SOURCES: mythtv-branch.diff (NEW) - release 0.19 fixes up to svn 1...

glen glen at
Sun May 28 13:59:04 CEST 2006

Author: glen                         Date: Sun May 28 11:59:04 2006 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- release 0.19 fixes up to svn 10051

---- Files affected:
   mythtv-branch.diff (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/mythtv-branch.diff
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/mythtv-branch.diff:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sun May 28 13:59:04 2006
+++ SOURCES/mythtv-branch.diff	Sun May 28 13:58:59 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,6215 @@
+Index: mythplugins/mythweb/themes/wml/header.php
+--- mythplugins/mythweb/themes/wml/header.php	(.../tags/release-0-19)	(revision 10051)
++++ mythplugins/mythweb/themes/wml/header.php	(.../branches/release-0-19-fixes)	(revision 10051)
+@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@
+ <p><a href="<?php echo root ?>tv/upcoming"><?php echo t('Upcoming Recordings') ?></a></p>
+ <p><a href="<?php echo root ?>tv/recorded"><?php echo t('Recorded Programs') ?></a></p>
+ <p><a href="<?php echo root ?>tv/search"><?php echo t('Search') ?></a></p>
+-<p><a href="<?php echo root ?>status?xml"><?php echo t('Backend Status') ?></a></p>
++<p><a href="<?php echo root ?>status/xml"><?php echo t('Backend Status') ?></a></p>
+Index: mythplugins/mythweb/themes/default/weather/weather.php
+--- mythplugins/mythweb/themes/default/weather/weather.php	(.../tags/release-0-19)	(revision 10051)
++++ mythplugins/mythweb/themes/default/weather/weather.php	(.../branches/release-0-19-fixes)	(revision 10051)
+@@ -93,13 +93,13 @@
+                 $tomorrow = date("m/d/Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")  , date("d")+1, date("Y")));
+                 switch($forecast->dayofweek) {
++                    case 0:  $day = t('Sunday');        break;
+                     case 1:  $day = t('Monday');        break;
+                     case 2:  $day = t('Tuesday');       break;
+                     case 3:  $day = t('Wednesday');     break;
+                     case 4:  $day = t('Thursday');      break;
+                     case 5:  $day = t('Friday');        break;
+                     case 6:  $day = t('Saturday');      break;
+-                    case 7:  $day = t('Sunday');        break;
+                     default: $day = $forecast->date;    break;
+                 }
+Index: mythplugins/mythweb/themes/default/music/music.php
+--- mythplugins/mythweb/themes/default/music/music.php	(.../tags/release-0-19)	(revision 10051)
++++ mythplugins/mythweb/themes/default/music/music.php	(.../branches/release-0-19-fixes)	(revision 10051)
+@@ -164,10 +164,12 @@
+     function print_header($filterPlaylist,$filterArtist,$filterAlbum,$filterGenre) {
+         $this->filterPlaylist=$filterPlaylist;
+-// Set the desired page title
+-    $page_title = 'MythWeb - '.t('Music');
+-// Print the page header
+-    require_once theme_dir.'/header.php';
++    // Set the desired page title
++        global $page_title, $Modules, $headers;
++        $page_title = 'MythWeb - '.t('Music');
++    // Print the page header
++        require_once theme_dir.'/header.php';
+         printf("<form  action=\"".root."music\" method=\"GET\" >\n");
+         printf("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mode\" value=\"music\" />\n");
+Index: mythplugins/mythweb/themes/default/tv/detail.php
+--- mythplugins/mythweb/themes/default/tv/detail.php	(.../tags/release-0-19)	(revision 10051)
++++ mythplugins/mythweb/themes/default/tv/detail.php	(.../branches/release-0-19-fixes)	(revision 10051)
+@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
+ <?php   } ?>
+             <div id="program_title">
+                 <h1>
+-                    <a href="<?php echo root ?>tv/search/<?php echo urlencode($program->title) ?>&search_title=yes"><?php echo $schedule->title ?></a>
++                    <a href="<?php echo root ?>tv/search/<?php echo str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($schedule->title)) ?>?search_title=1"><?php echo $schedule->title ?></a>
+                 </h1>
+                 <div id="program_time">
+ <?php
+Index: mythplugins/mythweb/includes/mythbackend.php
+--- mythplugins/mythweb/includes/mythbackend.php	(.../tags/release-0-19)	(revision 10051)
++++ mythplugins/mythweb/includes/mythbackend.php	(.../branches/release-0-19-fixes)	(revision 10051)
+@@ -15,10 +15,6 @@
+ // The character string used by the backend to separate records
+     define('backend_sep', '[]:[]');
+-// A couple of global variables to keep duplicate queries to a minimum
+-    $Scheduled_Recordings = array();
+-    $Recorded_Programs    = array();
+ // MYTH_PROTO_VERSION is defined in libmyth in mythtv/libs/libmyth/mythcontext.h
+ // and should be the current MythTV protocol version.
