SPECS: r1q2.spec (NEW) - new, linking fails
glen at pld-linux.org
Thu Feb 22 21:59:55 CET 2007
Author: glen Date: Thu Feb 22 20:59:55 2007 GMT
Module: SPECS Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- new, linking fails
---- Files affected:
r1q2.spec (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: SPECS/r1q2.spec
diff -u /dev/null SPECS/r1q2.spec:1.1
--- /dev/null Thu Feb 22 21:59:55 2007
+++ SPECS/r1q2.spec Thu Feb 22 21:59:49 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# $Revision$, $Date$
+Summary: R1CHs Enhanced Quake II Client/Server
+Name: r1q2
+Version: 7187
+Release: 0.1
+License: GPL v2+
+Group: X11/Applications/Games
+Source0: http://www.r1ch.net/stuff/r1q2/src/%{name}-b%{version}-src.zip
+# Source0-md5: 66669adc5a114387e3eb6c3baa661ec2
+URL: http://www.r1ch.net/stuff/r1q2/
+BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+R1Q2 is an enhanced client/server for Quake II. Based on the id
+Software 3.21 source, rather than concentrate on fancy graphics,
+embedded MP3 players and other "gimmick" features, R1Q2 is focused on
+providing stability, security and speed whilst remaining fully
+compatible with existing mods and other clients.
+%setup -qc
+%{__make} -C binaries \
+ CC="%{__cc}"
+%{__make} install \
+%doc ChangeLog readme.txt
+%define date %(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
+* %{date} PLD Team <feedback at pld-linux.org>
+All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld-linux.org
+Revision 1.1 2007/02/22 20:59:49 glen
+- new, linking fails
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