SOURCES: cvsps-fixes.patch (NEW) - git people fixes
arekm at
Sat Nov 10 20:11:47 CET 2007
Author: arekm Date: Sat Nov 10 19:11:47 2007 GMT
---- Log message:
- git people fixes
---- Files affected:
cvsps-fixes.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: SOURCES/cvsps-fixes.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/cvsps-fixes.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null Sat Nov 10 20:11:47 2007
+++ SOURCES/cvsps-fixes.patch Sat Nov 10 20:11:42 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+index 507c3e9..05ca856 100644
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ CC?=gcc
+-CFLAGS?=-g -O2 -Wall
++CFLAGS?=-g -O2 -Wall
+ prefix?=/usr/local
+ OBJS=\
+ cbtcommon/debug.o\
+@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ OBJS=\
+ all: cvsps
++ makedepend -Y -I. *.c cbtcommon/*.c
+ cvsps: $(OBJS)
+ $(CC) -o cvsps $(OBJS) -lz
+@@ -33,3 +36,27 @@ clean:
+ rm -f cvsps *.o cbtcommon/*.o core
+ .PHONY: install clean
++cache.o: ./cbtcommon/hash.h ./cbtcommon/list.h ./cbtcommon/inline.h
++cache.o: ./cbtcommon/debug.h cache.h cvsps_types.h cvsps.h util.h
++cap.o: ./cbtcommon/debug.h ./cbtcommon/inline.h ./cbtcommon/text_util.h cap.h
++cap.o: cvs_direct.h
++cvs_direct.o: ./cbtcommon/debug.h ./cbtcommon/inline.h
++cvs_direct.o: ./cbtcommon/text_util.h ./cbtcommon/tcpsocket.h
++cvs_direct.o: ./cbtcommon/sio.h cvs_direct.h util.h
++cvsps.o: ./cbtcommon/hash.h ./cbtcommon/list.h ./cbtcommon/inline.h
++cvsps.o: ./cbtcommon/list.h ./cbtcommon/text_util.h ./cbtcommon/debug.h
++cvsps.o: ./cbtcommon/rcsid.h cache.h cvsps_types.h cvsps.h util.h stats.h
++cvsps.o: cap.h cvs_direct.h list_sort.h
++list_sort.o: list_sort.h ./cbtcommon/list.h
++stats.o: ./cbtcommon/hash.h ./cbtcommon/list.h ./cbtcommon/inline.h
++stats.o: cvsps_types.h cvsps.h
++util.o: ./cbtcommon/debug.h ./cbtcommon/inline.h util.h
++cbtcommon/debug.o: cbtcommon/debug.h ./cbtcommon/inline.h cbtcommon/rcsid.h
++cbtcommon/hash.o: cbtcommon/debug.h ./cbtcommon/inline.h cbtcommon/hash.h
++cbtcommon/hash.o: ./cbtcommon/list.h cbtcommon/rcsid.h
++cbtcommon/sio.o: cbtcommon/sio.h cbtcommon/rcsid.h
++cbtcommon/tcpsocket.o: cbtcommon/tcpsocket.h cbtcommon/debug.h
++cbtcommon/tcpsocket.o: ./cbtcommon/inline.h cbtcommon/rcsid.h
++cbtcommon/text_util.o: cbtcommon/text_util.h cbtcommon/rcsid.h
+diff --git a/cache.c b/cache.c
+index 4c51cf7..5f67a7c 100644
+--- a/cache.c
++++ b/cache.c
+@@ -108,10 +108,19 @@ time_t read_cache()
+ int tag_flags = 0;
+ char branchbuff[LOG_STR_MAX] = "";
+ int branch_add = 0;
+- char logbuff[LOG_STR_MAX] = "";
++ int logbufflen = LOG_STR_MAX + 1;
++ char * logbuff = malloc(logbufflen);
+ time_t cache_date = -1;
+ int read_version;
++ if (logbuff == NULL)
++ {
++ debug(DEBUG_SYSERROR, "could not malloc %d bytes for logbuff in read_cache", logbufflen);
++ exit(1);
++ }
++ logbuff[0] = 0;
+ if (!(fp = cache_open("r")))
+ goto out;
+@@ -299,8 +308,19 @@ time_t read_cache()
+ else
+ {
