SPECS: mplayer.spec - 1.0pre8 - enabled x264 - added amr - alpha i...

wolf wolf at pld-linux.org
Sun Jun 18 02:26:19 CEST 2006

Author: wolf                         Date: Sun Jun 18 00:26:19 2006 GMT
Module: SPECS                         Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- 1.0pre8
- enabled x264
- added amr
- alpha is obsolete, so patches out
- cut changelog

---- Files affected:
   mplayer.spec (1.328 -> 1.329) 

---- Diffs:

Index: SPECS/mplayer.spec
diff -u SPECS/mplayer.spec:1.328 SPECS/mplayer.spec:1.329
--- SPECS/mplayer.spec:1.328	Sat May 13 12:04:50 2006
+++ SPECS/mplayer.spec	Sun Jun 18 02:26:13 2006
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 %bcond_with	svga		# with svgalib video output
 %bcond_with	osd		# with osd menu support
 %bcond_with	altivec		# with altivec support (altivec code brakes image in mpeg4, and may segfault on others)
-%bcond_with	x264		# with x264 support (needs newer libx264 snap)
+%bcond_without	x264		# without x264 support (needs newer libx264 snap)
 %bcond_with	xmms		# with XMMS inputplugin support
 %bcond_without	aalib		# without aalib video output
 %bcond_without	jack		# without JACKD support
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
 %bcond_without	mencoder	# disable mencoder (a/v encoder) compilation
 %bcond_without	sdl		# disable SDL
 %bcond_without	doc		# don't build docs (slow)
-%bcond_with	gtk2		# EXPERIMENTAL support for GTK+ version 2
 %bcond_with	shared		# experimental libmplayer.so support
+%bcond_without	amr		# don't build 3GPP Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech codec
 %ifnarch %{ix86}
 %undefine	with_win32
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 %define		sname		MPlayer
 %define		snap		%{nil}
-%define		pre		pre7try2
+%define		pre		pre8
 Summary:	MPlayer - THE Movie Player for UN*X
 Summary(de):	MPlayer ist ein unter der freien GPL-Lizenz stehender Media-Player
@@ -85,9 +85,8 @@
 Summary(pt_BR):	Reprodutor de filmes
 Name:		mplayer
 Version:	1.0
-%define		_rel	2.2
-#Release:	2.%{pre}.%{_rel}
-Release:	2.pre7try3.%{_rel}
+%define		_rel	1
+Release:	3.%{pre}.%{_rel}
 # DO NOT increase epoch unless it's really neccessary!
 # especially such changes like pre7->pre7try2, increase Release instead!
 # PS: $ rpmvercmp pre7try2 pre7
@@ -101,7 +100,7 @@
 #Source1:	libavcodec-%{snap}.tar.bz2
 Source0:	ftp://ftp2.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/%{sname}-%{version}%{pre}.tar.bz2
-# Source0-md5:	aaca4fd327176c1afb463f0f047ef6f4
+# Source0-md5:	f82bb2bc51b6cd5e5dd96f88f6f98582
 Source3:	ftp://ftp1.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/fonts/font-arial-iso-8859-2.tar.bz2
 # Source3-md5:	7b47904a925cf58ea546ca15f3df160c
@@ -110,16 +109,19 @@
 # Source6-md5:	1ecd31d17b51f16332b1fcc7da36b312
 Source7:	%{name}.png
 Source8:	%{name}.desktop
+Source10:	http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/latest/Rel-5/26_series/26204-530.zip