+     define('MYTH_PROTO_VERSION', 26);
+Index: mythplugins/mythweb/includes/programs.php
+--- mythplugins/mythweb/includes/programs.php	(.../tags/release-0-19)	(revision 10051)
++++ mythplugins/mythweb/includes/programs.php	(.../branches/release-0-19-fixes)	(revision 10051)
+@@ -81,7 +81,9 @@
+ /**/
+     function &load_all_program_data($start_time, $end_time, $chanid = false, $single_program = false, $extra_query = '') {
+         global $Channels, $db;
+-    // Make a local hash of channel chanid's with references to the actual channel data
++    // Make a local hash of channel chanid's with references to the actual
++    // channel data (Channels are not indexed by anything in particular, so
++    // that the user can sort by chanid or channum).
+         $channel_hash = array();
+     // An array (that later gets converted to a string) containing the id's of channels we want to load
+         $these_channels = array();
+@@ -104,7 +106,7 @@
+             load_all_channels();
+     // Scan through the channels array and actually assign those references
+         foreach (array_keys($Channels) as $key) {
+-            $channel_hash[$Channels[$key]->chanid] = &$Channels[$key];
++            $channel_hash[$Channels[$key]->chanid] =& $Channels[$key];
+         // Reinitialize the programs array for this channel
+             $Channels[$key]->programs = array();
+         // Keep track of this channel id in case we're only grabbing info for certain channels - workound included to avoid blank chanid's
+@@ -130,11 +132,13 @@
+                        LEFT JOIN programrating USING (chanid, starttime)
+                        LEFT JOIN oldrecorded
+                                  ON oldrecorded.recstatus IN (-3, 11)
+-                                    AND IF(oldrecorded.programid OR oldrecorded.seriesid,
++                                    AND IF(oldrecorded.programid AND oldrecorded.seriesid,
+                                            oldrecorded.programid = program.programid
+                                              AND oldrecorded.seriesid = program.seriesid,
+-                                           oldrecorded.title = program.title
+-                                             AND oldrecorded.subtitle = program.subtitle
++                                           oldrecorded.title AND oldrecorded.subtitle
++                                             AND oldrecorded.description
++                                             AND oldrecorded.title       = program.title
++                                             AND oldrecorded.subtitle    = program.subtitle
+                                              AND oldrecorded.description = program.description
+                                           )
+                        LEFT JOIN channel ON program.chanid = channel.chanid
+@@ -156,8 +160,12 @@
+     // The extra query, if there is one
+         if ($extra_query)
+             $query .= ' AND '.$extra_query;
+-    // Group, sort and query
++    // Group and sort
+         $query .= ' GROUP BY program.chanid, program.starttime ORDER BY program.starttime';
++    // Limit
++        if ($single_program)
++            $query .= ' LIMIT 1';
++    // Query
+         $sh = $db->query($query,
+                          star_character, max_stars, max_stars);
+     // No results
+@@ -188,12 +196,8 @@
+     // Cleanup
+         $sh->finish();
+     // If channel-specific information was requested, return an array of those programs, or just the first/only one
+-        if ($chanid) {
+-            if ($single_program)
+-                return $channel_hash[$chanid]->programs[0];
+-            else
+-                return $channel_hash[$chanid]->programs;
+-        }
++        if ($chanid && $single_program)
++            return $these_programs[0];
+     // Just in case, return an array of all programs found
+         return $these_programs;
+     }
+@@ -272,18 +276,18 @@
+             $this->endtime     = $data[12];  # show end-time
