;
+				$L = $Fline;
+				last;
+			}
+			print F_OUT $Fline;
+		}
+		close F_OUT;
+		chmod oct($opts{"mode"}), $file if $opts{"mode"};
+		redo;
+	}
+	if ( $L =~ s/^<xmltar:removed\s+(.*?)\/>// ) {
+		my %opts = ( map { /([a-z]+)="(.*?)"/g } $1 );
+		unless ( $opts{"name"} ) {
+			warn "removed has no name!\n";
+			redo;
+		}
+		my $torm = $dir.convname($opts{"name"});
+		warn "R $torm\n" if $verbose;
+		rmtree($torm);
+		redo;
+	}
+	if ( $L =~ s/^<!--(.*?)-->// ) {
+		print "Comment: $1\n" if $comment;
+		redo;
+	}
+	if ( $L =~ s/^<!--(.*)$// ) {
+		my $buf = $1;
+		while ( my $Fline = <> ) {
+			if ( $Fline =~ s/^(.*?)-->// ) {
+				$buf .= $1;
+				$L = $Fline;
+				last;
+			}
+			$buf .= $Fline;
+		}
+		print "Comment: $buf\n" if $comment;
+		redo;
+	}
+	warn "Error: left '$L'\n" if $leftmany < 8;
+	warn "Error: more left...\n" if $leftmany == 8;
+	$leftmany++;
+warn "Left in total $leftmany lines!\n" if $leftmany;

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