PLDWWW: FrontPage

glen glen at
Sun Apr 16 12:09:32 CEST 2006

Author: glen   Date: Sun Apr 16 10:09:32 2006 GMT
Module: PLDWWW   URL:
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---- Page affected: FrontPage

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  === 16 April 2006 PLD Linux 2.0 ISO RC1 ===
- The PLD Linux Distribution team announces the release of PLD Linux 2.0 RC1 isos, ftp reasources constain 9 CD (for i383, i586, i686, athlon, amd64 and ppc), miniiso (for i386, i586, i686 and athlon), DVD (for i686, amd64, ppc).
+ The PLD Linux Distribution team announces the release of PLD Linux 2.0 RC1 isos, ftp resources contain 9 CD (for i383, i586, i686, athlon, amd64 and ppc), miniiso (for i386, i586, i686 and athlon), DVD (for i686, amd64, ppc).
  === 29 October 2005 Site back up ===
  After a (too) long period of downtime, our web site is again available. As usual, we had a machine failure. Unfortunately our backups aren't as fresh as they should be, so some pages might not be up to date (we'll take care of that ASAP). Also it appears that there might be some minor glitches here and there, so if the site reports any errors (especially when committing new changes), please report them to mmazur /at/
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  We are preparing 360ml (12 1/4 oz) frosted glass mugs with PLD logo - [ sign up for one]! 
  === 6 July 2005 Forum back up ===
- After a (too) long period of downtime, our [ web forum] is again available. Unfortunately we're starting from zero, since the old data got definitively lost, so users need to reregister. We're sorry for the inconvenience and hope that everyone will find the new functionality useful. The forum currently looks raw, but that should change in the near future.
+ After a (too) long period of downtime, our [ web forum] is again available. Unfortunately we're starting from zero, since the old data got definitively lost, so users need to re-register. We're sorry for the inconvenience and hope that everyone will find the new functionality useful. The forum currently looks raw, but that should change in the near future.
  === 19 June 2005 Fund-raising complete ===
  We are happy to announce that our fund-raising campaign is complete. In about month we have managed to collect as much as 1520 PLN, for which we bought three 250GB SATA disks and two PCI SATA controllers. Hopefully they will serve us well. Thanks to everyone!

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