SOURCES (AC-branch): adapter.awk - v0.28 copied from r1.337

glen glen at
Fri Dec 1 12:09:18 CET 2006

Author: glen                         Date: Fri Dec  1 11:09:18 2006 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: AC-branch
---- Log message:
- v0.28 copied from r1.337

---- Files affected:
   adapter.awk (1.3 -> 

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/adapter.awk
diff -u SOURCES/adapter.awk:1.3 SOURCES/adapter.awk:
--- SOURCES/adapter.awk:1.3	Tue Jan  6 15:27:51 2004
+++ SOURCES/adapter.awk	Fri Dec  1 12:09:12 2006
@@ -1,34 +1,61 @@
 #!/bin/awk -f
-# This is adapter v0.27. Adapter adapts .spec files for PLD.
+# This is adapter v0.28. Adapter adapts .spec files for PLD Linux.
+# $Id$
-# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 PLD-Team <feedback at>
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2006 PLD-Team <feedback at>
 # Authors:
 # 	Michał Kuratczyk <kura at>
 # 	Sebastian Zagrodzki <s.zagrodzki at>
 # 	Tomasz Kłoczko <kloczek at>
-# 	Artur Frysiak <wiget at>
+# 	Artur Frysiak <wiget at>
 # 	Michal Kochanowicz <mkochano at>
+# 	Elan Ruusamä¤e <glen at>
+# See cvs log adapter{,.awk} for list of contributors
 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# - parse ../PLD-doc/BuildRequires.txt and setup proper BR epoches?
+# - add "-nc" option to skip CVS interaction
+# - sort Summary(XX)
+# - sort Requires, BuildRequires
+# - check if %description (lang=C) contains 8bit
+# - desc wrapping is totally fucked up on global.spec,1.25, dosemu.spec,1.115-
-	preamble = 1		# Is it part of preamble? Default - yes
-	boc = 4			# Beggining of %changelog
-	bod = 0			# Beggining of %description
-	tw = 70        		# Descriptions width
+	RPM_SECTIONS = "package|build|changelog|clean|description|install|post|posttrans|postun|pre|prep|pretrans|preun|triggerin|triggerpostun|triggerun|verifyscript|check"
+	PREAMBLE_TAGS = "(Summary|Name|Version|Release|Epoch|License|Group|URL|BuildArch|BuildRoot|Obsoletes|Conflicts|Provides|ExclusiveArch|ExcludeArch|Pre[Rr]eq|(Build)?Requires)"
+	preamble = 1	# Is it part of preamble? Default - yes
+	boc = 4			# Beginning of %changelog
+	bod = 0			# Beginning of %description
+	tw = 70			# Descriptions width
+	b_idx = 0		# index of BR/R arrays
+    BR_count = 0   # number of additional BuildRequires
 	# If variable removed, then 1 (for removing it from export)
 	removed["LDFLAGS"] = 0
 	removed["CFLAGS"] = 0
 	removed["CXXFLAGS"] = 0
+	# get cvsaddress for changelog section
+	# using rpm macros as too lazy to add ~/.adapterrc parsing support.
