SOURCES: asa-svn-26-05-2007.patch (NEW), asa-PLD.patch - updated t...

djrzulf djrzulf at
Sat May 26 10:41:38 CEST 2007

Author: djrzulf                      Date: Sat May 26 08:41:38 2007 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- updated to recent version,

---- Files affected:
   asa-svn-26-05-2007.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW), asa-PLD.patch (1.4 -> 1.5) 

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/asa-svn-26-05-2007.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/asa-svn-26-05-2007.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sat May 26 10:41:38 2007
+++ SOURCES/asa-svn-26-05-2007.patch	Sat May 26 10:41:33 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,913 @@
+diff -ruN asa-0.1.7/ asa-svn-26-05-2007/
+--- asa-0.1.7/	2005-04-22 12:23:56.000000000 +0200
++++ asa-svn-26-05-2007/	2007-05-26 09:24:06.000000000 +0200
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
+ };
+ my $STD_MSG="Hello! I'm ApaSMSAgent ".VERSION."\n".
+-	"Add contacts like +48xxxxxxxxx@".$config{service_name}." to your roster to send them SMS messages.\n".
++	"Add contacts like +xxxxxxxxxxx@".$config{service_name}." to your roster to send them SMS messages.\n".
+ 	"Browse ".$config{service_name}." in your service browser to see available plugins and change their options or register if needed.\n".
+ 	"Available plugins:";
+ foreach my $p (keys %plugins) {
+@@ -303,8 +303,8 @@
+ 		} elsif ($type eq 'set') {
+ 			my $nr=$query_o->GetPrompt();
+ 			# FIXME needs work:
+-			if ($nr=~/[0-9]{11,11}/) {
+-				$nr=~s/^.*([0-9]{11,11}).*$/$1/;
++			if ($nr=~/[0-9]{11,}/) {
++				$nr=~s/^.*?([0-9]{11,}).*?$/$1/;
+ 			} elsif ($nr=~/[0-9]{9,9}/) {
+ 				$nr=~s/^.*([0-9]{9,9}).*$/48$1/;
+ 			} else {
+@@ -405,9 +405,21 @@
+ 				$message->SetBody($b);
+ 				$message->SetType($message_o->GetType());
+ 				$Connection->Send($message);
++			} elsif ($body =~ /^\/stats$/i) {
++				log3("stats from admin $base_from");
++				my $b="Users #".(keys %numbers);
++                my $numbers_count = 0;
++				foreach my $user (keys %numbers) {
++                    $numbers_count += keys %{$numbers{$user}};
++                };
++                $b .= ", numbers #".$numbers_count;
++				$message->SetBody($b);
++				$message->SetType($message_o->GetType());
++				$Connection->Send($message);
+ 			} elsif ($body =~ /^\/help$/i) {
+ 				log3("help from admin $base_from");
+ 				$message->SetBody("/wall or /motd - wall message\n".
++					"/stats - print basic statistic info\n".
+ 					"/DUMPPLUGINS - dump plugins hash\n".
+ 					"/DUMPCONFIG - dump config hash\n".
+ #					"/dumpnumbers - dump numbers hash\n".
