poldek: poldek/python/poldek.py, poldek/python/poldekmod.i, poldek...

mis mis at pld-linux.org
Wed Jun 27 18:20:51 CEST 2007

Author: mis                          Date: Wed Jun 27 16:20:51 2007 GMT
Module: poldek                        Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- extended and pythonized

---- Files affected:
   poldek.py (1.9 -> 1.10) , poldekmod.i (1.11 -> 1.12) , test.py (1.15 -> 1.16) 

---- Diffs:

Index: poldek/poldek/python/poldek.py
diff -u poldek/poldek/python/poldek.py:1.9 poldek/poldek/python/poldek.py:1.10
--- poldek/poldek/python/poldek.py:1.9	Fri Jun 22 00:35:08 2007
+++ poldek/poldek/python/poldek.py	Wed Jun 27 18:20:46 2007
@@ -40,11 +40,15 @@
         return r
     def __str__(self):
-        return '[' + string.join(map(str, map(self._itemClass, self._arr)), ', ') + ']'
+        return '[' + self.join(', ') + ']'
     def __setitem__(self, i, val):
         raise TypeError, "tn_array is immutable"
+    def join(self, sep = ', '):
+        if self._arr is None: return ''
+        return string.join(map(str, map(self._itemClass, self._arr)), sep)
 def n_array_proxy_func(prefix, func, classnam):
     return eval('lambda self, *args: n_array_proxy(poldekmod.%s%s(self, *args), %s)' %
                 (prefix, func, classnam));
@@ -53,35 +57,81 @@
     return eval('lambda self, *args: n_array_proxy(poldekmod.%s%s(self, *args), %s)' %
                 (module, prefix, func, classnam));
+def _modsymbols(prefix, strip_prefix = None, with_methods = True, with_constants = True,
+                verbose = 0, exclude = None):
+    exclude_regexp = None
+    regexp = re.compile('^%s' % prefix)
+    regexp_up = re.compile('^%s' % string.upper(prefix))
+    if exclude:
+        exclude_regexp = re.compile('^%s' % exclude)
+    if strip_prefix:
+        l = len(strip_prefix)
+    else:
+        l = len(prefix)
+    symbols = {}
+    for k, elem in poldekmod.__dict__.items():
+        key = None
+        if exclude_regexp and exclude_regexp.match(k):
+            if verbose:
+                print "Exclude %s:: %s" % (prefix, k)
+            continue
+        if with_methods and regexp.match(k) and type(elem) == BuiltinFunctionType:
+            key = k
+        elif with_constants and regexp_up.match(k) and type(elem) != BuiltinFunctionType:
+            key = k
+        else:
+            if verbose:
+                print "skipped %s", k
+        if key:        
+            symbols[ key[l:] ] = elem
+    return symbols
-def _complete_class(aclass, prefix, delprefix = None, nomethods = False,
+def _complete_class(aclass, prefix, strip_prefix = None, with_methods = True,
                     verbose = 0, exclude = None):
     exclude_regexp = None
     regexp = re.compile('^%s' % prefix)
     regexp_up = re.compile('^%s' % string.upper(prefix))
+    toskip = [ '%snew' % prefix , '%sfree' % prefix, '%sswigregister' % prefix,
+               '%sctx_swigregister' % prefix]
     if exclude:
         exclude_regexp = re.compile('^%s' % exclude)
-    if delprefix:
-        l = len(delprefix)
+    if strip_prefix:
+        l = len(strip_prefix)
         l = len(prefix)
-    for k, elem in poldekmod.__dict__.items():
-        #elem = poldekmod.__dict__[k]
-        if not nomethods:
+    for k, elem in poldekmod.__dict__.iteritems():
+        if with_methods:
             if exclude_regexp and exclude_regexp.match(k):
                 if verbose:
                     print "Exclude %s %s" % (aclass, k)
             if regexp.match(k) and type(elem) == BuiltinFunctionType:
+                #print "FF %s %s" % (k, toskip)
+                if k in toskip:
+                    if verbose: print "XXXSkipped %s" % k
+                    continue
                 name = k[l:]
                 if not hasattr(aclass, name):
                     fn = eval('lambda self, *args: poldekmod.%s(self, *args)' % k);
                     setattr(aclass, name, fn)
                     if verbose:
-                        print "SET %s %s %s" % (aclass, name, type(fn))
+                        print "SET %s %s %s %s" % (k, aclass, name, type(fn))
                     #setattr(aclass, name, elem)
@@ -92,51 +142,71 @@
                 if verbose:
                     print "SET %s %s %s" % (aclass, name, type(elem))
 _complete_class(tn_array, 'n_array_')
 setattr(tn_array, '__getitem__', tn_array.nth)
+## Package
 for name, elem in capreq.__dict__.items():
     if name[0:4] == '_is_':
         setattr(capreq, name[1:], elem)
 _complete_class(capreq, 'capreq_', verbose = 0)
 setattr(capreq, '__str__', eval('lambda self: poldekmod.capreq_snprintf_s(self)'))
-_complete_class(poldek_ctx, 'poldek_')
-for fn in ['get_avail_packages', 'search_avail_packages']:
-    setattr(poldek_ctx, fn, n_array_proxy_func('poldek_', fn, 'pkg'))
-_complete_class(poldek_ts, 'poldek_ts_')
-_complete_class(poldek_ts, 'poldek_op_', delprefix = 'poldek_',
-                nomethods = True, verbose = 0)
+setattr(pkgflist_it, '__iter__', eval('lambda self: self'));
+def _pkgflist_it_next(self):
+    t = self.get_tuple()
+    if t is None:
+        raise StopIteration
+    return t
+setattr(pkgflist_it, 'next', _pkgflist_it_next);
 _complete_class(pkg, 'pkg_', verbose = 0)
 setattr(pkg, '__str__', pkg.id)
+setattr(pkg, 'group', property(eval("lambda self: poldekmod.pkg_group(self)")))
-for c in ['provides', 'requires', 'conflicts']:
-    setattr(pkg, c, n_array_proxy_func('pkg.', '_get_%s' % c, 'capreq'))
+for c in ['provides', 'requires', 'conflicts', 'suggests']:
+    setattr(pkg, c, property(n_array_proxy_func('pkg.', '_get_%s' % c, 'capreq')))
+setattr(pkg, 'files', property(eval("lambda self: poldekmod.pkg_get_flist_it(self)")));
-_complete_class(pkguinf, 'pkguinf_', exclude = 'pkguinf_get', verbose = 0)
-setattr(pkguinf, 'get', eval('lambda self, tag: poldekmod.pkguinf_get(self, ord(tag[0]))'))
-_complete_class(pkgflist_it, 'pkgflist_it_', verbose = 0)
-setattr(pkgflist_it, 'get', eval('lambda self, *args: poldekmod.pkgflist_it_get(self, None)'));
+tags = _modsymbols('pkguinf_', with_methods = False)
+for k, v in tags.iteritems():
+    fn = "lambda self: poldekmod.pkguinf_get(self, ord('%s'))" % v[0]
+    setattr(pkguinf, k.lower(), property(eval(fn)))
+## pkgdir
 _complete_class(source, 'source_')
+setattr(source, 'enabled', property(lambda self: self.get_enabled(),
+                                    lambda self, val: self.set_enabled(val)))
 _complete_class(pkgdir, 'pkgdir_')
+setattr(pkgdir, 'packages', property(n_array_proxy_func('', 'get_packages', 'pkgdir')))
+# poldek 
+_complete_class(poldek_ctx, 'poldek_')
+setattr(poldek_ctx, 'packages', property(n_array_proxy_func('poldek_', 'get_avail_packages', 'pkg')));
+setattr(poldek_ctx, 'search', n_array_proxy_func('poldek_', 'search_avail_packages', 'pkg'))
+setattr(poldek_ctx, 'sources', property(n_array_proxy_func('poldek_', 'get_sources', 'source')))
+setattr(poldek_ctx, 'pkgdirs', property(n_array_proxy_func('poldek_', 'get_pkgdirs', 'pkgdir')))
-_complete_class(poclidek_rcmd, 'poclidek_rcmd_')
-setattr(poclidek_rcmd, 'get_packages',
-        n_array_proxy_func('poclidek_rcmd_', 'get_packages', 'pkg'))
+_complete_class(poldek_ts, 'poldek_ts_')
+_complete_class(poldek_ts, 'poldek_op_', strip_prefix = 'poldek_',
+                with_methods = False, verbose = 0)
-_complete_class(poclidek_ctx, 'poclidek_', verbose = 0, exclude = 'poclidek_rcmd_')
+#_complete_class(poclidek_rcmd, 'poclidek_rcmd_')
+setattr(poclidek_rcmd, 'packages',
+        property(n_array_proxy_func('poclidek_rcmd_', 'get_packages', 'pkg')))
+_complete_class(poclidek_ctx, 'poclidek_', verbose = 0, exclude = 'poclidek_rcmd_')
+setattr(poclidek_ctx, 'rcmd', lambda self: poldekmod.poclidek_rcmd_new(self, None));
+#print poclidek_ctx.rcmd_new
+#setattr(poclidek_rcmd, 'rcmd'
+#_complete_class(pkguinf, 'pkguinf_', exclude = 'pkguinf_get', verbose = 1, with_methods = False)
+#setattr(pkguinf, 'get', eval('lambda self, tag: poldekmod.pkguinf_get(self, ord(tag[0]))'))