+	"rpm --eval '%{?_cvsmaildomain}%{!?}'" | getline _cvsmaildomain
+	"rpm --eval '%{?_cvsmailfeedback}%{!?_cvsmailfeedback:PLD Team <feedback at>}'" | getline _cvsmailfeedback
 	# If 1, we are inside of comment block (started with /^#%/)
 	comment_block = 0
 	# File with rpm groups
 	"rpm --eval %_sourcedir" | getline groups_file
 	groups_file = groups_file "/rpm.groups"
-	system("cd `rpm --eval %_sourcedir`; cvs up rpm.groups >/dev/null")
+	system("cd `rpm --eval %_sourcedir`; [ -f rpm.groups ] || cvs up rpm.groups >/dev/null")
+	system("[ -d ../PLD-doc ] && cd ../PLD-doc && ([ -f BuildRequires.txt ] || cvs up BuildRequires.txt >/dev/null)");
 	# Temporary file for changelog section
 	changelog_file = ENVIRON["HOME"] "/tmp/adapter.changelog"
@@ -43,6 +70,30 @@
 	"rpm --eval %_includedir" | getline includedir
 	"rpm --eval %_mandir"	| getline mandir
 	"rpm --eval %_infodir"	| getline infodir
+	"rpm --eval %_examplesdir"	| getline examplesdir
+	"rpm --eval %_defaultdocdir"	| getline docdir
+	"rpm --eval %_desktopdir" | getline desktopdir
+	"rpm --eval %_pixmapsdir" | getline pixmapsdir
+	"rpm --eval %perl_sitearch" | getline perl_sitearch
+	"rpm --eval %perl_archlib" | getline perl_archlib
+	"rpm --eval %perl_privlib" | getline perl_privlib
+	"rpm --eval %perl_vendorlib" | getline perl_vendorlib
+	"rpm --eval %perl_vendorarch" | getline perl_vendorarch
+	"rpm --eval %perl_sitelib" | getline perl_sitelib
+	"rpm --eval %py_sitescriptdir 2>/dev/null" | getline py_sitescriptdir
+	"rpm --eval %py_sitedir 2>/dev/null" | getline py_sitedir
+	"rpm --eval %py_scriptdir 2>/dev/null" | getline py_scriptdir
+	"rpm --eval %ruby_archdir" | getline ruby_archdir
+	"rpm --eval %ruby_ridir" | getline ruby_ridir
+	"rpm --eval %ruby_rubylibdir" | getline ruby_rubylibdir
+	"rpm --eval %ruby_sitearchdir" | getline ruby_sitearchdir
+	"rpm --eval %ruby_sitelibdir" | getline ruby_sitelibdir
+	"rpm --eval %php_pear_dir" | getline php_pear_dir
+	"rpm --eval %tmpdir" | getline tmpdir
 # There should be a comment with CVS keywords on the first line of file.
@@ -57,13 +108,49 @@
 # If the latest line matched /%files/
 defattr == 1 {
-	if ($0 !~ /defattr/)	# If no %defattr
-		print "%defattr(644,root,root,755)"	# Add it
-	else
-		$0 = "%defattr(644,root,root,755)"	# Correct mistakes (if any)
+	if (ENVIRON["SKIP_DEFATTR"] != 1) {
+		if ($0 !~ /defattr/) {	# If no %defattr
+			print "%defattr(644,root,root,755)"	# Add it
+		} else {
+			$0 = "%defattr(644,root,root,755)"	# Correct mistakes (if any)
+		}
+	}
 	defattr = 0
+function b_makekey(a, b,	s) {
+	s = a "" b;
+	# kill bcond
+    gsub(/[#%]+{[!?]+[_a-zA-Z0-9]+:/, "", s);
+	# kill commented out items
+    gsub(/^#[ \t]*/, "", s);
+	# force order
+    gsub(/^Summary\(/, "11Summary(", s);
+    gsub(/^Summary/, "10Summary", s);
+    gsub(/^Name/, "2Name", s);
+    gsub(/^Version/, "3Version", s);
+    gsub(/^Release/, "4Release", s);
+    gsub(/^Epoch/, "5Epoch", s);
+    gsub(/^License/, "5License", s);
+    gsub(/^Group/, "6Group", s);
+    gsub(/^URL/, "7URL", s);
+    gsub(/^BuildRequires/, "B1BuildRequires", s);
+    gsub(/^BuildConflicts/, "B2BuildConflicts", s);
+    gsub(/^Provides/, "X1Provides", s);
+    gsub(/^Obsoletes/, "X2Obsoletes", s);
+    gsub(/^Conflicts/, "X3Conflicts", s);
+    gsub(/^BuildArch/, "X4BuildArch", s);
+    gsub(/^ExclusiveArch/, "X6ExclusiveArch", s);
+    gsub(/^ExcludeArch/, "X7ExcludeArch", s);
+    gsub(/^BuildRoot/, "X9BuildRoot", s);
+#	printf("%s -> %s\n", a""b, s);
+	return s;
 # Comments
 /^#/ && (description == 0) {
 	if (/This file does not like to be adapterized!/) {
@@ -76,22 +163,110 @@
 	# Generally, comments are printed without touching
 	sub(/[ \t]+$/, "")
-	print $0
-	next
+	if (/Source.*md5/) {
+		print $0
+		next
+	}
-# Remove defining _applnkdir (this macro has been included in rpm-3.0.4)
 /^%define/ {
-	if ($2 == "_applnkdir")
+	# Remove defining _applnkdir (this macro has been included in rpm-3.0.4)
+	if ($2 == "_applnkdir") {
-	if ($2 == "date")
+	}
+	if ($2 == "date") {
 		date = 1
+		if (did_files == 0) {
+			print "%files"
+			print ""
+			did_files = 1
+		}
+	}
+	# Do not add %define of _prefix if it already is.
