SOURCES: (NEW) - added

glen glen at
Wed Aug 30 00:11:52 CEST 2006

Author: glen                         Date: Tue Aug 29 22:11:52 2006 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- added

---- Files affected:
SOURCES: (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/
--- /dev/null	Wed Aug 30 00:11:52 2006
+++ SOURCES/	Wed Aug 30 00:11:47 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use DBI;
+# Changelog:
+#  20050304 - Skip the row count on InnoDB tables, becuase the SHOW TABLE STATUS 
+#    	      is just an ESTIMATE that varies wildly. Broke the check for 
+#	      this out to its own subroutine to clean up compare_status().
+#  20050303 - Correct master-port handling (I dont use this now as I get the 
+#	      master figured out from the slave by doing 'show slave status').
+#	    - Added the master and slave ports to the printed output (I run 
+#	      many slaves on a slave host, one for each master I am slaving 
+#	      from; sometimes I have separate masters on the same host so that 
+#	      each one can be stopped, started independantly with their own 
+#	      keycache).
+#	      Added an option --check-random-database", which looks at the 
+#	      slave and sees which databases are being replicated, randomly 
+#	      picks one of these and does a 'show table status' ot get back the 
+#	      row_count, and if it differes by more than 
+#	      'table-rows-diff-absolute-crit' it adds this to the status line. 
+#	      If your replication is good, then the number of row between the 
+#	      master and slave should be about the same, and the update time on 
+#	      each table within a replicated database should be about the same.
+#	      The 'about' is because the time difference in checking the slave and 
+#	      then the master, and the delay in replication in the other direction.
+#	    - If there are table differences in the random check, then show a warning.
+#  20050217 - Fix a type in the comments
+#	    - Convert the Seconds_Behind_Master to hours and seconds if it is large
+#  20040120 - Make it find the master automatically, so you only specify a slave
+#	    - Update the output to show second behind for MySQL 4.1 slaves
+#  20041102 - Support MySQl 4.1 Exec_master_log_pos -> Exec_Master_Log_Pos case change
+our $VERSION=0.03;
+# $Id$
+my $options = { 'slave-port' => 3306, 'slave' => 'slavehost', 'crit' => 0.5, 'warn' => 0.1 , 'slave-user' => 'repl', 'slave-pass' => 'password', 'debug' => 0, 'table-rows-diff-absolute-crit' => 10, 'table-rows-diff-absolute-warn' => 5};
+GetOptions($options, "slave=s", "slave-user=s", "slave-pass=s", "master=s", "master-port=i", "master-user=s", "master-pass=s", "crit=s", "warn=s", "help", "slave-port=i", "debug=i", "version", "check-random-database", "table-rows-diff-absolute-crit=i", "table-rows-diff-absolute-warn=i");
+my $max_binlog;
+if (defined $options->{'help'}) {
+	print <<FOO;
+$0: check replication between MySQL database instances
+ [ --slave <host> ] [ --slave-pass <pass> ] 
+ [ --slave-port <d> ] [ --slave-user <user> ] [ --master <host> ] 
+ [ --master-pass <pass> ] [ --master-port <port> ] [ --master-user <user> ] 
+ [ --crit <positions> ] [ --warn <positions> ] [ --check-random-database ]
+ [ --table-rows-diff-absolute-crit <number> ]
+ [ --table-rows-diff-absolute-warn <number> ]
+  --slave <host>	- MySQL instance running as a slave server
+  --slave-port <d>	- port for the slave
+  --slave-user <user>	- Username with File/Process/Super privs
+  --slave-pass <pass>	- Password for above user
+  --master <host>	- MySQL instance running as server (override)
+  --master-port <d>	- port for the master (override)
+  --master-user <user>	- Username for master (override)
+  --master-pass <pass>	- Password for master
+  --crit <positions>	- Number of complete master binlogs for critical state
+  --warn <positions>	- Number of complete master binlog for warning state
+  --check-random-database - Select a random DB from the slave's list of 
+			databases and compare to the master's 
+			information for these (need SELECT priv)
+  --table-rows-diff-absolute-crit <number> - If we do the check-random-database, 
+			then ensure that the change in row count between master 
+			and slave is below this threshold, and go critical if not
+  --table-rows-diff-absolute-warn <number> - If we do the check-random-database, 
+			then ensure that the change in row count between master 
+			and slave is below this threshold, and go warning if not
+  --help             - This help page
+By default, you should use your configured replication user, as you will 
+then only need to specify the user and password once, and this script will 
+find the master from the slave's running configuration.
+Critical and warning values are no measured as amount of a complete master 
+sized binlog. If your master has the default 1GB binlog size, then specifying 
+a warning value of 0.1 means that your will let the slave get 100MB out of 
+sync before warning; you may want to set warning to 0.01, and critical at 0.1.
+MySQL 3: GRANT File, Process on *.* TO repl\@192.168.0.% IDENTIFIED BY <pass>
+MySQL 4: GRANT Super, Replication_client on *.* TO repl\@192.168.0.% IDE...