Index: poldek/poldek/python/poldekmod.i
diff -u poldek/poldek/python/poldekmod.i:1.11 poldek/poldek/python/poldekmod.i:1.12
--- poldek/poldek/python/poldekmod.i:1.11	Fri Jun 22 00:35:08 2007
+++ poldek/poldek/python/poldekmod.i	Wed Jun 27 18:20:46 2007
@@ -82,10 +82,25 @@
 %extend poclidek_rcmd {
-    poclidek_rcmd(struct poclidek_ctx *cctx, struct poldek_ts *ts) {
+    /*poclidek_rcmd(struct poclidek_ctx *cctx, struct poldek_ts *ts) {
         return poclidek_rcmd_new(cctx, ts);
+    }*/
+    poclidek_rcmd(struct poclidek_ctx *cctx) {
+        return poclidek_rcmd_new(cctx, NULL);
+    }
+    int execute(const char *cmdline) {
+        return poclidek_rcmd_execline(self, cmdline);
+    char *to_s() {
+        const char *s = poclidek_rcmd_get_str(self);
+        if (s) 
+           return n_strdup(s);
+        return NULL;
+    }    
     ~poclidek_rcmd() { poclidek_rcmd_free(self); }
@@ -134,6 +149,35 @@
     source(const char *name) {
         return source_new(name, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
+    source(void *src) { return source_link(src); };        
+    char *__str__() { 
+        char *id = NULL;
+        if (self->flags & PKGSOURCE_NAMED)
+           id = self->name;
+        else {  
+           char path[PATH_MAX];
+           vf_url_slim(path, sizeof(path), self->path, 0);
+           id = path;
+        }
+        return n_strdup(id);
+    }
+    int get_enabled() {
+        //printf("get_enabled %d\n", (self->flags & PKGSOURCE_NOAUTO) == 0);
+        return (self->flags & PKGSOURCE_NOAUTO) == 0;
+    }       
+    void set_enabled(int v) {
+        if (v)
+           self->flags &= ~PKGSOURCE_NOAUTO;
+        else
+           self->flags |= PKGSOURCE_NOAUTO;
+        //printf("%s enabled=%d\n", self->name, (self->flags & PKGSOURCE_NOAUTO) == 0);
+    }   
     ~source() { source_free(self); }
@@ -141,6 +185,8 @@
     pkgdir(struct source *src, unsigned flags) {
         return pkgdir_srcopen(src, flags);
+    tn_array *get_packages() { return self->pkgs; }    
     ~pkgdir() { pkgdir_free(self); }
@@ -174,6 +220,7 @@
     tn_array *_get_provides() { return self->caps; }
     tn_array *_get_requires() { return self->reqs; }
     tn_array *_get_conflicts() { return self->cnfls; }
+    tn_array *_get_suggests() { return self->sugs; }
     ~pkg() { pkg_free(self); }

