SOURCES: spamassassin-spamd-apache2.init (NEW), spamassassin-spamd...
radek at
Tue Mar 27 15:35:57 CEST 2007
Author: radek Date: Tue Mar 27 13:35:57 2007 GMT
---- Log message:
- new
---- Files affected:
spamassassin-spamd-apache2.init (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), spamassassin-spamd-apache2.sysconfig (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: SOURCES/spamassassin-spamd-apache2.init
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/spamassassin-spamd-apache2.init:1.1
--- /dev/null Tue Mar 27 15:35:57 2007
+++ SOURCES/spamassassin-spamd-apache2.init Tue Mar 27 15:35:52 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# spamd-apache2 Apache2 version of spamd from the SpamAssassin project
+# chkconfig: 345 81 29
+# description: Apache2 version of spamd from the SpamAssassin project
+# $Id$
+# Source function library
+. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+# Get network config
+. /etc/sysconfig/network
+# Set defaults
+# Get service config - may override defaults
+[ -f /etc/sysconfig/spamd-apache2 ] && . /etc/sysconfig/spamd-apache2
+# Check that networking is up.
+if is_yes "${NETWORKING}"; then
+ if [ ! -f /var/lock/subsys/network -a "$1" != stop -a "$1" != status ]; then
+ msg_network_down spamd-apache2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ exit 0
+start() {
+ # Check if the service is already running?
+ if [ ! -f /var/lock/subsys/spamd-apache2 ]; then
+ msg_starting spamd-apache2
+ if [ -n "$SA2_CONFIG" ]; then
+ $SA2_MPM -f $SA2_CONFIG -d / -k start
+ else
+ -k start --httpd-path $SA2_MPM --pidfile $SA2_PID $SA2_OPTS
+ fi
+ if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then
+ touch /var/lock/subsys/spamd-apache2
+ log_success "$1 startup"
+ ok
+ else
+ fail
+ log_failed "$1 startup"
+ fi
+ else
+ msg_already_running spamd-apache2
+ fi
+stop() {
+ if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/spamd-apache2 ]; then
+ # Stop daemons.
+ msg_stopping spamd-apache2
+ if [ -n "$SA2_CONFIG" ]; then
+ $SA2_MPM -f $SA2_CONFIG -d / -k stop
+ else
+ -k stop --httpd-path $SA2_MPM --pidfile $SA2_PID $SA2_OPTS
+ fi
+ #killproc spamd-apache2
+ if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then
+ touch /var/lock/subsys/spamd-apache2
+ log_success "$1 startup"
+ ok
+ else
+ fail
+ log_failed "$1 startup"
+ fi
+ rm -f /var/lock/subsys/spamd-apache2
+ else
+ msg_not_running spamd-apache2
+ fi
+#reload() {
+# if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/spamd-apache2 ]; then
+# msg_reloading spamd-apache2
+# killproc spamd-apache2 -HUP
+# RETVAL=$?
+# else
+# msg_not_running spamd-apache2
+# fi
+# See how we were called.
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ start
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ stop
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ stop
+ start
+ exit $?
+ ;;
+# reload)
+# reload
+# ;;
+# force-reload)
+# # if program allows reloading without stopping
+# reload
+# # or if it doesn't
+# stop
+# start
+# ;;
+ status)
+ status spamd-apache2
+ ;;
+ *)
+ msg_usage "$0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+ exit 3
+exit $RETVAL
+# vi:syntax=sh
Index: SOURCES/spamassassin-spamd-apache2.sysconfig
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/spamassassin-spamd-apache2.sysconfig:1.1
--- /dev/null Tue Mar 27 15:35:57 2007
+++ SOURCES/spamassassin-spamd-apache2.sysconfig Tue Mar 27 15:35:52 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# prefork suggested
+# config file location; you need to generate it first with
+# --httpd_conf=/etc/spamd-apache2.conf
+# this won't be used if you define SA2_CONFIG
+SA2_OPTS="-H /tmp -u nobody"
+# Define nice level
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