+@@ -480,7 +492,7 @@
+ 			};
+ 		};
+ 	} elsif ($to =~ /@/) { # someting with @ :P
+-		if ($to =~ /^\+[0-9]{11}\@/) { # generic nr, good nr 
++		if ($to =~ /^\+(48[0-9]{9}|[0-9]{11,})\@/) { # generic nr, good nr 
+ 			my $nr=$to; $nr=~s/@.+$//;
+ 			if ($type eq 'subscribe') {
+ 				$presence->SetType('subscribe'); # ask him for auth, we need to maintain his list of numbers
+diff -ruN asa-0.1.7/config.xml asa-svn-26-05-2007/config.xml
+--- asa-0.1.7/config.xml	2005-01-14 21:18:13.000000000 +0100
++++ asa-svn-26-05-2007/config.xml	2007-05-26 09:24:23.000000000 +0200
+@@ -28,23 +28,23 @@
+ 	<load>
+ 		<plugin>MiastoPlusa</plugin>
+ 		<plugin>WwwPlusa</plugin>
+-		<plugin>IdeaMbox</plugin>
+-		<plugin>EraOmnix_Podstawowa</plugin>
+-		<plugin>EraOmnix_Platna</plugin>
++		<plugin>OrangeMbox</plugin>
++		<plugin>EraOmnix_Sponsorowana</plugin>
++		<plugin>EraOmnix_Multimedialna</plugin>
+ 	</load>
+ 	<!-- plugins' own options and settings -->
+ 	<plugins>
+ 		<MiastoPlusa>
+ 			<accounts_file>./storage/accounts-MiastoPlusa.mldbm</accounts_file>
+ 		</MiastoPlusa>
+-		<IdeaMbox>
+-			<accounts_file>./storage/accounts-IdeaMbox.mldbm</accounts_file>
+-		</IdeaMbox>
+-		<EraOmnix_Podstawowa>
+-			<accounts_file>./storage/accounts-EraOmnix_Podstawowa.mldbm</accounts_file>
+-		</EraOmnix_Podstawowa>
+-		<EraOmnix_Platna>
+-			<accounts_file>./storage/accounts-EraOmnix_Platna.mldbm</accounts_file>
+-		</EraOmnix_Platna>
++		<OrangeMbox>
++			<accounts_file>./storage/accounts-OrangeMbox.mldbm</accounts_file>
++		</OrangeMbox>
++		<EraOmnix_Sponsorowana>
++			<accounts_file>./storage/accounts-EraOmnix_Sponsorowana.mldbm</accounts_file>
++		</EraOmnix_Sponsorowana>
++		<EraOmnix_Multimedialna>
++			<accounts_file>./storage/accounts-EraOmnix_Multimedialna.mldbm</accounts_file>
++		</EraOmnix_Multimedialna>
+ 	</plugins>
+ </config>
+diff -ruN asa-0.1.7/plugins/ asa-svn-26-05-2007/plugins/
+--- asa-0.1.7/plugins/	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ asa-svn-26-05-2007/plugins/	2007-05-26 09:25:13.000000000 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
++use strict;
++use LWP::UserAgent;
++use HTTP::Request::Common qw(GET POST);
++use HTTP::Response;
++use Unicode::Lite;
++my $PLUGIN_NAME			= "EraOmnix_Multimedialna";
++my $PLUGIN_VERSION		= "0.3-20051002-kg";
++my $DEFAULT_PRIO		= 5;
++my $DEST_NUMBERS_REGEXP		=  '^\+[0-9]+'; # needed linke this in // good numberz? any, they say
++use vars qw ( %EraOmnix_Mult_accounts );
++# RULES:
++# 1. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS create new presence/message/iq
++# 2. Create handlers, plugin is named
++# 3. Provide ALL info into %plugin_data
++RegisterEvent('iq','^'.$config{service_name}."/".$PLUGIN_NAME.'$',\&EraOmnix_Mult_InIQ); # for registration
++RegisterEvent('pre_connect','.+',\&EraOmnix_Mult_PreConn); # for loading some data ;)
++sub EraOmnix_Mult_WillTake {
++        my $from=shift;
++        my $to_nr=shift; # if not provided, it means it asks for the service, w/o number served by it 
++        return (($to_nr?($to_nr =~ /$DEST_NUMBERS_REGEXP/):1)&&(exists($EraOmnix_Mult_accounts{$from})));
++sub EraOmnix_Mult_PreConn {
++#	%EraOmnix_Mult_accounts=%{LoadXMLHash('accounts',$config{plugins}->{$PLUGIN_NAME}->{accounts_file},$PLUGIN_NAME)};
++	my $t=tie(%EraOmnix_Mult_accounts,"MLDBM::Sync",$config{plugins}->{$PLUGIN_NAME}->{accounts_file},O_CREAT|O_RDWR,0600);
++	log2($PLUGIN_NAME.": Ready.");
++sub EraOmnix_Mult_InIQ {
++	my $iq_o=shift;
++	my $xmlns=shift;
++	my $query_o=$iq_o->GetQuery();
++	my $type=$iq_o->GetType();
++	my $from=$iq_o->GetFrom(); my $to=$iq_o->GetTo();
++	my $iq=new Net::Jabber::IQ;
++	$iq->SetFrom($to); $iq->SetTo($from); $iq->SetID($iq_o->GetID);
++	my $query=$iq->NewQuery($xmlns);
++	if ($xmlns eq 'jabber:iq:register') {
++		my $base_from=$from; $base_from=~s/\/.+$//g if ($base_from =~ /\//);
++		my $account=$EraOmnix_Mult_accounts{$base_from};
++		if ($type eq 'get') {
++			$iq->SetType('result');
++			$query->SetInstructions('Send a message to: +48TELNUMBER@'.$config{service_name}." to send an SMS.\n".