+# Source10-md5:	988060bdb18b5d64b8bd82c3507d2420
+Source11:	http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/latest/Rel-5/26_series/26104-540.zip
+# Source11-md5:	4dcbeb2bc28bf86e7131fe4cae3e0dec
 Patch0:		%{name}-no_libnsl.patch
 Patch1:		%{name}-cp1250-fontdesc.patch
 Patch2:		%{name}-codec.patch
 Patch3:		%{name}-home_etc.patch
 Patch4:		%{name}-350.patch
 Patch5:		%{name}-configure.patch
-Patch6:		%{name}-gtk+2.patch
-Patch7:		%{name}-alpha.patch
 Patch8:		%{name}-altivec.patch
-Patch9:		%{name}-assembly.patch
 Patch10:	%{name}-pcmsplit.patch
 Patch11:	%{name}-bio2jack.patch
 Patch12:	%{name}-x86_64-detection.patch
@@ -127,12 +129,10 @@
 Patch14:	%{name}-shared.patch
 Patch15:	%{name}-xvmc.patch
 Patch16:	%{name}-kill-mabi_altivec.patch
-Patch17:	%{name}-gcc4.patch
-Patch18:	http://www.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/patches/demuxer_h_fix_20060212.diff
-Patch19:	%{name}-CVE-2005-4048.patch
 URL:		http://www.mplayerhq.hu/
 %{?with_directfb:BuildRequires:	DirectFB-devel}
+BuildRequires:	OpenAL-devel
 BuildRequires:	OpenGL-devel
 %{?with_sdl:BuildRequires:	SDL-devel >= 1.1.7}
 %{?with_aalib:BuildRequires:	aalib-devel}
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
 %{?with_gif:BuildRequires:	giflib-devel}
 %if %{with gui}
-BuildRequires:	gtk+%{?with_gtk2:2}-devel
+BuildRequires:	gtk+2-devel
 BuildRequires:	lame-libs-devel
 %{?with_jack:BuildRequires:	libbio2jack-devel >= 0.8-2}
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
 %{?with_dshow:BuildRequires:	libstdc++-devel}
 %{?with_theora:BuildRequires:	libtheora-devel}
 %{?with_vorbis:BuildRequires:	libvorbis-devel}
-%{?with_x264:BuildRequires:	libx264-devel > 0.1.2-1.20051023}
+%{?with_x264:BuildRequires:	libx264-devel >= 0.1.2-1.20060430_2245.1}
 BuildRequires:	libxslt-progs
 %{?with_lirc:BuildRequires:	lirc-devel}
 %{?with_live:BuildRequires:	live}
@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@
 BuildRequires:	pkgconfig
 %{?with_polyp:BuildRequires:	polypaudio-devel >= 0.6}
 %{?with_polyp:BuildRequires:	polypaudio-devel < 0.8}
+BuildRequires:	speex-devel >= 1.1
 %{?with_svga:BuildRequires:	svgalib-devel}
 %{?with_xmms:BuildRequires:	xmms-libs}
 BuildRequires:	xorg-lib-libXvMC-devel
@@ -187,6 +188,7 @@
 BuildRequires:	xorg-lib-libXxf86vm-devel
 %{?with_xvid:BuildRequires:	xvid-devel >= 1:0.9.0}
 BuildRequires:	zlib-devel
+%{?with_amr:BuildRequires:	unzip}
 Requires:	%{name}-common = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
 Requires(post,postun):	/sbin/ldconfig
 Requires:	OpenGL
@@ -309,31 +311,39 @@
 %setup -q -n %{sname}-%{version}%{pre} -a 3 -a 6
+%if %{with amr}
+cd libavcodec
+mkdir amrwb_float
+mkdir amr
+mkdir amr_float
+# put 26204-xxx.zip into libavcodec/amrwb_float
+cd amrwb_float
+unzip -j %{SOURCE10}
+unzip -j 26204-530_ANSI-C_source_code.zip
+# put 26104-xxx.zip into libavcodec/amr_float
+cd ../amr_float
+unzip -j %{SOURCE11}
+unzip -j 26104-540_ANSI_C_source_code.zip
+cd ../..