+ /* Make sure we have enough in the buffer */
+- if (strlen(logbuff)+strlen(buff)<LOG_STR_MAX)
+- strcat(logbuff, buff);
++ int len = strlen(buff);
++ if (strlen(logbuff) + len >= LOG_STR_MAX)
++ {
++ logbufflen += (len >= LOG_STR_MAX ? (len+1) : LOG_STR_MAX);
++ char * newlogbuff = realloc(logbuff, logbufflen);
++ if (newlogbuff == NULL)
++ {
++ debug(DEBUG_SYSERROR, "could not realloc %d bytes for logbuff in read_cache", logbufflen);
++ exit(1);
++ }
++ logbuff = newlogbuff;
++ }
++ strcat(logbuff, buff);
+ }
+ break;
+@@ -332,6 +352,7 @@ time_t read_cache()
+ out_close:
+ fclose(fp);
+ out:
++ free(logbuff);
+ return cache_date;
+ }
+@@ -344,7 +365,7 @@ enum
+ };
+-static void parse_cache_revision(PatchSetMember * psm, const char * p_buff)
++static void parse_cache_revision(PatchSetMember * psm, const char * buff)
+ {
+ /* The format used to generate is:
+ * "file:%s; pre_rev:%s; post_rev:%s; dead:%d; branch_point:%d\n"
+@@ -354,35 +375,37 @@ static void parse_cache_revision(PatchSetMember * psm, const char * p_buff)
+ char post[REV_STR_MAX];
+ int dead = 0;
+ int bp = 0;
+- char buff[BUFSIZ];
+ int state = CR_FILENAME;
+- const char *s;
+- char * p = buff;
+- strcpy(buff, p_buff);
++ const char *sep;
++ char * p;
++ char * c;
+- while ((s = strsep(&p, ";")))
++ for (p = buff, sep = buff; /* just ensure sep is non-NULL */
++ (sep != NULL) && (c = strchr(p, ':'));
++ p = sep + 1)
+ {
+- char * c = strchr(s, ':');
+- if (!c)
+- {
+- debug(DEBUG_APPERROR, "invalid cache revision line '%s'|'%s'", p_buff, s);
+- exit(1);
+- }
++ size_t len;
++ sep = strchr(c, ';');
++ c++;
+- *c++ = 0;
++ if (sep != NULL)
++ len = sep - c;
++ else /* last field in the cache line */
++ len = strlen(c);
+ switch(state)
+ {
+- strcpy(filename, c);
++ memcpy(filename, c, len);
++ filename[len] = '\0';
+ break;
+ case CR_PRE_REV:
+- strcpy(pre, c);
++ memcpy(pre, c, len);
++ pre[len] = '\0';
+ break;
+ case CR_POST_REV:
+- strcpy(post, c);
++ memcpy(post, c, len);
++ post[len] = '\0';
+ break;
+ case CR_DEAD:
+ dead = atoi(c);
+diff --git a/cap.c b/cap.c
+index a6186f6..a1927df 100644
+--- a/cap.c
++++ b/cap.c
+@@ -121,11 +121,19 @@ int check_version_string(const char * str, int req_major, int req_minor, int req
+ return 0;
+ }
++ /* We might have encountered a FreeBSD system which
++ * has a mucked up version string of:
++ * Concurrent Versions System (CVS) '1.11.17'-FreeBSD (client/server)
++ * so re-test just in case
++ */
+ p += skip;
+ if (sscanf(p, "%d.%d.%d", &major, &minor, &extra) != 3)
+ {
+- debug(DEBUG_APPMSG1, "WARNING: malformed CVS version: %s", str);
+- return 0;
++ if (sscanf(p, "'%d.%d.%d'", &major, &minor, &extra) != 3)
++ {
++ debug(DEBUG_APPMSG1, "WARNING: malformed CVS version: %s", str);
++ return 0;
++ }
+ }
+ return (major > req_major ||
+diff --git a/cbtcommon/tcpsocket.c b/cbtcommon/tcpsocket.c
+index 27cc13a..f31060e 100644
+--- a/cbtcommon/tcpsocket.c
++++ b/cbtcommon/tcpsocket.c