+         // Is this a previously-recorded program?  Calculate the filesize
+             if (!empty($this->filename)) {
+-                $this->filesize = ($fs_high + ($fs_low < 0)) * 4294967296 + $fs_low;
+-            }
+-        // Ah, a scheduled recording - let's load more information about it, to be parsed in below
+-            elseif ($this->chanid) {
+-                unset($this->filename);
+-            // Kludge to avoid redefining the object, which doesn't work in php5
+-                $tmp = @get_object_vars(load_one_program($this->starttime, $this->chanid));
+-                if (is_array($tmp) && count($tmp) > 0) {
+-                    foreach ($tmp as $key => $value) {
+-                        $this->$key = $value;
+-                    }
++                if (function_exists('gmp_add')) {
++                // GMP functions should work better with 64 bit numbers.
++                    $size = gmp_add($fs_low,
++                                     gmp_mul('4294967296',
++                                             gmp_add($fs_high, $fs_low < 0 ? '1' : '0'))
++                                   );
++                    $this->filesize = gmp_strval($size);
+                 }
++                else {
++                // This is inaccurate, but it's the best we can get without GMP.
++                    $this->filesize = ($fs_high + ($fs_low < 0)) * 4294967296 + $fs_low;
++                }
+             }
+         // Load the remaining info we got from mythbackend
+             $this->title           = $data[0];                  # program name/title
+@@ -291,14 +295,14 @@
+             $this->description     = $data[2];                  # episode description
+             $this->category        = $data[3];
+             #$chanid               = $data[4];   # Extracted a few lines earlier
+-            #$channum              = $data[5];
+-            #$callsign             = $data[6];
++            $this->channum         = $data[5];
++            $this->callsign        = $data[6];
+             $this->channame        = $data[7];
+             #$pathname             = $data[8];   # Extracted a few lines earlier
+             #$fs_high              = $data[9];   # Extracted a few lines earlier
+             #$fs_low               = $data[10];  # Extracted a few lines earlier
+-            #$starttime            = $data[11];  # Extracted a few lines earlier
+-            #$endtime              = $data[12];  # Extracted a few lines earlier
++            #$this->starttime      = $data[11];  # Extracted a few lines earlier
++            #$this->endtime        = $data[12];  # Extracted a few lines earlier
+             $this->hostname        = $data[16];
+             #$this->sourceid       = $data[17];
+             $this->cardid          = $data[18];
+@@ -320,9 +324,9 @@
+             $this->programid       = $data[34];
+             $this->lastmodified    = $data[35];
+             $this->recpriority     = $data[36];
+-            #$this->airdate        = $data[37];
+-            #$this->hasairdate     = $data[38];
+-            $this->timestretch     = $program_data[39];
++            $this->airdate         = date('Y-m-d', $data[37]);
++            $this->hasairdate      = $data[38];
++            $this->timestretch     = $data[39];
+             $this->recpriority2    = $data[40];
+         // Assign the program flags
+             $this->has_commflag = ($progflags & 0x01) ? true : false;    // FL_COMMFLAG  = 0x01
+@@ -363,8 +367,8 @@
+             $this->title_pronounce         = $data['title_pronounce'];
+             $this->recstatus               = $data['recstatus'];
+-            if ($program_data['tsdefault']) {
+-                $this->timestretch = $program_data['tsdefault'];
++            if ($data['tsdefault']) {
++                $this->timestretch = $data['tsdefault'];
+             } else {
+                 $this->timestretch = 1.0;
+             }
+@@ -387,12 +391,14 @@