++				"You can add a contact like this to your roster.\n\n".
++				"Provide your Username and Password to ".$PLUGIN_NAME." gateway.\n".
++				"See for info.\n\n".
++				"Note: x:data compilant client allows setting more options.");
++			$query->SetUsername( ($account?$account->{username}:'') );
++			$query->SetPassword('');
++			# x:data ...
++			my $xd=( (Net::Jabber->VERSION>1.30) ? new Net::Jabber::Stanza("x") : new Net::Jabber::X );
++			$xd->SetXMLNS('jabber:x:data');
++			$xd->SetData(instructions=>'Send a message to: +48TELNUMBER@'.$config{service_name}." to send an SMS.\n".
++					"You can add a contact like this to your roster.\n".
++					"Provide your Username and Password to ".$PLUGIN_NAME." gateway.\n".
++					"See for info.\n".
++					"You can configure additional options too. When changing options, remember to provide ".
++					"your password!",
++				title=>"$PLUGIN_NAME Registration",
++				type=>'form');
++			$xd->AddField(type=>'text-single',var=>'username',label=>'User name',
++				value=>($account?$account->{username}:''));
++			$xd->AddField(type=>'text-private',var=>'password',label=>'Password (!) ');
++			$xd->AddField(type=>'boolean',var=>'mms',label=>'MMS',
++				value=>($account->{mms}?$account->{mms}:0));
++			$query->AddX($xd);
++			# ... x:data
++			$Connection->Send($iq);
++		} elsif ($type eq 'set') {
++			# x:data ...
++			my @xd=$query_o->GetX('jabber:x:data'); my %f;
++			if ($#xd>-1) {
++				foreach my $x ($xd[0]->GetFields()) { $f{$x->GetVar()}=$x->GetValue(); };
++			} else {
++				$f{username}=$query_o->GetUsername(); $f{password}=$query_o->GetPassword();
++				$f{mms}=0;
++			};
++			# ... x:data
++			if (($f{username} eq '')&&($f{password} eq '')) {
++				SendPluginPresencesToUser($PLUGIN_NAME,'unavailable',$from);
++				delete $EraOmnix_Mult_accounts{$base_from};
++			} else {
++				for my $i (qw(username password mms)) { $account->{$i}=$f{$i}; };
++				$EraOmnix_Mult_accounts{$base_from}=$account;
++				SendPluginPresencesToUser($PLUGIN_NAME,'available',$from);
++				PushAgentToUsersRoster($from); # important in any plugin which needs registration!
