ppcrcd/trunk: Makefile fill_conf.pl mkvmlinuz

sparky cvs at pld-linux.org
Mon Jan 9 21:54:18 CET 2006

Author: sparky
Date: Mon Jan  9 21:54:13 2006
New Revision: 6783

   ppcrcd/trunk/fill_conf.pl   (contents, props changed)
   ppcrcd/trunk/mkvmlinuz   (contents, props changed)
- mkvmlinuz: stripped and a little changed script for preparing bootable
  ppc kernel image
- fill_conf.pl: script filling yaboot configuration
- Makefile: prepare vmlinuz - chrp-bootable image with initrd;
  ppcrcd will work on pegasos 2 soon !!!

Modified: ppcrcd/trunk/Makefile
--- ppcrcd/trunk/Makefile	(original)
+++ ppcrcd/trunk/Makefile	Mon Jan  9 21:54:13 2006
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
 root_stripped = out/root/stripped
 touch = out/touch
 initrd_sqf = out/images/initrd.sqf
+vmlinuz = out/images/vmlinuz
+vmlinux = out/images/vmlinux
 root_initrd = out/root/initrd
 root_installed = out/root/installed
 root_inst = out/root/inst
@@ -72,6 +74,8 @@
 	$(SU) /usr/sbin/mksquashfs_lzma \
 		$(root_initrd)	\
+	$(SU) chown $$USER $@
+	touch $@
 $(root_initrd):	out/touch/root_installed initrd.dir
 	rm -rf $@{,.work}
@@ -106,23 +110,39 @@
 		$(@:out/touch/stop/%=%) off
 	sleep 1 && touch $@
-$(boot):	out/touch/root_installed $(initrd_sqf) yaboot/yaboot boot.dir
+$(boot):	out/touch/root_installed $(vmlinuz) yaboot/yaboot \
+		yaboot/yaboot boot.dir
 	rm -rf $@{,.work}
 	mkdir -p $@.work
-	cp boot.dir/{hfs.map,boot.msg{,.net},yaboot.conf{,.net},*.help} $@.work
+	cp boot.dir/{hfs.map,boot.msg{,.net},*.help} $@.work
+	$(PWD)/fill_conf.pl $(vmlinuz) out/images/vmlinux.bin{.gz,} $(initrd_sqf) \
+		boot.dir/yaboot.conf.in > $@.work/yaboot.conf
+	$(PWD)/fill_conf.pl $(vmlinuz) out/images/vmlinux.bin{.gz,} $(initrd_sqf) \
+		boot.dir/yaboot.conf.net.in > $@.work/yaboot.conf.net
 	rm -f $@.work/*~
 	sed -e 's/"@_VERSION_@"/$(VER13)/g'	\
 		-i $@.work/boot.msg		\
 		-i $@.work/boot.msg.net
-	cp out/root/inst/boot/vmlinux-* $@.work/vmlinux
-	strip $@.work/vmlinux
-	strip -R.comment $@.work/vmlinux
-	gzip -9 $@.work/vmlinux
+	cp $(vmlinuz) $@.work
 	cp yaboot/yaboot $@.work
 	cp -a bootinfo.txt $@.work/ofboot.b
-	$(SU) cp $(initrd_sqf) $@.work
 	mv $@{.work,}
+$(vmlinuz):	$(vmlinux) $(initrd_sqf) \
+		out/rpm/rpms/kernel-grsecurity-libs
+	-$(SU) rpm --erase kernel-grsecurity-libs --nodeps
+	-$(SU) rpm -Uhv `cat out/rpm/rpms/kernel-grsecurity-libs` --nodeps
+	$(PWD)/mkvmlinuz $@	 \
+		-v $(vmlinux)	 \
+		-i $(initrd_sqf) \
+		-l /boot/libs-* -V
+$(vmlinux):	out/touch/root_installed
+	$(SU) cp out/root/inst/boot/vmlinux-* $@
+	$(SU) chown $$USER $@
+	strip $@
+	strip -R.comment $@
 $(root_stripped):	out/touch/root_installed conf.dir doc
 	$(SU) rm -rf $@{,.work}
@@ -252,7 +272,7 @@
 	$(SU) rm -rf $(root_stripped) $(boot) $(root_initrd)
-	rm -rf $(ppcrcd_iso) $(ppcrcd_sqf) $(initrd_sqf) $(cdroot)
+	rm -rf $(ppcrcd_iso) $(ppcrcd_sqf) $(initrd_sqf) $(cdroot) out/images/*
 	make -C yaboot clean
@@ -260,5 +280,6 @@
 # don't delete anything
-.DELETE_ON_ERROR: $(ppcrcd_iso) $(ppcrcd_sqf) $(initrd_sqf)
+.DELETE_ON_ERROR: $(ppcrcd_iso) $(ppcrcd_sqf) $(initrd_sqf) \
+		$(vmlinuz) $(vmlinux)

