SOURCES: camping-fastcgi-fix.patch (NEW) - added

aredridel aredridel at
Thu Dec 21 08:26:25 CET 2006

Author: aredridel                    Date: Thu Dec 21 07:26:25 2006 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- added

---- Files affected:
   camping-fastcgi-fix.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/camping-fastcgi-fix.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/camping-fastcgi-fix.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Thu Dec 21 08:26:25 2006
+++ SOURCES/camping-fastcgi-fix.patch	Thu Dec 21 08:26:20 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+--- camping-o/lib/camping-unabridged.rb	2006-12-20 23:38:05.000000000 -0700
++++ camping-r168/lib/camping-unabridged.rb	2006-12-20 23:37:03.000000000 -0700
+@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
+       @status, @method, @env, @headers, @root = 200, m.downcase, e, 
+           {'Content-Type'=>'text/html'}, e.SCRIPT_NAME.sub(/\/$/,'')
+       @k =
+-      qs = C.qs_parse(e.QUERY_STRING)
++      qs = C.qsp(e.QUERY_STRING)
+       @in = r
+       if %r|\Amultipart/form-data.*boundary=\"?([^\";,]+)|n.match(e.CONTENT_TYPE)
+         b = /(?:\r?\n|\A)#{Regexp::quote("--#$1")}(?:--)?\r$/
+@@ -404,11 +404,11 @@
+             end
+             o<<l
+           end
+-          qs[fn]=fh if fn
++          C.qsp(fn,'&;',fh,qs) if fn
+           fh[:tempfile].rewind if fh.is_a?H
+         end
+       elsif @method == "post"
+-        qs.merge!(C.qs_parse(
++        qs.merge!(C.qsp(
+       end
+       @cookies, @input = @k.dup, qs.dup
+     end
+@@ -614,28 +614,28 @@
+     # Parses a query string into an Camping::H object.
+     #
+-    #   input = Camping.qs_parse("name=Philarp+Tremain&hair=sandy+blonde")
++    #   input = Camping.qsp("name=Philarp+Tremain&hair=sandy+blonde")
+     #
+     #     #=> "Philarp Tremaine"
+     #
+     # Also parses out the Hash-like syntax used in PHP and Rails and builds
+     # nested hashes from it.
+     #
+-    #   input = Camping.qs_parse("post[id]=1&post[user]=_why")
++    #   input = Camping.qsp("post[id]=1&post[user]=_why")
+     #     #=> {'post' => {'id' => '1', 'user' => '_why'}}
+     #
+-    def qs_parse(qs, d = '&;')
++    def qsp(qs, d='&;', y=nil, z=H[])
+         m = proc {|_,o,n|o.u(n,&m)rescue([*o]<<n)}
+         (qs||'').
+             split(/[#{d}] */n).
+-            inject(H[]) { |h,p| k, v=un(p).split('=',2)
++            inject((b,z=z,H[])[0]) { |h,p| k, v=un(p).split('=',2)
+                 h.u(k.split(/[\]\[]+/).reverse.
+-                    inject(v) { |x,i| H[i,x] },&m)
++                    inject(y||v) { |x,i| H[i,x] },&m)
+             } 
+     end
+     # Parses a string of cookies from the <tt>Cookie</tt> header.
+-    def kp(s); c = qs_parse(s, ';,'); end
++    def kp(s); c = qsp(s, ';,'); end
+     # Fields a request through Camping.  For traditional CGI applications, the method can be
+     # executed without arguments.
+@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@
+       X.M
+       k,a=X.D un("/#{e['PATH_INFO']}".gsub(/\/+/,'/'))
+,e,(m=e['REQUEST_METHOD']||"GET")).Y.service *a
+-    rescue Exception=>x
++    rescue Object=>x
+     end
+--- camping-o/lib/camping.rb	2006-12-20 23:38:16.000000000 -0700
++++ camping-r168/lib/camping.rb	2006-12-20 23:37:03.000000000 -0700
+@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@
+ merge!h;@body=b end;def redirect*a;r 302,'','Location'=>URL(*a)end;Z="\r\n"
+ def initialize r,e,m;e=H[e.to_hash];@status, at method, at env, at headers, at root=200,m.
+ downcase,e,{'Content-Type'=>"text/html"},e.SCRIPT_NAME.sub(/\/$/,'')
+- at e.HTTP_COOKIE;q=C.qs_parse e.QUERY_STRING;@in=r
++ at e.HTTP_COOKIE;q=C.qsp e.QUERY_STRING;@in=r
+ if%r|\Amultipart/form-.*boundary=\"?([^\";,]+)|n.match e.CONTENT_TYPE
+ b=/(?:\r?\n|\A)#{Regexp::quote("--#$1")}(?:--)?\r$/;until at in.eof?;fh=H[];for l in at in
+ case l;when Z;break;when/^Content-D.+?: form-data;/;fh.u H[*$'.
+ scan(/(?:\s(\w+)="([^"]+)")/).flatten];when/^Content-Type: (.+?)(\r$|\Z)/m;fh[
+ :type]=$1;end;end;fn=fh[:name];o=if fh[:filename];o=fh[:tempfile]
+ o.binmode;else;fh=""end;while;if l=~b;o<<$`.chomp;$'.
+-size,IO::SEEK_CUR);break;end;o<<l;end;q[fn]=fh if fn;fh[:tempfile].rewind if
+-fh.is_a?H;end;elsif at method=="post";q.u C.qs_parse(;@cookies, at input=
++size,IO::SEEK_CUR);break;end;o<<l;end;C.qsp(fn,'&;',fh,q) if fn;fh[:tempfile].rewind if
++fh.is_a?H;end;elsif at method=="post";q.u C.qsp(;@cookies, at input=
+ @k.dup,q.dup end;def service*a;@body=send(@method,*a)if respond_to?@method
+ @headers["Set-Cookie"]{|k,v|"#{k}=#{C.escape(v)}; path=#{self/'/'
+ }"if v!=@k[k]}-[nil];self end;def to_s;"Status: #{@status}#{Z+ at{|k,v|
