PLDWWW: Packages/Anaconda

glen glen at
Tue Oct 17 21:53:27 CEST 2006

Author: glen   Date: Tue Oct 17 19:53:27 2006 GMT
Module: PLDWWW   URL:
---- Log message:

---- Page affected: Packages/Anaconda

---- Diffs:

  # poldek -r /path/to/root -u anypackage
  == making iso ==
- download linux-live.tar.gz from you'll need kernel which has ext2 compiled in as default PLD Linux Distribution kernel doesn't provide that, you can download precompiled kernel also from linux-live site. you should set password for root, or alter /etc/inittab to execute shell instanly after boot or you'll not be able to login.
+ download linux-live.tar.gz from you'll need kernel which has ext2 compiled in as default PLD Linux Distribution kernel doesn't provide that, you can download precompiled kernel also from linux-live site. you should set password for root, or alter /etc/inittab to execute shell instanlty after boot or you'll not be able to login. also you might want to set hostname in {{{/etc/sysconfig/network}}}
  to use the linux-live kernel, pay attention that you need only /boot/vmlinuz-$VERSION /lib/modules/$VERSION. just copy those to your installroot.
@@ -51, +51 @@

  you'll need
   * {{{createrepo.rpm}}}
-  * comps.xml (get it from
+  * comps.xml (get it from
  {{{comps.xml}}} save into {{{repodata}}} dir and then invoke:

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