+If you want to use the check-random-database option, then the user needs 
+SELECT privileges on all replicated tables on the master and the slave.
+Note: Any mysqldump tables (for backups) may lock large tables for a long 
+time. If you dump from your slave for this, then your master will gallop 
+away from your slave, and the difference will become large. The trick is to 
+set crit above this differnce and warn below.
+(c) 2005 Fotango. James Bromberger <jbromberger\>.
+} elsif (defined $options->{version}) {
+	printf "%s %s\n", $0, $VERSION;
+	exit;
+sub debug {
+	my $level = shift;
+	my $message = shift;
+	return if $level > $options->{debug};
+	my $caller = (caller(1))[3];
+	print $caller . ":" . $message . "\n";
+sub get_status {
+	my $host = shift;
+	my $port = shift;
+	debug(1, "Connecting to slave $host:$port as user " . $options->{'slave-user'});
+	my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:host=$host:port=$port", $options->{'slave-user'}, $options->{'slave-pass'});
+	if (not $dbh) {
+		print "UNKNOWN: cannot connect to $host";
+		exit 3;
+	}
+	my $sql = "show variables";
+	my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
+	if (not $sth) {
+		print "UNKNOWN: cannot prepare $sql";
+		exit 3;
+	}
+	debug(2, "Getting slave variables");
+	my $res = $sth->execute;
+	my $slave_data;
+	while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
+		$slave_data->{$ref->{'Variable_name'}} = $ref->{'Value'};
+	}
+	$sth->finish;
+	$sql = "show slave status";
+	$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
+	if (not $sth) {
+		print "UNKNOWN: cannot prepare $sql";
+		exit 3;
+	}
+	debug(2, "Getting slave replication status");
+	$res = $sth->execute();
+	$slave_data->{replication} = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+	$sth->finish;
+	if (defined $options->{'check-random-database'}) {
+		debug(2, "Checking status of a random replicate-do-db");
+		my @replicated = split(',', $slave_data->{replication}->{Replicate_Do_DB});
+		my $random_db = $replicated[int(rand() * scalar(@replicated))];
+		if (defined $random_db) {
+			debug(3, "DBs being replicated are: " . join(', ', @replicated) . "; random choice is $random_db");
+			my $sql = "use $random_db";
+			$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) || die "Cannot prepare: $!";
+			$res = $sth->execute();
+			$sth->finish;
+			$sql = 'show table status';
+			$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
+			$res = $sth->execute();
+			while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
+				$slave_data->{replication}->{table_status}->{$random_db}->{$ref->{Name}} = $ref;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	$dbh->disconnect;
+	# Now connect to the master...
+	$host = $options->{'master'} || $slave_data->{replication}->{Master_Host};
+	$port = $options->{'master-port'} || $slave_data->{replication}->{Master_Port};
+	my $user = $options->{'master-user'} || $slave_data->{replication}->{Master_User};
+	my $pass = $options->{'master-pass'} || $options->{'slave-pass'};
+	debug(1, "Connecting to master $host:$port as user $user");
+	$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:host=$host:port=$port", $user, $pass);
+	if (not $dbh) {
+		print "UNKNOWN: Cannot connect to master $host:$port";
+		die 3;
+	}
+	$sql = "show variables";
+	$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
+	debug(1, "Getting master variables");
+	$res = $sth->execute;
+	my $master_data;
+	while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
+		$master_data->{$ref->{'Variable_name'}} = $ref->{'Value'};
+	}
+	$sth->finish;
+	$sql = "show master status";
+	$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
+	debug(2, "Getting master replication status");
+	$res = $sth->execute;
+	$master_data->{replication} = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+	$sth->finish;
+	if (defined $options->{'check-random-database'}) {
+		foreach my $database (keys(%{$slave_data->{replication}->{table_status}})) {
+			debug(3, "The master should check $database");
+			$sth = $dbh->prepare("use $database");
+			$sth->execute || die "Cannot use db";
+			$sth->finish;
+			$sth = $dbh->prepare('show table status');
+			$res = $sth->execute;
+			while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
+                                $master_data->{replication}->{table_status}->{$database}->{$ref->{Name}} = $ref;
+                        }
+		}
+	}
+	$dbh->disconnect;
+	#use Data::Dumper;
+	#print Dumper($slave_data->{replication});
+	#print Dumper($master_data->{replication});
+	compare_status($master_data, $slave_data);
+sub compare_table_rows {
+	# The two arguments, 'master' and 'slave' are references to the hashes from the respective 
+	# SHOW MASTER STATUS queries. Both must be present, or we return nothing. We compare each, 
+	# avoiding deficiencies in InnoDB tables, looking only at the row counts. If the row_count 
+	# difference exceeds our limit, we add it to our message string.