+@@ -185,20 +185,20 @@ tcp_connect(int sockfd, const char *rem_addr, unsigned short port)
+ int
+ convert_address(long *dest, const char *addr_str)
+ {
+-#ifdef LINUX
++#ifdef __linux__
+ struct in_addr ip;
+ #endif
+ int retval = 0;
+ char errstr[256];
+ /* first try converting "numbers and dots" notation */
+-#ifdef LINUX
++#ifdef __linux__
+ if ( inet_aton(addr_str, &ip) )
+ {
+ memcpy(dest, &ip.s_addr, sizeof(ip.s_addr));
+ }
+ #else
+- if ( (*dest = inet_addr(addr_str)) != -1)
++ if ( (*dest = inet_addr(addr_str)) != INADDR_NONE)
+ {
+ /* nothing */
+ }
+diff --git a/cvsps.1 b/cvsps.1
+index cea0faf..6cfdac6 100644
+--- a/cvsps.1
++++ b/cvsps.1
+@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ some hacks which are not generally applicable.
+ disable the use of rlog internally. Note: rlog is
+ required for stable PatchSet numbering. Use with care.
+ .TP
+-.B \-\-diffs\-opts <option string>
++.B \-\-diff\-opts <option string>
+ send a custom set of options to diff, for example to increase
+ the number of context lines, or change the diff format.
+ .TP
+diff --git a/cvsps.c b/cvsps.c
+index 1e64e3c..981cd78 100644
+--- a/cvsps.c
++++ b/cvsps.c
+@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ RCSID("$Id$");
+ enum
+ {
+@@ -117,7 +118,9 @@ static int parse_args(int, char *[]);
+ static int parse_rc();
+ static void load_from_cvs();
+ static void init_paths();
+-static CvsFile * parse_file(const char *);
++static CvsFile * build_file_by_name(const char *);
++static CvsFile * parse_rcs_file(const char *);
++static CvsFile * parse_working_file(const char *);
+ static CvsFileRevision * parse_revision(CvsFile * file, char * rev_str);
+ static void assign_pre_revision(PatchSetMember *, CvsFileRevision * rev);
+ static void check_print_patch_set(PatchSet *);
+@@ -260,12 +263,13 @@ static void load_from_cvs()
+ {
+ FILE * cvsfp;
+ char buff[BUFSIZ];
+- int state = NEED_FILE;
++ int state = NEED_RCS_FILE;
+ CvsFile * file = NULL;
+ PatchSetMember * psm = NULL;
+ char datebuff[20];
+ char authbuff[AUTH_STR_MAX];
+- char logbuff[LOG_STR_MAX + 1];
++ int logbufflen = LOG_STR_MAX + 1;
++ char * logbuff = malloc(logbufflen);
+ int loglen = 0;
+ int have_log = 0;
+ char cmd[BUFSIZ];
+@@ -273,6 +277,12 @@ static void load_from_cvs()
+ char use_rep_buff[PATH_MAX];
+ char * ltype;
++ if (logbuff == NULL)
++ {
++ debug(DEBUG_SYSERROR, "could not malloc %d bytes for logbuff in load_from_cvs", logbufflen);
++ exit(1);
++ }
+ if (!no_rlog && !test_log_file && cvs_check_cap(CAP_HAVE_RLOG))
+ {
+ ltype = "rlog";
+@@ -298,12 +308,12 @@ static void load_from_cvs()
+ * which is necessary to fill in the pre_rev stuff for a
+ * PatchSetMember
+ */
+- snprintf(cmd, BUFSIZ, "cvs %s %s %s -d '%s<;%s' %s", compress_arg, norc, ltype, date_str, date_str, use_rep_buff);
++ snprintf(cmd, BUFSIZ, "cvs %s %s -q %s -d '%s<;%s' %s", compress_arg, norc, ltype, date_str, date_str, use_rep_buff);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ date_str[0] = 0;