 cp -f etc/codecs.conf etc/codecs.win32.conf
-%patch0 -p1
+#%patch0 -p1
 %patch1 -p0
 ##%patch2 -p1
 ##%patch3 -p1	-- old home_etc behavior
 %patch4 -p1
 %patch5 -p1
-%if %{with gtk2}
-%patch6 -p1
-%patch7 -p1
 %patch8 -p1
-%patch9 -p1
 #%%patch10 -p1
-%patch11 -p1
-%patch12 -p1
-%patch13 -p1
+#%patch11 -p1	# maybe TODO, JACK audio output rewritten without bio2jack
+#%patch12 -p1	# seems obsolete
+#%patch13 -p1	# TODO
 %if %{with shared}
 %patch14 -p1
-%patch15 -p0
+#%patch15 -p0	# TODO
 %patch16 -p1
-%patch17 -p1
-%patch18 -p0
-%patch19 -p1
 # kill evil file, hackery not needed with llh
 echo > osdep/kerneltwosix.h
@@ -440,7 +450,7 @@
 # build GUI version
 build --enable-gui
 mv -f mplayer gmplayer
-%{__make} clean
+%{__make} distclean
 # now build regular version
@@ -536,23 +546,20 @@
 %files -n mencoder
-%doc DOCS/tech/encoding-tips.txt DOCS/tech/swscaler_filters.txt
-%doc DOCS/tech/swscaler_methods.txt DOCS/tech/colorspaces.txt
+%doc DOCS/tech/encoding-guide.txt DOCS/tech/encoding-tips.txt
+%doc DOCS/tech/swscaler_filters.txt DOCS/tech/swscaler_methods.txt
+%doc DOCS/tech/colorspaces.txt
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/mencoder*
 %files common
-# some useful tech docs
-%doc DOCS/tech/hwac3.txt DOCS/tech/mpsub.sub DOCS/tech/slave.txt
-%doc DOCS/tech/subcp.txt
 # HTML and XML-generated docs
 %doc DOCS/HTML/en
 %doc DOCS/tech
 %if %{with win32}
 %doc etc/codecs.win32.conf
-%lang(de) %doc DOCS/de
+%lang(de) %doc DOCS/HTML/de
 %lang(es) %doc DOCS/HTML/es
 %lang(fr) %doc DOCS/HTML/fr
 %lang(hu) %doc DOCS/HTML/hu
@@ -560,7 +567,7 @@
 %lang(pl) %doc DOCS/HTML/pl
 %lang(ru) %doc DOCS/HTML/ru
 %lang(zh_CN) %doc DOCS/zh
-%doc README AUTHORS ChangeLog
+%doc AUTHORS ChangeLog README
 %ifarch %{ix86}
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libdha.so.*.*
@@ -589,6 +596,13 @@
 All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld-linux.org
+Revision 1.329  2006/06/18 00:26:13  wolf
+- 1.0pre8
+- enabled x264
+- added amr
+- alpha is obsolete, so patches out
+- cut changelog
 Revision 1.328  2006/05/13 10:04:50  qboosh
 - face the truth: lzo 2 and polypaudio 0.8 are not supported yet
@@ -619,165 +633,3 @@
 Revision 1.319  2006/03/17 19:52:46  pluto
 - lzw patent is dead. BR giflib-devel.
-Revision 1.318  2006/02/28 10:27:28  qboosh
-- added demuxer_h_fix_20060212 patch (fixes CAN-2006-0579)
-- package as 2.pre7try3.1.1 (following maintainers advice)
-Revision 1.317  2006/02/27 20:44:32  pluto
-- gcc4 fix, modular xorg deps, system-wide ffmpeg deps in progress...
-Revision 1.316  2006/02/13 20:58:15  sparky
-- kill evil -mabi=altivec, runtime detection works now, but image with altivec is broken
-Revision 1.315  2006/02/02 18:01:07  qboosh
-- removed extra nl
-Revision 1.314  2006/02/02 17:10:07  spider
-- added german description
-Revision 1.313  2006/02/02 16:49:58  luzik
--enable/disable lirc (autodetection fail)
-Revision 1.312  2006/02/01 22:50:29  luzik
-- added XvMC vld patch
-Revision 1.311  2006/02/01 11:44:13  luzik
-- XvMCW is wraper for hardware specyfic xvmc librares
-Revision 1.310  2006/02/01 10:19:26  luzik
-- added xvmclib
-Revision 1.309  2006/01/29 19:17:28  glen
-- unify: use doc bcond for docs
-Revision 1.308  2005/12/01 17:30:27  pluto
-- jack patch merged with bio2jack patch.
-Revision 1.307  2005/11/28 13:19:59  pluto
-- use bio2jack system header.
-Revision 1.306  2005/10/13 14:32:42  pluto
-- BR:pkgconfig, ./configure uses it.