+         // Now we really should scan the $Channel array and add a link to this program's channel
+             foreach (array_keys($Channels) as $key) {
+                 if ($Channels[$key]->chanid == $this->chanid) {
+-                    $this->channel = &$Channels[$key];
++                    $this->channel =& $Channels[$key];
+                     break;
+                 }
+             }
++        // Not found
++            if (!$this->channel)
++                $this->channel =& load_one_channel($this->chanid);
+         }
+     // Calculate the duration
+         if ($this->recendts)
+             $this->length = $this->recendts - $this->recstartts;
+Index: mythplugins/mythweb/includes/utils.php
+--- mythplugins/mythweb/includes/utils.php	(.../tags/release-0-19)	(revision 10051)
++++ mythplugins/mythweb/includes/utils.php	(.../branches/release-0-19-fixes)	(revision 10051)
+@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
+         static $first_run=true;
+         if($first_run) {
+             $first_run=false;
+-            echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/debug.js"></script>';
++            echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.root.'js/debug.js"></script>';
+         }
+     // Put our data into a string
+         if (is_array($data) || is_object($data))
+Index: mythplugins/mythweb/includes/init.php
+--- mythplugins/mythweb/includes/init.php	(.../tags/release-0-19)	(revision 10051)
++++ mythplugins/mythweb/includes/init.php	(.../branches/release-0-19-fixes)	(revision 10051)
+@@ -16,28 +16,15 @@
+  *
+ /**/
+- * $Path is an array of PATH_INFO passed into the script via mod_rewrite or some
+- * other lesser means.  It contains most of the information required for
+- * figuring out what functions the user wants to access.
+- *
+- * @global  array   $GLOBALS['Path']
+- * @name    $Path
+-    global $Path;
+-    $Path = explode('/', preg_replace('/^\/+/',   '',    // Remove leading slashes
+-                         preg_replace('/[\s]+/', ' ',    // Convert extra whitespace
+-                                                         // Grab the path info from various different places.
+-                             array_key_exists('PATH_INFO', $_SERVER)
+-                             && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']
+-                                ? $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']
+-                                : (array_key_exists('PATH_INFO', $_ENV)
+-                                   && $_ENV['PATH_INFO']
+-                                    ? $_ENV['PATH_INFO']
+-                                    : $_GET['PATH_INFO']
+-                                  )
+-                         ))
+-                   );
++// mod_redirect can do some weird things when php is run in cgi mode
++    $keys = preg_grep('/^REDIRECT_/', array_keys($_SERVER));
++    if (!empty($keys)) {
++        foreach ($keys as $key) {
++            $key = substr($key, 9);
++            if (!array_key_exists($key, $_SERVER))
++                $_SERVER[$key] = $_SERVER["REDIRECT_$key"];
++        }
++    }
+ // Clean the document root variable and make sure it doesn't have a trailing slash
+     $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = preg_replace('/\/+$/', '', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
+@@ -94,6 +81,29 @@
+         exit;
+     }
++ * $Path is an array of PATH_INFO passed into the script via mod_rewrite or some
++ * other lesser means.  It contains most of the information required for
++ * figuring out what functions the user wants to access.
++ *
++ * @global  array   $GLOBALS['Path']
++ * @name    $Path
++    global $Path;
++    $Path = explode('/', preg_replace('/^\/+/',   '',    // Remove leading slashes
++                         preg_replace('/[\s]+/', ' ',    // Convert extra whitespace
++                                                         // Grab the path info from various different places.