+- snprintf(cmd, BUFSIZ, "cvs %s %s %s %s", compress_arg, norc, ltype, use_rep_buff);
++ snprintf(cmd, BUFSIZ, "cvs %s %s -q %s %s", compress_arg, norc, ltype, use_rep_buff);
+ }
+ debug(DEBUG_STATUS, "******* USING CMD %s", cmd);
+@@ -339,10 +349,26 @@ static void load_from_cvs()
+ switch(state)
+ {
+- case NEED_FILE:
+- if (strncmp(buff, "RCS file", 8) == 0 && (file = parse_file(buff)))
++ case NEED_RCS_FILE:
++ if (strncmp(buff, "RCS file", 8) == 0) {
++ if ((file = parse_rcs_file(buff)) != NULL)
+ state = NEED_SYMS;
++ else
++ }
+ break;
++ if (strncmp(buff, "Working file", 12) == 0) {
++ if ((file = parse_working_file(buff)))
++ state = NEED_SYMS;
++ else
++ state = NEED_RCS_FILE;
++ break;
++ } else {
++ // Working file come just after RCS file. So reset state if it was not found
++ state = NEED_RCS_FILE;
++ }
++ break;
+ case NEED_SYMS:
+ if (strncmp(buff, "symbolic names:", 15) == 0)
+ state = NEED_EOS;
+@@ -471,7 +497,7 @@ static void load_from_cvs()
+ have_log = 0;
+ psm = NULL;
+ file = NULL;
+- state = NEED_FILE;
++ state = NEED_RCS_FILE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+@@ -480,24 +506,22 @@ static void load_from_cvs()
+ */
+ if (have_log || !is_revision_metadata(buff))
+ {
+- /* if the log buffer is full, that's it.
+- *
+- * Also, read lines (fgets) always have \n in them
+- * which we count on. So if truncation happens,
+- * be careful to put a \n on.
+- *
+- * Buffer has LOG_STR_MAX + 1 for room for \0 if
+- * necessary
+- */
+- if (loglen < LOG_STR_MAX)
++ /* If the log buffer is full, try to reallocate more. */
++ if (loglen < logbufflen)
+ {
+ int len = strlen(buff);
+- if (len >= LOG_STR_MAX - loglen)
++ if (len >= logbufflen - loglen)
+ {
+- debug(DEBUG_APPMSG1, "WARNING: maximum log length exceeded, truncating log");
+- len = LOG_STR_MAX - loglen;
+- buff[len - 1] = '\n';
++ debug(DEBUG_STATUS, "reallocating logbufflen to %d bytes for file %s", logbufflen, file->filename);
++ logbufflen += (len >= LOG_STR_MAX ? (len+1) : LOG_STR_MAX);
++ char * newlogbuff = realloc(logbuff, logbufflen);
++ if (newlogbuff == NULL)
++ {
++ debug(DEBUG_SYSERROR, "could not realloc %d bytes for logbuff in load_from_cvs", logbufflen);
++ exit(1);
++ }
++ logbuff = newlogbuff;
+ }
+ debug(DEBUG_STATUS, "appending %s to log", buff);
+@@ -524,7 +548,7 @@ static void load_from_cvs()
+ exit(1);
+ }
+- if (state != NEED_FILE)
++ if (state != NEED_RCS_FILE)
+ {
+ debug(DEBUG_APPERROR, "Error: Log file parsing error. (%d) Use -v to debug", state);
+ exit(1);
+@@ -1038,8 +1062,8 @@ static void init_paths()
+ *
+ * NOTE: because of some bizarre 'feature' in cvs, when 'rlog' is used
+ * (instead of log) it gives the 'real' RCS file path, which can be different
+- * from the 'nominal' repository path because of symlinks in the server and
+- * the like. See also the 'parse_file' routine
++ * from the 'nominal' repository path because of symlinks in the server and