++			};
++#			SaveXMLHash(\%EraOmnix_Mult_accounts,'accounts',$config{plugins}->{$PLUGIN_NAME}->{accounts_file},$PLUGIN_NAME);
++			$iq->SetType('result');
++			$Connection->Send($iq);
++		};
++	};
++my %EraOmnix_Mult_errmsgs=(
++	'0'=>'wysy³ka bez b³êdu',
++	'1'=>'awaria systemu',
++	'2'=>'u¿ytkownik nieautoryzowany',
++	'3'=>'dostêp zablokowany',
++	'5'=>'b³±d sk³adni',	
++	'7'=>'wyczerpany limit SMS',
++	'8'=>'b³êdny adres odbiorcy SMS',
++	'9'=>'wiadomo¶æ zbyt d³uga',
++	'10'=>'brak wymaganej liczby ¿etonów'
++sub EraOmnix_Mult_InMessage {
++	my $message_o=shift;
++	my $type=shift;
++	my $to=$message_o->GetTo(); my $from=$message_o->GetFrom();
++	my $message=new Net::Jabber::Message;
++	$message->SetTo($from); $message->SetFrom($to); $message->SetType($type);
++	my $SN=$config{service_name};
++	my $PN=$SN."/".$PLUGIN_NAME;
++	my $base_from=$from; $base_from=~s/\/.+$//g if ($base_from =~ /\//);
++	my $nr=$to; $nr=~s/@.+$//g;
++	return unless ($to =~ /$PN$/); # shouldn't happen
++	my $account=$EraOmnix_Mult_accounts{$base_from};
++	# the guts:
++	my $result_message="";
++	$nr=~s/\+//g;
++	my $sig=$base_from; $sig=~s/@.+$//g;
++	my $ua=new LWP::UserAgent;
++	$ua->agent("Mozilla/3.0 (X11, I, Linux 2.4.0 i486"); # ;)
++	$ua->timeout(30); # quickly please!
++	$ua->no_proxy('');
++	my $r=$ua->post('',[
++		success=>'http://success/',
++		failure=>'http://failure/',
++		login=>$account->{username},
++		password=>$account->{password},
++		number=>$nr,
++		message=>convert('utf8','latin2',$message_o->GetBody()),
++        mms=>( ($account->{mms} =~ /(true|yes|1)/) ? "true" : "false" ),
++		]);
++	if ($r->status_line =~ /302 Moved/) {
++		my $loc=$r->header("Location");
++		if ($loc =~ /\/success\//) {
++			my $err=($loc =~ /X-ERA-error/)?$loc:""; $err=~s/^.+X-ERA-error=//g; $err=~s/\&.+$//g;
++			my $tok=($loc =~ /X-ERA-tokens/)?$loc:""; $tok=~s/^.+X-ERA-tokens=//g; $tok=~s/\&.+$//g;
++			my $cost=($loc =~ /X-ERA-cost/)?$loc:""; $cost=~s/^.+X-ERA-cost=//g; $cost=~s/\&.+$//g;
++			$result_message=convert('latin2','utf8',"SMS wys³any".
++				(($err ne '')?", status: ".$EraOmnix_Mult_errmsgs{$err}:"").
++				(($tok ne '')?", pozosta³o ¿etonów: $tok":"").
++				(($cost ne '')?", zu¿yte ¿etony: $cost":""));
++		} else {
++			my $err=($loc =~ /X-ERA-error/)?$loc:""; $err=~s/^.+X-ERA-error=//g; $err=~s/\&.+$//g;
++			my $tok=($loc =~ /X-ERA-tokens/)?$loc:""; $tok=~s/^.+X-ERA-tokens=//g; $tok=~s/\&.+$//g;
++			my $cost=($loc =~ /X-ERA-cost/)?$loc:""; $cost=~s/^.+X-ERA-cost=//g; $cost=~s/\&.+$//g;
++			$result_message=convert('latin2','utf8',"B³±d wysy³ania".
++				(($err ne '')?", status: ".$EraOmnix_Mult_errmsgs{$err}:"").
++				(($tok ne '')?", pozosta³o ¿etonów: $tok":"").