+	if ($2 ~ /^_prefix/) {
+		sub("^"prefix, $3, bindir)
+		sub("^"prefix, $3, sbindir)
+		sub("^"prefix, $3, libdir)
+		sub("^"prefix, $3, datadir)
+		sub("^"prefix, $3, includedir)
+		prefix = $3
+	}
+	if ($2 ~ /_bindir/ && !/_sbindir/)
+		bindir = $3
+	if ($2 ~ /_sbindir/)
+		sbindir = $3
+	if ($2 ~ /_libdir/) {
+		if ($3 ~ /^%\(/) {
+			# TODO: should escape for latter checks like: ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?cron.")
+			libdir = "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
+		} else {
+			libdir = $3
+		}
+	}
+	if ($2 ~ /_sysconfdir/) {
+		if ($3 ~ /^%\(/) {
+			# TODO: should escape for latter checks like: ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?cron.")
+			sysconfdir = "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
+		} else {
+			sysconfdir = $3
+		}
+	}
+	if ($2 ~ /_datadir/) {
+		if ($3 ~ /^%\(/) {
+			# TODO: should escape for latter checks like: ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?cron.")
+			datadir = "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
+		} else {
+			datadir = $3
+		}
+	}
+	if ($2 ~ /_includedir/)
+		includedir = $3
+	if ($2 ~ /_mandir/)
+		mandir = $3
+	if ($2 ~ /_infodir/)
+		infodir = $3
+	if ($2 ~ /_docdir/)
+		docdir = $3
+	# version related macros
+	if ($2 ~ /^_beta$/)
+		_beta = $3
+	if ($2 ~ /^_rc$/)
+		_rc = $3
+	if ($2 ~ /^_pre$/)
+		_pre = $3
+	if ($2 ~ /^_snap$/)
+		_snap = $3
+	# these are used usually when adapterizing external spec
+	if ($2 ~ /^name$/)
+		name = $3
+	if ($2 ~ /^version$/)
+		version = $3
+	if ($2 ~ /^release$/)
+		release = $3
+	if ($2 ~ /^mod_name$/)
+		mod_name = $3
+	sub(/[ \t]+$/, "");
+	# do nothing further, otherwise adapter thinks we're at preamble
+	print
+	next
+# Obsolete
+/^%include.*\/usr\/lib\/rpm\/macros\.python$/ {
+	next
 # %description #
-/^%description/, (/^%[a-z]+/ && !/^%description/) {
+/^%description/, (!/^%description/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) {
 	preamble = 0
 	if (/^%description/) {
@@ -100,16 +275,8 @@
 		format_indent = -1
-	# Define _prefix and _mandir if it is X11 application
-#	if (/^%description$/ && x11 == 1) {
-#		print "%define\t\t_prefix\t\t/usr/X11R6"
-#		print "%define\t\t_mandir\t\t%{_prefix}/man\n"
-#		prefix = "/usr/X11R6"
-#		x11 = 2
-#	}
 	# Format description
-	if (description == 1 && !/^%[a-z]+/ && !/^%description/) {
+	if (ENVIRON["SKIP_DESC"] != 1 && description == 1 && !/^%[a-z]+/ && !/^%description/) {
 		if (/^[ \t]*$/) {
 			format_flush(format_line, format_indent)
 			print ""
@@ -117,15 +284,15 @@
 			format_indent = -1
 		} else if (/^[ \t]*[-\*][ \t]*/) {
 			format_flush(format_line, format_indent)
-			match($0, /^[ \t]*/)	
+			match($0, /^[ \t]*/)
 			format_indent = RLENGTH
 			match($0, /^[ \t]*[-\*][ \t]/)
 			format_line = substr($0, RLENGTH)
-		} else 
+		} else
 			format_line = format_line " " $0
 	if (/^%[a-z]+/ && (!/^%description/ || bod == 2)) {
 		if (NF > 3 && $2 == "-l") {
 			ll = $1
@@ -148,22 +315,58 @@
 # %prep #
-/^%prep/, (/^%[a-z]+$/ && !/^%prep/) {
+/^%prep/, (!/^%prep/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) {
 	preamble = 0
+	did_prep = 1
+	use_macros()
 	# Add '-q' to %setup
-	if (/^%setup/ && !/-q/)
+	if (/^%setup/ && !/-q/) {
 		sub(/^%setup/, "%setup -q")
+	}
+	if (/^%setup/ && name != "setup") {
+		$0 = fixedsub(name, "%{name}", $0);