++ * the like. See also the 'parse_rcs_file' routine
+ */
+ strip_path_len = snprintf(strip_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s/", p, repository_path);
+@@ -1052,9 +1076,8 @@ static void init_paths()
+ debug(DEBUG_STATUS, "strip_path: %s", strip_path);
+ }
+-static CvsFile * parse_file(const char * buff)
++static CvsFile * parse_rcs_file(const char * buff)
+ {
+- CvsFile * retval;
+ char fn[PATH_MAX];
+ int len = strlen(buff + 10);
+ char * p;
+@@ -1129,6 +1152,28 @@ static CvsFile * parse_file(const char * buff)
+ debug(DEBUG_STATUS, "stripped filename %s", fn);
++ return build_file_by_name(fn);
++static CvsFile * parse_working_file(const char * buff)
++ char fn[PATH_MAX];
++ int len = strlen(buff + 14);
++ /* chop the "LF" */
++ len -= 1;
++ memcpy(fn, buff + 14, len);
++ fn[len] = 0;
++ debug(DEBUG_STATUS, "working filename %s", fn);
++ return build_file_by_name(fn);
++static CvsFile * build_file_by_name(const char * fn)
++ CvsFile * retval;
+ retval = (CvsFile*)get_hash_object(file_hash, fn);
+ if (!retval)
+@@ -2104,6 +2149,11 @@ static void parse_sym(CvsFile * file, char * sym)
+ if (!get_branch_ext(rev, eot, &leaf))
+ {
++ if (strcmp(tag, "TRUNK") == 0)
++ {
++ debug(DEBUG_STATUS, "ignoring the TRUNK branch/tag");
++ return;
++ }
+ debug(DEBUG_APPERROR, "malformed revision");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+@@ -2384,8 +2434,31 @@ void patch_set_add_member(PatchSet * ps, PatchSetMember * psm)
+ for (next = ps->; next != &ps->members; next = next->next)
+ {
+ PatchSetMember * m = list_entry(next, PatchSetMember, link);
+- if (m->file == psm->file && ps-> == NULL)
+- list_add(&ps->collision_link, &collisions);
++ if (m->file == psm->file) {
++ int order = compare_rev_strings(psm->post_rev->rev, m->post_rev->rev);
++ /*
++ * Same revision too? Add it to the collision list
++ * if it isn't already.
++ */
++ if (!order) {
++ if (ps-> == NULL)
++ list_add(&ps->collision_link, &collisions);
++ return;
++ }
++ /*
++ * If this is an older revision than the one we already have
++ * in this patchset, just ignore it
++ */
++ if (order < 0)
++ return;
++ /*
++ * This is a newer one, remove the old one
++ */
++ list_del(&m->link);
++ }
+ }
+ psm->ps = ps;
+@@ -2576,7 +2649,7 @@ static void determine_branch_ancestor(PatchSet * ps, PatchSet * head_ps)
+ * note: rev is the pre-commit revision, not the post-commit
+ */
+ if (!head_ps->ancestor_branch)
+- d1 = 0;
++ d1 = -1;
+ else if (strcmp(ps->branch, rev->branch) == 0)
+ continue;
+ else if (strcmp(head_ps->ancestor_branch, "HEAD") == 0)
+diff --git a/cvsps_types.h b/cvsps_types.h
+index b41e2a9..dba145d 100644
+--- a/cvsps_types.h
++++ b/cvsps_types.h
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
+ #include <time.h>
+-#define LOG_STR_MAX 32768
++#define LOG_STR_MAX 65536
+ #define AUTH_STR_MAX 64
+ #define REV_STR_MAX 64
+ #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
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