++				(($cost ne '')?", zu¿yte ¿etony: $cost":""));
++		};
++	} else {
++		$result_message="HTTP Error";
++	};
++	$message->SetBody(" ".$result_message);
++	$Connection->Send($message);
+diff -ruN asa-0.1.7/plugins/ asa-svn-26-05-2007/plugins/
+--- asa-0.1.7/plugins/	2005-08-08 13:06:50.000000000 +0200
++++ asa-svn-26-05-2007/plugins/	2007-05-26 09:25:26.000000000 +0200
+@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
+ use LWP::UserAgent;
+ use HTTP::Request::Common qw(GET POST);
+ use HTTP::Response;
++use HTTP::Cookies; 
+ use Unicode::Lite;
+ my $PLUGIN_NAME			= "EraOmnix_Podstawowa";
+-my $PLUGIN_VERSION		= "0.3";
++my $PLUGIN_VERSION		= "0.4-20050930-kg";
+ my $DEFAULT_PRIO		= 4;
+-my $DEST_NUMBERS_REGEXP		=  '^\+48(88[80]|60[24680]|69[24680]|66[0248])'; # needed linke this in // good numberz?
++my $DEST_NUMBERS_REGEXP	= '^\+48(88[80]|60[24680]|69[24680]|66[02468])'; # needed linke this in // good numberz?
+ use vars qw ( %EraOmnix_Podst_accounts );
+@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
+ sub EraOmnix_Podst_WillTake {
+         my $from=shift;
+-        my $to_nr=shift; # if not provided, it means it asks for the service, w/o number served by it 
++        my $to_nr=shift; # if not provided, it means it asks for the service, w/o number served by it
+         return (($to_nr?($to_nr =~ /$DEST_NUMBERS_REGEXP/):1)&&(exists($EraOmnix_Podst_accounts{$from})));
+ };
+@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@
+ 			$query->SetInstructions('Send a message to: +48TELNUMBER@'.$config{service_name}." to send an SMS.\n".
+ 				"You can add a contact like this to your roster.\n\n".
+ 				"Provide your Username (48xxxxxxxxx) and Password to ".$PLUGIN_NAME." gateway.\n".
+-				"See for info.\n\n".
++				"See for info.\n\n".                
+ 				"Note: x:data compilant client allows setting more options.");
+ 			$query->SetUsername( ($account?$account->{username}:'') );
+ 			$query->SetPassword('');
+@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@
+ 			} else {
+ 				for my $i (qw(username password contact signature)) { $account->{$i}=$f{$i}; };
+ 				$EraOmnix_Podst_accounts{$base_from}=$account;
+-				SendPluginPresencesToUser($PLUGIN_NAME,'available',$from);
++                SendPluginPresencesToUser($PLUGIN_NAME,'available',$from);
+ 				PushAgentToUsersRoster($from); # important in any plugin which needs registration!
+ 			};
+ #			SaveXMLHash(\%EraOmnix_Podst_accounts,'accounts',$config{plugins}->{$PLUGIN_NAME}->{accounts_file},$PLUGIN_NAME);
+@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@
+ 	'1'=>'awaria systemu',
+ 	'2'=>'u¿ytkownik nieautoryzowany',
+ 	'3'=>'dostêp zablokowany',
+-	'5'=>'b³±d sk³adni',	
++	'5'=>'b³±d sk³adni',
+ 	'7'=>'wyczerpany limit SMS',
+ 	'8'=>'b³êdny adres odbiorcy SMS',
+ 	'9'=>'wiadomo¶æ zbyt d³uga',
+@@ -129,51 +130,101 @@
+ 	my $nr=$to; $nr=~s/@.+$//g;
+ 	return unless ($to =~ /$PN$/); # shouldn't happen
+-	my $account=$EraOmnix_Podst_accounts{$base_from};
+-	# the guts:
+ 	my $result_message="";
+ 	$nr=~s/\+//g;
+ 	my $sig=$base_from; $sig=~s/@.+$//g;
+-	my $ua=new LWP::UserAgent;
+-	$ua->agent("Mozilla/3.0 (X11, I, Linux 2.4.0 i486"); # ;)
+-	$ua->timeout(30); # quickly please!