+		$0 = fixedsub(version, "%{version}", $0);
+		if (_beta) {
+			$0 = fixedsub(_beta, "%{_beta}", $0);
+		}
+		if (_rc) {
+			$0 = fixedsub(_rc, "%{_rc}", $0);
+		}
+		if (_pre) {
+			$0 = fixedsub(_pre, "%{_pre}", $0);
+		}
+		if (_snap) {
+			$0 = fixedsub(_snap, "%{_snap}", $0);
+		}
+	}
+	if (/^%setup/ && /-n %{name}-%{version}( |$)/) {
+		$0 = fixedsub(" -n %{name}-%{version}", "", $0)
+	}
+    sub("^%patch ", "%patch0 ");
+	# invalid in %prep
+	sub("^rm -rf \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT.*", "");
 # %build #
-/^%build/, (/^%[a-z]+$/ && !/^%build/) {
+/^%build/, (!/^%build/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) {
 	preamble = 0
+	if (did_prep == 0) {
+		print "%prep"
+		print ""
+		did_prep = 1
+	}
+	use_tabs()
 	if (/^automake$/)
 		sub(/$/, " -a -c")
@@ -190,7 +393,7 @@
 	if (/CXXFLAGS=/)
 		if (cflags("CXXFLAGS") == 0)
 	if (/^export /) {
 		if (removed["LDFLAGS"])
 			sub(" LDFLAGS", "")
@@ -202,24 +405,53 @@
 		if (/^export[ ]*$/)
+	# quote CC
+	if (/CC=%{__cc} /) {
+		sub("CC=%{__cc}", "CC=\"%{__cc}\"")
+	}
+	# use PLD Linux macros
+	$0 = fixedsub("glib-gettextize --copy --force","%{__glib_gettextize}", $0);
+	$0 = fixedsub("intltoolize --copy --force", "%{__intltoolize}", $0);
+	$0 = fixedsub("automake --add-missing --copy", "%{__automake}", $0);
+	$0 = fixedsub("automake -a --foreign --copy", "%{__automake}", $0);
+	$0 = fixedsub("automake -a -c --foreign", "%{__automake}", $0);
+	$0 = fixedsub("libtoolize --force --automake --copy", "%{__libtoolize}", $0);
+	$0 = fixedsub("libtoolize -c -f --automake", "%{__libtoolize}", $0);
+	sub(/^aclocal$/, "%{__aclocal}");
+	sub(/^autoheader$/, "%{__autoheader}");
+	sub(/^autoconf$/, "%{__autoconf}");
+	sub(/^automake$/, "%{__automake}");
+	# atrpms
+	$0 = fixedsub("%perl_configure", "%{__perl} Makefile.PL \\\n\tINSTALLDIRS=vendor", $0);
+	$0 = fixedsub("%perl_makecheck", "%{?with_tests:%{__make} test}", $0);
 # %clean #
-/^%clean/, (/^%[a-z]+$/ && !/^%clean/) {
+/^%clean/, (!/^%clean/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) {
 	did_clean = 1
+    use_macros()
 # %install #
-/^%install/, (/^%[a-z]+$/ && !/^%install/) {
+/^%install/, (!/^%install/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) {
 	preamble = 0
-	if (/^[ \t]*rm([ \t]+-[rf]+)*[ \t]+\${?RPM_BUILD_ROOT}?/ && did_rmroot==0) {
+	# foreign rpms
+	sub("^%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}", "rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT")
+    sub("%buildroot", "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT");
+    sub("%{buildroot}", "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT");
+	if (/^[ \t]*rm([ \t]+-[rf]+)*[ \t]+(\${?RPM_BUILD_ROOT}?|%{?buildroot}?)/ && did_rmroot==0) {
 		print "rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
@@ -229,53 +461,68 @@
 		print "rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
+    if (tmpdir) {
+        buildroot = tmpdir "/" name "-" version "-root-" ENVIRON["USER"]
+		gsub(buildroot, "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT")
+    }
+    if (!/%{_lib}/) {
+        sub("\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%", "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%")
+    }
 	# 'install -d' instead 'mkdir -p'
 	if (/mkdir -p/)
 		sub(/mkdir -p/, "install -d")