Added: ppcrcd/trunk/fill_conf.pl
--- (empty file)
+++ ppcrcd/trunk/fill_conf.pl	Mon Jan  9 21:54:13 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# fill configuration info
+# usage: fill_conf.pl <zImage> <vmlinux.bin.gz> <vmlinux> <initrd>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my $image = shift @ARGV or die;
+my $vmlinux_gz = shift @ARGV or die;
+my $vmlinux = shift @ARGV or die;
+my $initrd = shift @ARGV or die;
+open F_IN, $image or die;
+binmode F_IN;
+local $/ = undef;
+my $file = <F_IN>;
+close F_IN;
+sub sect_start {
+	open F_IN, $_[0] or die;
+	binmode F_IN;
+	local $/ = undef;
+	my $string = <F_IN>;
+	close F_IN;
+	return index $file, $string;
+my $vm_beg = sect_start($vmlinux_gz);
+my $rd_beg = sect_start($initrd);
+my $vm_len = (stat($vmlinux))[7];
+my $rd_len = (stat($initrd))[7];
+while (<>) {
+	s/#KERNEL_BEGIN#/$vm_beg/go;
+	s/#KERNEL_SIZE#/$vm_len/go;
+	s/#INITRD_BEGIN#/$rd_beg/go;
+	s/#INITRD_SIZE#/$rd_len/go;
+	print $_;