++                             array_key_exists('PATH_INFO', $_SERVER)
++                             && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']
++                                ? $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']
++                                : (array_key_exists('PATH_INFO', $_ENV)
++                                   && $_ENV['PATH_INFO']
++                                    ? $_ENV['PATH_INFO']
++                                    : $_GET['PATH_INFO']
++                                  )
++                         ))
++                   );
+ // Load the database connection routines
+     require_once 'includes/db.php';
+Index: mythplugins/mythweb/includes/mobile.php
+--- mythplugins/mythweb/includes/mobile.php	(.../tags/release-0-19)	(revision 10051)
++++ mythplugins/mythweb/includes/mobile.php	(.../branches/release-0-19-fixes)	(revision 10051)
+@@ -74,58 +74,56 @@
+      * If you don't know the screensize of some mobile terminal then use
+      * an empty array or approximate dimensions.
+      */
+-    $mobiles = array(/* Phones using the Series 60 platform, e.g. Nokia 3650 and 6600. */
+-             'Series 60' => array('width' => 176, 'height' => 208),
+-             'Series60' => array('width' => 176, 'height' => 208),
+-             'C500' => array('width'=>176, 'height'=> 220), // SPV C500
++    $mobiles = array(
++                /* Phones using the Series 60 platform, e.g. Nokia 3650 and 6600. */
++                     'Series 60' => array('width' => 176, 'height' => 208),
++                     'Series60'  => array('width' => 176, 'height' => 208),
++                     'C500'      => array('width'=>176, 'height'=> 220), // SPV C500
++                /* Phones using the Series 90 platform, e.g. Nokia 7710. */
++                     'Series 90' => array('width' => 640, 'height' => 320),
++                     'Series90' => array('width' => 640, 'height' => 320),
++                /* The following strings are added for the Palm browser WebPro
++                 * WebPro sometimes supplies the screen dimensions, but sometimes not
++                 * but we try to detect the best as possible */
++                     '240x320'    => array('width' => 240, 'height' => 320), // PocketPC IE
++                     '320x320'    => array('width' => 320, 'height' => 320), // For all Palm Tungsten models
++                     '320x480'    => array('width' => 320, 'height' => 480), // For Palm Tungsten T
++                     '480x320'    => array('width' => 480, 'height' => 320), // For Palm Tungsten T
++                     '320x480x16' => array('width' => 320, 'height' => 480), // For Palm Tungsten T
++                     '480x320x16' => array('width' => 480, 'height' => 320), // For Palm Tungsten T
++                     '320x320x16' => array('width' => 320, 'height' => 320),
++                     'WebPro'     => array('width' => 320, 'height' => 320), // For all Palm Tungsten models
++                 /* A generic mobile phone using Symbian OS. All Symbian phones don't
++                  * necessarily have the same screen size so if you want to include
++                  * some specific Symbian phones then place them above this line. */
++                     'Symbian' => array('width' => 176, 'height' => 208),
+-             /* Phones using the Series 90 platform, e.g. Nokia 7710. */
+-             'Series 90' => array('width' => 640, 'height' => 320),
+-             'Series90' => array('width' => 640, 'height' => 320),
++                     'Nokia' => array(), // Nokia phones and emulators
++                     'Eric' => array(), // Ericsson WAP phones and emulators
++                     'WapI' => array(), // Ericsson WapIDE 2.0
++                     'MC21' => array(), // Ericsson MC218
++                     'AUR ' => array(), // Ericsson R320
++                     'R380' => array(), // Ericsson R380
++                     'UP.B' => array(), // UP.Browser
++                     'WinW' => array(), // WinWAP browser
++                     'UPG1' => array(), // UP.SDK 4.0
++                     'upsi' => array(), // another kind of UP.Browser ??
++                     'QWAP' => array(), // unknown QWAPPER browser
++                     'Jigs' => array(), // unknown JigSaw browser
++                     'Java' => array(), // unknown Java based browser
++                     'Alca' => array(), // unknown Alcatel-BE3 browser (UP based?)
++                     'MITS' => array(), // unknown Mitsubishi browser
++                     'MOT-' => array(), // unknown browser (UP based?)
++                     'My S' => array(), // unknown Ericsson devkit browser ?