+-	$ua->no_proxy('');
+-	my $r=$ua->post('',[
+-		login=>$account->{username},
+-		password=>$account->{password},
+-		success=>'http://success/',
+-		failure=>'http://failure/',
+-		number=>$nr,
+-		message=>convert('utf8','latin2',$message_o->GetBody()),
+-		signature=>( $account->{signature} ? $account->{signature} : $sig),
+-		contact=>( $account->{contact} ? $account->{contact} : "")
+-		]);
+-	if ($r->status_line =~ /302 Moved/) {
+-		my $loc=$r->header("Location");
+-		if ($loc =~ /\/success\//) {
+-			my $err=($loc =~ /X-ERA-error/)?$loc:""; $err=~s/^.+X-ERA-error=//g; $err=~s/\&.+$//g;
+-			my $cnt=($loc =~ /X-ERA-counter/)?$loc:""; $cnt=~s/^.+X-ERA-counter=//g; $cnt=~s/\&.+$//g;
+-			$result_message=convert('latin2','utf8',"SMS wys³any".
+-				(($err ne '')?", status: ".$EraOmnix_Podst_errmsgs{$err}:"").
+-				(($cnt ne '')?", pozosta³o smsów: $cnt":""));
+-		} else {
+-			my $err=($loc =~ /X-ERA-error/)?$loc:""; $err=~s/^.+X-ERA-error=//g; $err=~s/\&.+$//g;
+-			my $cnt=($loc =~ /X-ERA-counter/)?$loc:""; $cnt=~s/^.+X-ERA-counter=//g; $cnt=~s/\&.+$//g;
+-			$result_message=convert('latin2','utf8',"B³±d wysy³ania".
+-				(($err ne '')?", status: ".$EraOmnix_Podst_errmsgs{$err}:"").
+-				(($cnt ne '')?", pozosta³o smsów: $cnt":""));
+-		};
+-	} else {
+-		$result_message="HTTP Error";
+-	};
+-	$message->SetBody(" ".$result_message);
++	my $account=$EraOmnix_Podst_accounts{$base_from};
++    $result_message=sendSmsViaOmnix($account->{username}, $account->{password}, $nr, convert('utf8','latin2',$message_o->GetBody()), $sig);
++	$message->SetBody(" ".convert('latin2','utf8', $result_message));
+ 	$Connection->Send($message);
+ };
++# credits:
++# Jacek Fiok <jfiok at>; 
++# Piotr W³odarczyk <piotr at> 
++sub sendSmsViaOmnix
++	my ($login, $password, $number, $message, $sig) = @_;    
++    my $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new; 
++    my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
++    $ua->timeout(30);
++    $ua->agent("Mozilla/3.0 (X11, I, Linux 2.4.0 i486");
++    $ua->env_proxy();
++    $ua->cookie_jar($cookie_jar); 
++    push @{ $ua->requests_redirectable }, 'POST';
++    my $token;
++    # 1. get sms-index
++    my $res = $ua->request (GET '');
++    return "B³±d przy otwieraniu formularza [1]" unless $res->is_success;
++    if ($res->content =~ /TOKEN\" value=\"(.*)\"/ ) { $token=$1;} 
++    # 2. send the POST login form
++    my $req = POST "", [
++    	login => $login,
++        password => $password,
++        "org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN" => $token
++    ];
++    $res = $ua->request($req);
++    return "B³±d przy logowaniu - zerwane po³±czenie [2]" unless $res->is_success;
++    return "B³±d przy logowaniu - nieprawid³owe has³o [2]" unless $res->content =~ /Pozosta³o SMS/;
++    my $poczatek=0;
++    my $dlugosc=110;
++    my $wiadomosc=$message;
++    my $ilosc_smsow = 1; 
++    if ((length($wiadomosc) % $dlugosc) != 0) { 
++        $ilosc_smsow = ((length($wiadomosc) - (length($wiadomosc) % $dlugosc)) / $dlugosc) + 1; 
++    } else {
++        $ilosc_smsow = length($wiadomosc) / $dlugosc;
++    }
++    # pêtla wysy³aj±ca po kawa³ku
++    for (my $i=1;$i<=$ilosc_smsow;$i++) 
++    {
++        $message=substr($wiadomosc,$poczatek,$dlugosc);
++        $poczatek += $dlugosc;
++        my $sms_zostalo = 666;
++        if ($res->content =~ /Pozosta.o SMS.w: \<b\>([0-9]+)\<\/b\>/) { $sms_zostalo = $1; }
++        return "Nie mogê odczytaæ ilo¶ci dostêpnych SMSów" if $sms_zostalo == 666;
++        return "Limit wiadomo¶ci na dzi¶ przekroczony" if $sms_zostalo == 0;
++        # 3. wyslij
++        if ($res->content =~ /TOKEN\" value=\"(.*)\"/ ) { $token=$1;} else { return "Nie widzê tokena!"; }
++        $req = POST '', [
++        	"top.phoneReceiver" => $number,
++            "top.text"  => $message,
++            "org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN" => $token,
++            "top.signature"	=> $sig,
++            "top.characterLimit" => '99',
++            "send" => '0',
++            "mmsTab" => 'mmsTab',
++            "send_x" => '15',
++            "send_y" => '13'
++        ];
++        $res = $ua->request($req);
++        if (!($res->is_success)) { return "B³±d przy podgl±dzie wiadomo¶ci [3]"; }
++        # 4. czy sie wys³a³o (?).