Added: ppcrcd/trunk/mkvmlinuz
--- (empty file)
+++ ppcrcd/trunk/mkvmlinuz	Mon Jan  9 21:54:13 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+# $Id: mkvmlinuz,v 1.2 2005/10/21 15:11:49 sparky Exp $
+# mkvmlinuz for pld linux
+# based on mkvmlinuz from Debian and Linux kernel Makefiles
+# usage information
+usage() {
+	cat << EOF
+usage: $(basename $0) [options] <output-image> <kernel-version>
+(ex: $(basename $0) /boot/zImage-
+<output-image>   - path to output file for compressed kernel image
+<kernel-version> - kernel version-release
+ -v <kernel> - path to vmlinux kernel
+               default: /boot/vmlinux-<kernel-version>
+ -i <initrd> - path to initrd image file
+               default: /boot/initrd-<kernel-version>[.gz]
+               geninitrd will be executed if no initrd file and not specified
+ -l <libdir> - path to directory with kernel libraries
+               default: /boot/libs-<kernel-version>/
+ -kb         - specify if using kernel build directory as <libdir>
+ -n          - do not use an initrd
+ -f          - force
+ -V          - verbose operation
+ -D          - debug (set -x)
+error() {
+	MSG="$*"
+	echo "$(basename $0): ERROR: ${MSG#$1 }" >&2
+	exit $1
+err() {
+	cd /
+	rm -rf $workdir
+	echo "ERROR: Some error has ocurred"
+	exit $(($1+30))
+. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+if [ -r /etc/sysconfig/mkvmlinuz ] ; then
+	. /etc/sysconfig/mkvmlinuz
+is_yes "$DEBUG" && set -x
+# parse command line
+while [ -n "$1" ]; do
+	case "$1" in
+		-v|--vmlinux)
+			shift
+			vmlinux=$1
+			;;
+		-i|--initrd)
+			shift
+			initrd=$1
+			;;
+		-l|--libdir)
+			shift
+			libdir=$1
+			;;
+		-kb|--kb)
+			libdirsuf="/arch/ppc/boot"
+			kernellib="../../../lib/lib.a"
+			;;
+		-n|--noinitrd)
+			initrd="no"
+			;;
+		-f|--force)
+			force="yes"
+			;;
+		-V|--verbose)
+			verbose="yes"
+			;;
+		-D|--debug)
+			DEBUG="yes"
+			;;
+		-*)
+			usage
+			;;
+		*)
+			if [ -z "$output" ]; then
+				output=$1
+			else
+				usage
+			fi
+			;;
+	esac
+	shift
+[ -n "$libdir" ] && libdir="$libdir$libdirsuf"
+is_yes "$DEBUG" && set -x
+# check everything
+if [ -e "$output" ]; then
+	is_yes "$force" || error 1 "$output exists"
+is_yes "$verbose" && echo "=== Preparing kernel version $version."
+is_yes "$verbose" && echo "=== Building for sub-architecture chrp."
+# if no kernel was specified, try to find one
+[ -z "$vmlinux" ] && vmlinux=/boot/vmlinux-$version
+[ -r "$vmlinux" ] || error 3 "vmlinux \`$vmlinux' is not readable"
+is_yes "$verbose" && echo "=== Using kernel image file $vmlinux."
+[ -r "$initrd" ] || error 4 "initrd \`$initrd\' is not readable"
+is_yes "$verbose" && echo "=== Using initrd image file $initrd."
+# if no object file directory was specified, try to find one
+[ -z "$libdir" ] && libdir=/boot/libs-$version
+[ -r "$libdir" ] || error 5 "libdir \`$libdir' is not readable"
+is_yes "$verbose" && echo "=== Using object files from $libdir."
+is_yes "$verbose" && \
+	echo "=== Building a bootable compressed kernel image in $output."
+[ "$(uname -m)" = "ppc" ] || CROSSPPC="ppc-pld-linux-"
+# utilities
+[ -z "$ADDNOTE" ] && ADDNOTE=$libdir/utils/addnote
+[ -z "$HACKCOFF" ] && HACKCOFF=$libdir/utils/hack-coff
+[ -z "$MKNOTE" ] && MKNOTE=$libdir/utils/mknote
+[ -z "$MKPREP" ] && MKPREP=$libdir/utils/mkprep
+[ -z "$MKBUGBOOT" ] && MKBUGBOOT=$libdir/utils/mkbugboot
+[ -z "$LD" ] && LD=${CROSSPPC}ld
+[ -z "$OBJCOPY" ] && OBJCOPY=${CROSSPPC}objcopy
+# libraries and common object files
+[ -z "$kernellib" ] && kernellib=kernel/lib.a
+LIBS=$(echo $libdir/{$kernellib,lib/lib.a,of1275/lib.a,common/lib.a})
+OBJS=$(echo $libdir/openfirmware/{crt0.o,$OFCOMMONOBJS,chrpmain.o})
+# create a work directory
+workdir="$(mktemp -d "/tmp/$(basename $0)-XXXXXX")"
+[ -z "$workdir" ] && error 7 "work directory not created"
+# off we go...
+GZIP_FLAGS="--force --best"
+# create the compressed kernel image file
+is_yes "$verbose" && echo "=== Creating compressed kernel image vmlinux.bin.gz..."
+$OBJCOPY -O binary $vmlinux $workdir/vmlinux.bin
+cp $workdir/vmlinux.bin out/images/vmlinux.bin
+gzip $GZIP_FLAGS $workdir/vmlinux.bin
+cp $workdir/vmlinux.bin.gz out/images/vmlinux.bin.gz
+cat "$initrd" > $workdir/initrd
+is_yes "$verbose" && echo "=== Putting everything into ELF image file image.o..."
+$OBJCOPY -O elf32-powerpc -R .comment $dummy $workdir/image.o
+$OBJCOPY -O elf32-powerpc $workdir/image.o $workdir/image.o \
+	--add-section=.image=$workdir/vmlinux.bin.gz \
+	--set-section-flags=.image=contents,alloc,load,readonly,data
+$OBJCOPY -O elf32-powerpc $workdir/image.o $workdir/image.o \
+	--add-section=.ramdisk=$workdir/initrd \
+	--set-section-flags=.ramdisk=contents,alloc,load,readonly,data
+# link everything into the final image file and make it bootable
+LD_ARGS="-T $libdir/ld.script"
+OBJCOPY_ARGS="-R .comment"
+is_yes "$verbose" && echo "=== Creating bootable kernel image file zImage.chrp..."
+LD_ARGS="$LD_ARGS -e _start -Ttext 0x00800000"
+$LD $LD_ARGS -o $zImage $OBJS $workdir/image.o $LIBS || err $?
+$OBJCOPY $OBJCOPY_ARGS $zImage $zImage || err $?
+# shouldn't be done only for rs6k ?
+# workaround: ADDNOTE=echo mkvmlinux [args]
+$ADDNOTE $zImage
+# move bootable kernel image to its final location
+if [ -r "$zImage" ]; then
+    is_yes "$verbose" && echo "=== Moving bootable kernel image file to $output..."
+    cat $zImage > $output && \
+		echo "*** kernel saved in $output succesfully ***" || \
+		err 21
+	err 30
+# clean up
+is_yes "$verbose" && echo "=== Cleaning up..."
+rm -rf $workdir
+exit $ERROR
+# vi:syntax=sh:ts=4:sw=4

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