SOURCES: freetype-cvs.patch (NEW) - some truetype regression fixes...

arekm arekm at
Mon Mar 26 01:00:26 CEST 2007

Author: arekm                        Date: Sun Mar 25 23:00:26 2007 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- some truetype regression fixes from upstream

---- Files affected:
   freetype-cvs.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/freetype-cvs.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/freetype-cvs.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Mon Mar 26 01:00:26 2007
+++ SOURCES/freetype-cvs.patch	Mon Mar 26 01:00:21 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+RCS file: /sources/freetype/freetype2/src/truetype/ttinterp.c,v
+retrieving revision 1.99
+retrieving revision 1.102
+diff -u -r1.99 -r1.102
+--- freetype2/src/truetype/ttinterp.c	2007/02/16 08:12:50	1.99
++++ freetype2/src/truetype/ttinterp.c	2007/03/18 07:35:08	1.102
+@@ -4839,16 +4839,18 @@
+         if ( CUR.GS.gep0 == 0 || CUR.GS.gep1 == 0 )
+-          FT_ARRAY_COPY( CUR.twilight.orus,
+-               ,
+-                         CUR.twilight.n_points );
+-        /* get scaled orus coordinates */
+-        vec1.x = TT_MULFIX( CUR.zp0.orus[L].x - CUR.zp1.orus[K].x,
+-                            CUR.metrics.x_scale );
+-        vec1.y = TT_MULFIX( CUR.zp0.orus[L].y - CUR.zp1.orus[L].y,
+-                            CUR.metrics.y_scale );
++        {
++            vec1.x =[L].x -[K].x;
++            vec1.y =[L].y -[K].y;
++        }
++        else
++        {
++          /* get scaled orus coordinates */
++          vec1.x = TT_MULFIX( CUR.zp0.orus[L].x - CUR.zp1.orus[K].x,
++                              CUR.metrics.x_scale );
++          vec1.y = TT_MULFIX( CUR.zp0.orus[L].y - CUR.zp1.orus[K].y,
++                              CUR.metrics.y_scale );
++        }
+         D = CUR_fast_dualproj( &vec1 );
+ #else
+@@ -5780,23 +5782,28 @@
++    /* UNDOCUMENTED: twilight zone special case */
++    if ( CUR.GS.gep0 == 0 || CUR.GS.gep1 == 0 )
++    {
++      FT_Vector*  vec1 = &[point];
++      FT_Vector*  vec2 = &[CUR.GS.rp0];
++      org_dist = CUR_Func_dualproj( vec1, vec2 );
++    }
++    else
+     {
+       FT_Vector*  vec1 = &CUR.zp1.orus[point];
+       FT_Vector*  vec2 = &CUR.zp0.orus[CUR.GS.rp0];
+-      if ( CUR.GS.gep0 == 0 || CUR.GS.gep1 == 0 )
+-        FT_ARRAY_COPY( CUR.twilight.orus,
+-             ,
+-                       CUR.twilight.n_points );
+-      if ( CUR.metrics.x_scale == CUR.metrics.y_scale ) 
++      if ( CUR.metrics.x_scale == CUR.metrics.y_scale )
+       {
+         /* this should be faster */
+         org_dist = CUR_Func_dualproj( vec1, vec2 );
+         org_dist = TT_MULFIX( org_dist, CUR.metrics.x_scale );
+       }
+-      else 
++      else
+       {
+         FT_Vector  vec;
+@@ -6173,6 +6180,7 @@
+     FT_F26Dot6  old_range, cur_range;
+     FT_Vector*  orus_base;
+     FT_Vector*  cur_base;
++    FT_Int      twilight;
+@@ -6184,21 +6192,18 @@
+     }
+     /*
+-     * We need to deal in a special way with the twilight zone.  The easiest
+-     * solution is simply to copy the coordinates from `org' to `orus'
+-     * whenever a font tries to perform intersections based on some of its
+-     * points.
+-     *
++     * We need to deal in a special way with the twilight zone.
+      * Otherwise, by definition, the value of CUR.twilight.orus[n] is (0,0),
+-     * whatever value of `n'.
++     * for every n.
+      */
+-    if ( CUR.GS.gep0 == 0 || CUR.GS.gep1 == 0 || CUR.GS.gep2 == 0 )
+-      FT_ARRAY_COPY( CUR.twilight.orus,
+-           ,
+-                     CUR.twilight.n_points );
++    twilight = ( CUR.GS.gep0 == 0 || CUR.GS.gep1 == 0 || CUR.GS.gep2 == 0 );
++    if (twilight)
++        orus_base = &[CUR.GS.rp1];
++    else
++        orus_base = &CUR.zp0.orus[CUR.GS.rp1];
+-    orus_base = &CUR.zp0.orus[CUR.GS.rp1];
+-    cur_base  = &CUR.zp0.cur[CUR.GS.rp1];
++    cur_base = &CUR.zp0.cur[CUR.GS.rp1];
+     /* XXX: There are some glyphs in some braindead but popular  */
+     /*      fonts out there (e.g. [aeu]grave in monotype.ttf)    */
+@@ -6212,7 +6217,11 @@
+     }
+     else
+     {
+-      old_range = CUR_Func_dualproj( &CUR.zp1.orus[CUR.GS.rp2], orus_base );
++      if (twilight)
++        old_range = CUR_Func_dualproj( &[CUR.GS.rp2], orus_base );
++      else
++        old_range = CUR_Func_dualproj( &CUR.zp1.orus[CUR.GS.rp2], orus_base );
+       cur_range = CUR_Func_project ( &CUR.zp1.cur[CUR.GS.rp2],  cur_base );
+     }
+@@ -6233,7 +6242,11 @@
+         continue;
+       }
+-      org_dist = CUR_Func_dualproj( &CUR.zp2.orus[point], orus_base );
++      if (twilight)
++        org_dist = CUR_Func_dualproj( &[point], orus_base );
++      else
++        org_dist = CUR_Func_dualproj( &CUR.zp2.orus[point], orus_base );
+       cur_dist = CUR_Func_project ( &CUR.zp2.cur[point], cur_base );
+       new_dist = (old_range != 0)
+                    ? TT_MULDIV( org_dist, cur_range, old_range )

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