++        my $sms_zostalo2 = 666;
++        if ($res->content =~ /Pozosta³o SMSów: \<b\>([0-9]+)\<\/b\>/) { $sms_zostalo2 = $1; }
++        if ($sms_zostalo2 == 666) { zakoncz ("Nie mogê odczytaæ ilo¶ci dostêpnych SMSów", 1); }
++        if ($sms_zostalo > $sms_zostalo2) 
++        {
++            return "Wszystko OK; pozosta³y limit wiadomo¶ci: ".$sms_zostalo2; 
++        } else {
++            return "Wiadomo¶æ wys³ana, ale STATUS NIEZNANY (pozosta³y limit: ".$sms_zostalo2.").";
++        }
++    }    
+diff -ruN asa-0.1.7/plugins/ asa-svn-26-05-2007/plugins/
+--- asa-0.1.7/plugins/	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ asa-svn-26-05-2007/plugins/	2007-05-26 09:25:33.000000000 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
++use strict;
++use LWP::UserAgent;
++use HTTP::Request::Common qw(GET POST);
++use HTTP::Response;
++use Unicode::Lite;
++my $PLUGIN_NAME			= "EraOmnix_Sponsorowana";
++my $PLUGIN_VERSION		= "0.4-20060612-kg";
++my $DEFAULT_PRIO		= 4;
++my $DEST_NUMBERS_REGEXP		=  '^\+48(60[02468]|66[028]|69[2468]|78[78]|88[0689])'; # needed linke this in // good numberz?
++# Era/TT: 600, 602, 604, 606, 608, 660, 662, 668, 692, 694, 696, 698, 788
++# Heyah: 880, 886, 888, 889, 788
++use vars qw ( %EraOmnix_Spons_accounts );
++# RULES:
++# 1. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS create new presence/message/iq
++# 2. Create handlers, plugin is named
++# 3. Provide ALL info into %plugin_data
++RegisterEvent('iq','^'.$config{service_name}."/".$PLUGIN_NAME.'$',\&EraOmnix_Spons_InIQ); # for registration
++RegisterEvent('pre_connect','.+',\&EraOmnix_Spons_PreConn); # for loading some data ;)
++sub EraOmnix_Spons_WillTake {
++        my $from=shift;
++        my $to_nr=shift; # if not provided, it means it asks for the service, w/o number served by it 
++        return (($to_nr?($to_nr =~ /$DEST_NUMBERS_REGEXP/):1)&&(exists($EraOmnix_Spons_accounts{$from})));
++sub EraOmnix_Spons_PreConn {
++#	%EraOmnix_Spons_accounts=%{LoadXMLHash('accounts',$config{plugins}->{$PLUGIN_NAME}->{accounts_file},$PLUGIN_NAME)};
++	my $t=tie(%EraOmnix_Spons_accounts,"MLDBM::Sync",$config{plugins}->{$PLUGIN_NAME}->{accounts_file},O_CREAT|O_RDWR,0600);
++	log2($PLUGIN_NAME.": Ready.");
++sub EraOmnix_Spons_InIQ {
++	my $iq_o=shift;
++	my $xmlns=shift;
++	my $query_o=$iq_o->GetQuery();
++	my $type=$iq_o->GetType();
++	my $from=$iq_o->GetFrom(); my $to=$iq_o->GetTo();
++	my $iq=new Net::Jabber::IQ;
++	$iq->SetFrom($to); $iq->SetTo($from); $iq->SetID($iq_o->GetID);
++	my $query=$iq->NewQuery($xmlns);
++	if ($xmlns eq 'jabber:iq:register') {
++		my $base_from=$from; $base_from=~s/\/.+$//g if ($base_from =~ /\//);
++		my $account=$EraOmnix_Spons_accounts{$base_from};
++		if ($type eq 'get') {
++			$iq->SetType('result');
++			$query->SetInstructions('Send a message to: +48TELNUMBER@'.$config{service_name}." to send an SMS.\n".