+	# cp -a already implies cp -r
+    sub(/^cp -ar/, "cp -a")
 	# No '-u root' or '-g root' for 'install'
 	if (/^install/ && /-[ug][ \t]*root/)
 		gsub(/-[ug][ \t]*root /, "")
-	if (/^install/ && /-m[ \t]*644/)
-		gsub(/-m[ \t]*644 /, "")
+	if (/^install/ && /-m[ \t]*[0-9]+/)
+		gsub(/-m[ \t]*[0-9]+ /, "")
 	# No lines contain 'chown' or 'chgrp' if owner/group is 'root'
 	if (($1 ~ /chown/ && $2 ~ /root\.root/) || ($1 ~ /chgrp/ && $2 ~ /root/))
 	# No lines contain 'chmod' if it sets the modes to '644'
 	if ($1 ~ /chmod/ && $2 ~ /644/)
+	# atrpms
+	$0 = fixedsub("%perl_makeinstall", "%{__make} pure_install \\\n\tDESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT", $0);
 # %files #
-/^%files/, (/^%[a-z \-]+$/ && !/^%files/) {
+/^%files/, (!/^%files/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) {
 	preamble = 0
+	did_files = 1
 	if ($0 ~ /^%files/)
 		defattr = 1
-	use_macros()
 # %changelog #
-/^%changelog/, (/^%[a-z]+$/ && !/^%changelog/) {
+/^%changelog/, (!/^%changelog/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) {
 	preamble = 0
 	has_changelog = 1
 	skip = 0
 	# There should be some CVS keywords on the first line of %changelog.
 	if (boc == 3) {
-		if (!/PLD Team/)
-			print "* %{date} PLD Team <feedback at>" > changelog_file
+		if ($0 !~ _cvsmailfeedback)
+			print "* %{date} " _cvsmailfeedback > changelog_file
 			skip = 1
 		boc = 2
@@ -283,7 +530,7 @@
 	if (boc == 2 && !skip) {
 		if (!/All persons listed below/) {
 			printf "All persons listed below can be reached at " > changelog_file
-			print "<cvs_login>\n" > changelog_file
+			print "<cvs_login>" _cvsmaildomain "\n" > changelog_file
 		} else
 			skip = 1
 		boc = 1
@@ -316,17 +563,62 @@
-/^%pre/, (/^%[a-z]+$/ && !/^%pre/) {
+/^%pre/, (!/^%pre/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) {
 	preamble = 0
+	if (gsub("/usr/sbin/useradd", "%useradd")) {
+		sub(" 2> /dev/null \|\| :", "");
+		sub(" >/dev/null 2>&1 \|\|:", "");
+	}
+	# %useradd and %groupadd may not be wrapped
+	if (/%(useradd|groupadd).*\\$/) {
+		a = $0; getline;
+		sub(/^[\s\t]*/, "");
+		$0 = substr(a, 1, length(a) - 1) $0;
+	}
+	use_script_macros()
-/^%post/, (/^%[a-z]+$/ && !/^%post/) {
+/^%post/, (!/^%post/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) {
 	preamble = 0
+	use_macros()
-/^%preun/, (/^%[a-z]+$/ && !/^%preun/) {
+/^%preun/, (!/^%preun/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) {
 	preamble = 0
+	use_script_macros()
-/^%postun/, (/^%[a-z]+$/ && !/^%postun/) {
+/^%postun/, (!/^%postun/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) {
 	preamble = 0
+	use_script_macros()
+/^%triggerin/, (!/^%triggerin/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) {
+	preamble = 0
+	use_script_macros()
+/^%triggerun/, (!/^%triggerun/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) {
+	preamble = 0
+	use_script_macros()
+/^%triggerpostun/, (!/^%triggerpostun/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) {
+	preamble = 0
+	use_script_macros()
+/^%pretrans/, (!/^%pretrans/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) {
+	preamble = 0
+	use_script_macros()
+/^%posttrans/, (!/^%posttrans/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) {
+	preamble = 0
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

---- CVS-web:

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