++                     'WAPJ' => array(), // Virtual WAPJAG
++                     'fetc' => array(), // fetchpage.cgi Perl script from
++                     'ALAV' => array(), // yet another unknown UP based browser ?
++                     'Wapa' => array(), // another unknown browser (Web based "Wapalyzer"?)
++                     'LGE-' => array(), // LG phones
+-	     /* The following strings are added for the Palm browser WebPro
+-              * WebPro sometimes supplies the screen dimensions, but sometimes not
+-	      * but we try to detect the best as possible
+-              */
+-	     '320x480' => array('width' => 320, 'height' => 480), // For Palm Tungsten T
+-	     '480x320' => array('width' => 480, 'height' => 320), // For Palm Tungsten T
+-	     '320x320' => array('width' => 320, 'height' => 320), // For all Palm Tungsten models
+-	     '320x480x16' => array('width' => 320, 'height' => 480), // For Palm Tungsten T
+-	     '480x320x16' => array('width' => 480, 'height' => 320), // For Palm Tungsten T
+-	     '320x320x16' => array('width' => 320, 'height' => 320),
+-	     'WebPro' => array('width' => 320, 'height' => 320), // For all Palm Tungsten models
+-             /* A generic mobile phone using Symbian OS. All Symbian phones don't
+-              * necessarily have the same screen size so if you want to include
+-              * some specific Symbian phones then place them above this line. */
+-             'Symbian' => array('width' => 176, 'height' => 208),
+-             'Nokia' => array(), // Nokia phones and emulators
+-             'Eric' => array(), // Ericsson WAP phones and emulators
+-             'WapI' => array(), // Ericsson WapIDE 2.0
+-             'MC21' => array(), // Ericsson MC218
+-             'AUR ' => array(), // Ericsson R320
+-             'R380' => array(), // Ericsson R380
+-             'UP.B' => array(), // UP.Browser
+-             'WinW' => array(), // WinWAP browser
+-             'UPG1' => array(), // UP.SDK 4.0
+-             'upsi' => array(), // another kind of UP.Browser ??
+-             'QWAP' => array(), // unknown QWAPPER browser
+-             'Jigs' => array(), // unknown JigSaw browser
+-             'Java' => array(), // unknown Java based browser
+-             'Alca' => array(), // unknown Alcatel-BE3 browser (UP based?)
+-             'MITS' => array(), // unknown Mitsubishi browser
+-             'MOT-' => array(), // unknown browser (UP based?)
+-             'My S' => array(), // unknown Ericsson devkit browser ?
+-             'WAPJ' => array(), // Virtual WAPJAG
+-             'fetc' => array(), // fetchpage.cgi Perl script from
+-             'ALAV' => array(), // yet another unknown UP based browser ?
+-             'Wapa' => array(), // another unknown browser (Web based "Wapalyzer"?)
+-             'LGE-' => array(), // LG phones
+-             /* For debugging: you can try out the mobile mode without a mobile phone.
+-              * Replace 'Opera' with your browser. Comment out for release version. */
+-             //'Opera' => array('width' => 176, 'height' => 208)
++                 /* For debugging: you can try out the mobile mode without a mobile phone.
++                  * Replace 'Opera' with your browser. Comment out for release version. */
++                     //'Opera' => array('width' => 176, 'height' => 208)
+              );
+     /* Scan through $mobiles and try to find matching user agent. */
+Index: mythplugins/mythweb/includes/recording_schedules.php
+--- mythplugins/mythweb/includes/recording_schedules.php	(.../tags/release-0-19)	(revision 10051)
++++ mythplugins/mythweb/includes/recording_schedules.php	(.../branches/release-0-19-fixes)	(revision 10051)
+@@ -68,10 +68,14 @@
+ // Cleanup
+     mysql_free_result($result);
++// Initialize
++    global $Scheduled_Recordings, $Num_Conflicts, $Num_Scheduled;
++    $Scheduled_Recordings = array();
++    $Num_Conflicts        = 0;
++    $Num_Scheduled        = 0;
+ // Load all of the scheduled recordings.  We will need them at some point, so we
+ // might as well get it overwith here.