+@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@
+ self;def goes m;eval S.gsub(/Camping/,m.to_s).gsub("A\pps=[]","Cam\ping::Apps<<\
+ self"),TOPLEVEL_BINDING;end;def escape s;s.to_s.gsub(/[^ \w.-]+/n){'%'+($&.
+ unpack('H2'*$&.size)*'%').upcase}.tr(' ','+')end;def un s;'+',' ').gsub(
+-/%([\da-f]{2})/in){[$1].pack('H*')}end;def qs_parse q,d='&;';m=proc{|_,o,n|o.u(
+-n,&m)rescue([*o]<<n)};q.to_s.split(/[#{d}] */n).inject(H[]){|h,p|k,v=un(p).
+-split('=',2);h.u k.split(/[\]\[]+/).reverse.inject(v){|x,i|H[i,x]},&m}end;def
+-kp s;c=qs_parse(s,';,')end;def run r=$stdin,e=ENV;X.M;k,a=X.D un("/#{e[
++/%([\da-f]{2})/in){[$1].pack('H*')}end;def qsp q,d='&;',y=nil,z=H[];m=proc{|_,o,n|o.u(
++n,&m)rescue([*o]<<n)};q.to_s.split(/[#{d}] */n).inject((b,z=z,H[])[0]){|h,p|k,v=un(p).
++split('=',2);h.u k.split(/[\]\[]+/).reverse.inject(y||v){|x,i|H[i,x]},&m}end;def
++kp s;c=qsp(s,';,')end;def run r=$stdin,e=ENV;X.M;k,a=X.D un("/#{e[
+ 'PATH_INFO']}".gsub(/\/+/,'/'));,e,(m=e['REQUEST_METHOD']||"GET")).Y.
+-service *a;rescue Exception=>x;,e,'get').service(k,m,x)end
++service *a;rescue Object=>x;,e,'get').service(k,m,x)end
+ def method_missing m,c,*a;X.M;k=X.const_get(c).new(,H['HTTP_HOST',
+ '','SCRIPT_NAME','','HTTP_COOKIE',''],m.to_s);{|e,f|k.send(
+ "#{e}=",f)}if Hash===a[-1];k.service *a;end;end;module Views;include X,Helpers
+--- camping-o/lib/camping/fastcgi.rb	2006-12-20 23:36:46.000000000 -0700
++++ camping-r168/lib/camping/fastcgi.rb	2006-12-20 23:37:03.000000000 -0700
+@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
+             begin
+                 root, path = "/"
+                 if ENV['FORCE_ROOT'] and ENV['FORCE_ROOT'].to_i == 1
+-                  path = req.env['REQUEST_URI']
++                  path = req.env['SCRIPT_NAME']
+                 else
+                   root = req.env['SCRIPT_NAME']
+                   path = req.env['PATH_INFO']
+@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
+                 req.env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = File.join(root, dir)
+                 req.env['PATH_INFO'] = path.gsub(/^#{dir}/, '')
+-                controller =, req.env)
++                controller =, req.env)
+                 sendfile = nil
+                 headers = {}
+                 controller.headers.each do |k, v|
+@@ -194,5 +194,69 @@
+         str.gsub(/&/n, '&amp;').gsub(/\"/n, '&quot;').gsub(/>/n, '&gt;').gsub(/</n, '&lt;')
+     end
++    class SeekStream2
++        def initialize(stream)
++            @last_read = ""
++            @stream = stream
++        end
++        def eof?
++            @stream.eof?
++        end
++        def each
++            while( line = @stream.gets ) 
++                yield line
++            end
++        end
++        def read(len = 16384)
++            @last_read =
++        end
++        def seek(len, typ)
++            raise NotImplementedError, "only IO::SEEK_CUR is supported with SeekStream" if typ != IO::SEEK_CUR
++            raise NotImplementedError, "only rewinding is supported with SeekStream" if len > 0
++            raise NotImplementedError, "rewinding #{-len} past the buffer #{@last_read.size} start not supported with SeekStream" if -len > @last_read.size
++            -1.downto(len) { |x| @stream.ungetc(@last_read[x]) }
++            @last_read = ""
++            self
++        end
++    end
++    class SeekStream
++        def initialize(stream)
++            @last_read = ""
++            @stream = stream
++            @buffer = ""
++        end
++        def eof?
++            @buffer.empty? && @stream.eof?
++        end
++        def each
++            while true
++                pull(1024) until eof? or @buffer.index("\n")
++                return nil if eof?
++                yield @buffer.slice!(0..(@buffer.index("\n") || -1))
++            end
++        end
++        def pull(len)
++            @buffer +=
++        end
++        def read(len = 16384)
++            pull(len)
++            @last_read =
++                if eof?
++                    nil
++                else
++                    @buffer.slice!(0...len)
++                end
++        end
++        def seek(len, typ)
++            raise NotImplementedError, "only IO::SEEK_CUR is supported with SeekStream" if typ != IO::SEEK_CUR
++            raise NotImplementedError, "only rewinding is supported with SeekStream" if len > 0
++            raise NotImplementedError, "rewinding #{-len} past the buffer #{@last_read.size} start not supported with SeekStream" if -len > @last_read.size
++            @buffer = @last_read[len..-1] + @buffer
++            @last_read = ""
++            self
++        end
++    end
+ end
+ end

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