++				"You can add a contact like this to your roster.\n\n".
++				"Provide your Username (48xxxxxxxxx) and Password to ".$PLUGIN_NAME." gateway.\n".
++				"See for info.\n\n".
++				"Note: x:data compilant client allows setting more options.");
++			$query->SetUsername( ($account?$account->{username}:'') );
++			$query->SetPassword('');
++			# x:data ...
++			my $xd=( (Net::Jabber->VERSION>1.30) ? new Net::Jabber::Stanza("x") : new Net::Jabber::X );
++			$xd->SetXMLNS('jabber:x:data');
++			$xd->SetData(instructions=>'Send a message to: +48TELNUMBER@'.$config{service_name}." to send an SMS.\n".
++					"You can add a contact like this to your roster.\n".
++					"Provide your Username and Password to ".$PLUGIN_NAME." gateway.\n".
++					"See for info.\n".
++					"You can configure additional options too. When changing options, remember to provide ".
++					"your password!",
++				title=>"$PLUGIN_NAME Registration",
++				type=>'form');
++			$xd->AddField(type=>'text-single',var=>'username',label=>'User name',
++				value=>($account?$account->{username}:''));
++			$xd->AddField(type=>'text-private',var=>'password',label=>'Password (!) ');
++			$query->AddX($xd);
++			$Connection->Send($iq);
++		} elsif ($type eq 'set') {
++			# x:data ...
++			my @xd=$query_o->GetX('jabber:x:data'); my %f;
++			if ($#xd>-1) {
++				foreach my $x ($xd[0]->GetFields()) { $f{$x->GetVar()}=$x->GetValue(); };
++			} else {
++				$f{username}=$query_o->GetUsername(); $f{password}=$query_o->GetPassword();
++			};
++			# ... x:data
++			if (($f{username} eq '')&&($f{password} eq '')) {
++				SendPluginPresencesToUser($PLUGIN_NAME,'unavailable',$from);
++				delete $EraOmnix_Spons_accounts{$base_from};
++			} else {
++				for my $i (qw(username password)) { $account->{$i}=$f{$i}; };
++				$EraOmnix_Spons_accounts{$base_from}=$account;
++				SendPluginPresencesToUser($PLUGIN_NAME,'available',$from);
++				PushAgentToUsersRoster($from); # important in any plugin which needs registration!
++			};
++#			SaveXMLHash(\%EraOmnix_Spons_accounts,'accounts',$config{plugins}->{$PLUGIN_NAME}->{accounts_file},$PLUGIN_NAME);
++			$iq->SetType('result');
++			$Connection->Send($iq);
++		};
++	};
++my %EraOmnix_Spons_errmsgs=(
++	'0'=>'wysy³ka bez b³êdu',
++	'1'=>'awaria systemu',
++	'2'=>'u¿ytkownik nieautoryzowany',
++	'3'=>'dostêp zablokowany',
++	'5'=>'b³±d sk³adni',	
++	'7'=>'wyczerpany limit SMS',
++	'8'=>'b³êdny adres odbiorcy SMS',
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

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