Index: poldek/poldek/python/test.py
diff -u poldek/poldek/python/test.py:1.15 poldek/poldek/python/test.py:1.16
--- poldek/poldek/python/test.py:1.15	Sat Jun 16 17:11:24 2007
+++ poldek/poldek/python/test.py	Wed Jun 27 18:20:46 2007
@@ -6,43 +6,55 @@
 from types import *
 import poldek
-def test_pkguinf(ctx):
-    arr = ctx.get_avail_packages()
-    print "Loaded %d packages" % len(arr)
-    if len(arr) == 0:
-        return 
+def package_inspect(pkg):
+    print "Package:  ", pkg
+    inf = pkg.uinf()            # loaded on demand
+    if inf:                     # index w/o uinf?
+        print "== uinf == "
+        print "Summary:  ", inf.summary
+        print "License:  ", inf.license
+        print "URL:      ", inf.url
+        print "Vendor:   ", inf.vendor
+        print "Buildhost:", inf.buildhost
+        print "Distro:   ", inf.distro
+        print "Group:    ", pkg.group
+        print "Description:\n", inf.description
+    print "== properties =="
+    if pkg.provides:
+        print "Provides:", pkg.provides.join()
+    if pkg.conflicts:
+        print "Conflicts:", pkg.conflicts.join()
+    if pkg.suggests:
+        print "Suggests:", pkg.suggests
-    pkg = arr[0]
-    inf = pkg.uinf()
-    print "Package: ", pkg
-    print "Summary: ", inf.get(inf.SUMMARY)
-    print "License: ", inf.get(inf.LICENSE)
-    print "URL:     ", inf.get(inf.URL)
-    print "Group:   ", pkg.group()
-    print "Description:\n", inf.get(inf.DESCRIPTION)
-    it = pkg.get_flist_it()
-    f = it.get_tuple()
-    while f:
-        print f
-        f = it.get_tuple()
-def test_avail(ctx):
-    arr = ctx.get_avail_packages()
-    print "Loaded %d packages" % len(arr)
-    n = 0
-    for ptr in arr:
-        print n, ' ', ptr
-        n += 1
-def test_search(ctx):
-    arr = ctx.get_avail_packages()
-    print "Found %d package(s)" % len(arr)
-    n = 0
-    for ptr in arr:
-        print n, ' ', ptr
-        n += 1
+    if pkg.requires:
+        print "Requires:", pkg.requires.join()
+        for r in pkg.requires:
+            type = ''
+            if r.is_prereq():
+                type += 'pre'
+            if r.is_prereq_un():
+                if len(type): type += ', '
+                type += 'preun'
+            if r.is_autodirreq():
+                type = 'dir'
+            if len(type) > 0:
+                print "  - requirement(%s): %s" % (type, r)
+            else:
+                print "  - requirement: %s" % r
+    print "Files: "
+    for (name, size, mode_t) in pkg.files:
+        print " ", name
 def test_install(ctx):
     ts = ctx.ts_new(poldek.poldek_ts.INSTALL | poldek.poldek_ts.UPGRADE)
@@ -52,57 +64,70 @@
+def cli_command(cctx, command):
+    cmd = cctx.rcmd()
+    if cmd.execute(command):
+        for p in cmd.packages:
+            package_inspect(p)
+def init_poldek_ctx(source_name = None):
+    ctx = poldek.poldek_ctx()
+    #ctx.set_verbose(1)
+    src = None
+    if source_name: # -n source_name ?
+        print "configure %s" % source_name
+        src = poldek.source(source_name)
+        ctx.configure(ctx.CONF_SOURCE, src)
+    ctx.load_config()
-def test_cli_ls(cctx):
-    cmd = cctx.rcmd_new(None)
-    if cmd.execline("ls poldek*"):
-        pkgs = cmd.get_packages()
-        return
-        print pkgs
-        n = 0
-        for p in pkgs:
-            print n, ' ', p
-            caps = p.requires()
-            print caps
-            for cap in caps:
-                print "   R:  %s" % cap
-            n += 1
-        if not pkgs:    
-            print cmd.get_str()
+    if not ctx.setup():
+        raise Exception, "error"
+    return (ctx, src)
-ctx = poldek.poldek_ctx()
-src = poldek.source('ac')
-ctx.configure(ctx.CONF_SOURCE, src)
-if not ctx.setup():
-    raise Exception, "error"
-cctx = poldek.poclidek_ctx(ctx);
-#arr = poldctx.get_avail_packages()
-ctx = poldek.poldek_ctx()
-src = poldek.source('tt2')
-ctx.configure(ctx.CONF_SOURCE, poldek.source('tt2'))
+def demo_poldeklib(source_name = None):
+    (ctx, src) = init_poldek_ctx(source_name)
+    print "Sources: "
+    for s in ctx.sources:
+        if not src:
+            s.set_enabled(False)
+        print " -", s
+    if src is None:
+        src = ctx.sources[0]
+        src.set_enabled(True)    # load first source
+    print "Loading %s..." % src
+    if ctx.load_sources():
+        print "  loaded %d packages" % ctx.packages.length()
+        package_inspect(ctx.packages[0])
+def demo_poclideklib(source_name = None):
+    (ctx, src) = init_poldek_ctx(source_name)
+    for s in ctx.sources:
+        if not src:
+            s.set_enabled(False)
+        print " -", s
+    if src is None:
+        src = ctx.sources[0]
+        src.set_enabled(True)    # load first source
+    cctx = poldek.poclidek_ctx(ctx);
+    cctx.load_packages(cctx.LOAD_ALL)   # see poclidek.h
+    cli_command(cctx, "ls poldek*");
-print "END"

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