+-    global $Scheduled_Recordings, $Num_Conflicts, $Num_Scheduled;
+-    $Scheduled_Recordings = array();
+     foreach (get_backend_rows('QUERY_GETALLPENDING', 2) as $key => $program) {
+     // The offset entry
+         if ($key === 'offset') {
+Index: mythplugins/mythweb/includes/session.php
+--- mythplugins/mythweb/includes/session.php	(.../tags/release-0-19)	(revision 10051)
++++ mythplugins/mythweb/includes/session.php	(.../branches/release-0-19-fixes)	(revision 10051)
+@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
+ // Start the session
+     session_name('mythweb_id');
+-    session_set_cookie_params(60 * 60 * 30, '/');       // 30 day timeout on cookies
+-    ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 60 * 60 * 30);    // ... and sessions
++    session_set_cookie_params(60 * 60 * 24 * 365, '/');     // 1 year timeout on cookies
++    ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 60 * 60 * 24 * 30);   // 30 day timeout on sessions
+     session_set_save_handler('sess_do_nothing', 'sess_do_nothing', 'sess_read', 'sess_write', 'sess_destroy', 'sess_gc');
+     session_start();
+Index: mythplugins/mythweb/modules/weather/handler.php
+--- mythplugins/mythweb/modules/weather/handler.php	(.../tags/release-0-19)	(revision 10051)
++++ mythplugins/mythweb/modules/weather/handler.php	(.../branches/release-0-19-fixes)	(revision 10051)
+@@ -222,8 +222,10 @@
+     $data = explode("|", $data);
+     for($i = 0;$i<5;$i++) {
+-        $forecast = new Forecast($data[5 + $i],$data[$i]);
+-        $forecast->dayofweek = $data[$i];
++	# mktime uses 0-6;  msnbc gives us 1-7;  adjust msnbc to match mktime
++	$dayofweek = $data[$i] - 1;
++        $forecast = new Forecast($data[5 + $i],$dayofweek);
++        $forecast->dayofweek = $dayofweek;
+         list($forecast->DescImage,$forecast->DescText) = getImageAndDescFromId($data[15 + $i]);
+         $forecast->DescImage = (strlen($forecast->DescImage) > 0) ? $forecast->DescImage : "unknown.png";
+         $forecast->DescText = (strlen($forecast->DescText) > 0) ? $forecast->DescText : t('Unknown') . " (" . $data[15+$i] . ")";
+Index: mythplugins/mythweb/modules/status/handler.php
+--- mythplugins/mythweb/modules/status/handler.php	(.../tags/release-0-19)	(revision 10051)
++++ mythplugins/mythweb/modules/status/handler.php	(.../branches/release-0-19-fixes)	(revision 10051)
+@@ -18,14 +18,17 @@
+     $masterhost = get_backend_setting('MasterServerIP');
+     $statusport = get_backend_setting('BackendStatusPort');
++// XML mode?
++    $xml_param = ($Path[1] == 'xml') ? '/xml' : '';
+ // Make sure the content is interpreted as UTF-8
+     header('Content-Type:  text/html; charset=UTF-8');
+ // Load the status page
+     if (function_exists('file_get_contents'))
+-        $status = file_get_contents("http://$masterhost:$statusport");
++        $status = file_get_contents("http://$masterhost:$statusport$xml_param");
+     else
+-        $status = implode("\n", file("http://$masterhost:$statusport"));
++        $status = implode("\n", file("http://$masterhost:$statusport$xml_param"));
+ // Extract the page title
+     preg_match('#<title>(.+?)</title>#s', $status, $title);
+Index: mythplugins/mythweb/modules/backend_log/handler.php
+--- mythplugins/mythweb/modules/backend_log/handler.php	(.../tags/release-0-19)	(revision 10051)
++++ mythplugins/mythweb/modules/backend_log/handler.php	(.../branches/release-0-19-fixes)	(revision 10051)
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
+ // Where to start searching from
+     $_GET['start'] = intVal($_GET['start']);
+     if ($_GET['start'] < 1)
+-        $_GET['start'] = 1;
++        $_GET['start'] = 0;
+ // How many entries to show?