-Revision 1.305  2005/10/08 10:32:26  arekm
-- rel .4
-Revision 1.304  2005/10/03 16:24:41  qboosh
-- updated pl, sorted verify() flags
-Revision 1.303  2005/10/01 15:48:56  glen
-- typo
-Revision 1.302  2005/10/01 15:27:12  glen
-- no compiler magic if shared bcond not enabled (breaks x86 build)
-Revision 1.301  2005/09/25 22:31:47  glen
-- separate gmplayer and mencoder to subpackages, -common package created for sharing common portions
-- skin dropped, as those are available from mplayer-skins.spec
-Revision 1.300  2005/09/16 10:37:25  arekm
-- rel 3
-Revision 1.299  2005/09/10 19:35:18  glen
-- add mythtv patch
-Revision 1.298  2005/09/10 16:09:07  blues
-- release 2 - enable mmx*/sse*/3dnow* on amd64 too... it has these
-  extensions for sure. Maybe it's good to disable run-time-detection on
-  that arch? These extensions are always available...
-  STBR anyway
-Revision 1.297  2005/09/08 01:38:35  glen
-- pre7try2 fixes CAN-2005-2718
-Revision 1.296  2005/09/05 20:38:57  glen
-- this was not the first time useless epoch bump. add note
-Revision 1.295  2005/09/05 16:45:36  qboosh
-- too late for epoch revert (package already on ftp) - bumped back to 3
-Revision 1.294  2005/09/03 15:43:52  glen
-- revert epoch bump and increase release instead
-Revision 1.293  2005/08/30 11:36:08  saq
-- pre7try2 (and that's what epoch's for :( )
-  [fixes CAN-2005-2718]
-Revision 1.292  2005/08/18 19:44:15  kolodko
-- bcond live default enable
-- 1.pre7.4
-- STBR AC test
-Revision 1.291  2005/08/17 15:18:35  paszczus
-- changed to ftp2
-Revision 1.290  2005/08/09 08:16:30  glen
-- corrections to last commit msg
-Revision 1.289  2005/08/09 08:13:45  glen
-- remove --disable-gcc-checking, PLD doesn't have gcc 2.96 for long
-  time already. this option causes build on wait for user input.
-- fix --enable-live build on 64-bit archs
-Revision 1.288  2005/08/09 07:12:02  glen
-- make docs fails with parallel make
-Revision 1.287  2005/08/03 18:28:17  koorek
-- fixed default skin issue
-Revision 1.286  2005/07/28 22:05:21  patrys
-- added call to --enable-directfb if needed
-- patch provided by ChomAr (duch at wla pl)
-Revision 1.285  2005/07/05 18:44:26  qboosh
-- gpm-friendly Source URLs
-Revision 1.284  2005/06/25 22:05:18  arekm
-- enable OSD menu
-Revision 1.283  2005/06/20 19:34:17  saq
-- amd64 build fix
-- release .2
-Revision 1.282  2005/06/14 15:16:49  blues
-- TODO note
-Revision 1.281  2005/05/16 17:48:32  krolik
-- missing BR
-Revision 1.280  2005/04/30 21:07:07  wrobell
-- added mplayer desktop file (gmplayer really sucks)
-Revision 1.279  2005/04/22 15:28:28  kolodko
-- added bcond_without libdts
-Revision 1.278  2005/04/21 17:43:38  qboosh
-- removed obsolete 3gp patch
-Revision 1.277  2005/04/21 11:42:16  koorek
-- new default skin
-Revision 1.276  2005/04/18 09:50:20  freetz
-- don't install desktop related files --without gui
-Revision 1.275  2005/04/17 11:33:53  wolf
-- 1.0pre7
-Revision 1.274  2005/03/26 12:59:23  adgor
-- 3gp support
-Revision 1.273  2005/03/05 15:27:57  qboosh
-- BR: libdts-devel (used if found)
-Revision 1.272  2005/03/05 14:34:35  qboosh
-- really BR: enca-devel
-Revision 1.271  2005/03/03 22:08:36  blues
-- don't bump epoch when not needed...
-Revision 1.270  2005/03/03 22:05:19  prism
-- epoch++
-Revision 1.269  2005/03/03 07:30:41  kosmo
-- updated to 1.0pre6a

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