+	my %args = @_;
+	return unless defined $args{master};
+	return unless defined $args{slave};
+	my @messages;
+	my $exit_level = 0;
+	foreach my $database (keys %{$args{slave}}) {
+		foreach my $table (keys %{$args{slave}->{$database}}) {
+			debug(4, "Checking $database.$table");
+			if ((defined($args{slave}->{$database}->{$table}->{Engine}) && $args{slave}->{$database}->{$table}->{Engine} eq 'InnoDB')|| (defined($args{slave}->{$database}->{$table}->{Type}) && $args{slave}->{$database}->{$table}->{Type} eq 'InnoDB')) {
+				# We can't rely on InnoDB's row count from 'SHOW TABLE STATUS' since it is an approximation
+				# For MySQL 4.1.10 and below, we cant even get an Update_time, since this is NULL!
+				# The only thing we /could/ do is reconnect and do a SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE, but 
+				# we can't be bothered! Humph.
+				debug(5, "Skipping check on InnoDB table $database.$table");
+			} else {
+				if (defined($args{slave}->{$database}->{$table}->{Rows}) && defined ($args{master}->{$database}->{$table}->{Rows})) {
+					my $row_diff = abs($args{slave}->{$database}->{$table}->{Rows} - $args{master}->{$database}->{$table}->{Rows});
+					if (abs($row_diff) > $options->{'table-rows-diff-absolute-crit'}) {
+						push @messages, "$database.$table $row_diff";
+						$exit_level = 2;
+					} elsif (abs($row_diff) > $options->{'table-rows-diff-absolute-warn'})  {
+						push @messages, "$database.$table $row_diff";
+						$exit_level = 1 unless $exit_level == 2;
+					}
+				} else {
+					debug(2, "$database.$table has now row count on slave!") unless defined($args{slave}->{$database}->{$table}->{Rows});
+					debug(2, "$database.$table has now row count on master!") unless defined($args{master}->{$database}->{$table}->{Rows});
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return ($exit_level, join(', ', @messages));
+sub compare_status {
+	my ($master, $slave) = @_;
+	# Step one; is the SQL slave thread running (critical if not)
+	if (lc($slave->{replication}->{'Slave_SQL_Running'}) ne lc('yes')) {
+		print "CRITICAL: Slave IO not running";
+		exit 2;
+	}
+	# Step two; compare the positions between the master and slave
+	# Pattern match the BINLOG number...
+	$master->{replication}->{'File_No'} = $1 if ($master->{replication}->{'File'} =~ /(\d+)$/);
+	$slave->{replication}->{'File_No'} = $1 if ($slave->{replication}->{'Relay_Master_Log_File'} =~ /(\d+)$/);
+	# Get the slave position it is executing, being careful of the 
+	# key name change in MySQL 4.1 (case change)
+	$slave->{replication}->{'Position'} = $slave->{replication}->{'Exec_Master_Log_Pos'} || $slave->{replication}->{'Exec_Master_log_pos'};
+	#use Data::Dumper;
+	#debug(4, Dumper($slave->{replication}));
+	debug(3, " Master: " . $master->{replication}->{'File'} . ":" . $master->{replication}->{'Position'});
+	debug(3, " Slave:  " . $slave->{replication}->{'Master_Log_File'} . ":" . $slave->{replication}->{'Position'});
+	my $diff = $master->{replication}->{'File_No'} - $slave->{replication}->{'File_No'} + (($master->{replication}->{'Position'} - $slave->{replication}->{'Position'}) / $slave->{max_binlog_size});
+	debug(1, "diff: $diff ");
+	# Compare the table status if we have them
+	my ($exit_level, $table_diff_message) = compare_table_rows(master => $master->{replication}->{table_status}, slave => $slave->{replication}->{table_status});
+	my $time_diff = "";
+	if (defined $slave->{'replication'}->{Seconds_Behind_Master}) {
+		if ($slave->{'replication'}->{Seconds_Behind_Master}> 3600) {
+			$time_diff = int($slave->{'replication'}->{Seconds_Behind_Master} / 3600) . "h " . ($slave->{'replication'}->{Seconds_Behind_Master} % 3600) . " secs";
+		} else {
+			$time_diff = $slave->{'replication'}->{Seconds_Behind_Master} . " secs";
+		}
+	}
+	my $state = sprintf "%.3f diff", $diff;
+	$state.= ", $time_diff" if defined($slave->{'replication'}->{Seconds_Behind_Master});
+	$state.= ", " .  ($options->{'master'} || $slave->{replication}->{Master_Host}) . ":" . ($options->{'master-port'} || $slave->{replication}->{Master_Port}) .  " (" . $master->{version} . ") -> " . $options->{slave} . ":" . $options->{'slave-port'} . " (" . $slave->{version} . ")";
+	$state.= " " . $table_diff_message if $table_diff_message;
+	$state.= "\n";
+	if ($diff >= $options->{'crit'}) {
+		print "CRITICAL: $state";
+		exit 2;
+	} elsif ($diff >= $options->{'warn'} || $table_diff_message) {
+		print "WARN: $state";
+		exit 1;
+	}
+	print "OK: $state";
+	exit 0;
+get_status($options->{'slave'}, $options->{'slave-port'});

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