+     $_GET['show'] = intVal($_GET['show']);
+Index: mythplugins/mythweb/modules/tv/upcoming.php
+--- mythplugins/mythweb/modules/tv/upcoming.php	(.../tags/release-0-19)	(revision 10051)
++++ mythplugins/mythweb/modules/tv/upcoming.php	(.../branches/release-0-19-fixes)	(revision 10051)
+@@ -103,8 +103,9 @@
+                         continue;
+                 }
+             // Skip deactivated shows?
+-                elseif (!$_SESSION['scheduled_recordings']['disp_deactivated']) {
+-                    continue;
++                elseif ($show->recstatus != 'Recording') {
++                    if (!$_SESSION['scheduled_recordings']['disp_deactivated'])
++                        continue;
+                 }
+             // Assign a reference to this show to the various arrays
+                 $all_shows[] =& $Scheduled_Recordings[$channum][$starttime][$key];
+Index: mythplugins/mythweb/modules/tv/recorded.php
+--- mythplugins/mythweb/modules/tv/recorded.php	(.../tags/release-0-19)	(revision 10051)
++++ mythplugins/mythweb/modules/tv/recorded.php	(.../branches/release-0-19-fixes)	(revision 10051)
+@@ -128,9 +128,21 @@
+                 continue;
+         // Get the length (27 == recendts; 26 == recstartts)
+             $length = $record[27] - $record[26];
+-        // Keep track of the total time and disk space used
++        // Keep track of the total time and disk space used (9 == fs_high; 10 == fs_low)
+             $Total_Time += $length;
+-            $Total_Used += ($record[9] + ($record[10] < 0)) * 4294967296 + $record[10];  // 9 == fs_high; 10 == fs_low;
++            if (function_exists('gmp_add')) {
++            // GMP functions should work better with 64 bit numbers.
++                $size = gmp_add($record[10],
++                                gmp_mul('4294967296',
++                                        gmp_add($record[9], $record[10] < 0 ? '1' : '0')
++                                       )
++                               );
++                $Total_Used = gmp_strval(gmp_add($Total_Used, $size));
++            }
++            else {
++            // This is inaccurate, but it's the best we can get without GMP.
++                $Total_Used += ($record[9] + ($record[10] < 0)) * 4294967296 + $record[10];
++            }
+         // keep track of their names and how many episodes we have recorded
+             $Total_Programs++;
+             $Groups[$record[30]]++;
+@@ -223,8 +235,28 @@
+ // How much free disk space on the backend machine?
+     list($size_high, $size_low, $used_high, $used_low) = explode(backend_sep, backend_command('QUERY_FREE_SPACE'));
+-    define(disk_size, (($size_high + ($size_low < 0)) * 4294967296 + $size_low) * 1024);
+-    define(disk_used, (($used_high + ($used_low < 0)) * 4294967296 + $used_low) * 1024);
++    if (function_exists('gmp_add')) {
++    // GMP functions should work better with 64 bit numbers.
++        $size = gmp_mul('1024',
++                        gmp_add($size_low,
++                                gmp_mul('4294967296',
++                                        gmp_add($size_high, $size_low < 0 ? '1' : '0'))
++                               )
++                       );
++        define(disk_size, gmp_strval($size));
++        $size = gmp_mul('1024',
++                        gmp_add($used_low,
++                                gmp_mul('4294967296',
++                                        gmp_add($used_high, $used_low < 0 ? '1' : '0'))
++                               )
++                       );
++        define(disk_used, gmp_strval($size));
++    }
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

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