client/ - tabs and et
glen at
Tue Nov 20 02:07:08 CET 2007
Author: glen Date: Tue Nov 20 01:07:08 2007 GMT
Module: Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- tabs and et
---- Files affected: (1.35 -> 1.36)
---- Diffs:
diff -u
--- Tue Nov 20 02:04:18 2007
+++ Tue Nov 20 02:07:02 2007
@@ -34,239 +34,239 @@
if [ -f "$USER_CFG" ]; then
die () {
- echo "$0: $*" 1>&2
- exit 1
+ echo "$0: $*" 1>&2
+ exit 1
usage() {
- echo "Usage: [OPTION] ... [SPECFILE] ...."
- echo ""
- echo "Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too."
- echo " -C --config-file /path/to/config/file"
- echo " Source additional config file (after $USER_CFG), useful when"
- echo " when sending build requests to Ac/Th from the same account"
- echo " -b 'BUILDER BUILDER ...' --builder='BUILDER BUILDER ...'"
- echo " Sends request to given builders"
- echo " --with VALUE --without VALUE"
- echo " Build package with(out) a given bcond"
- echo " --kernel VALUE"
- echo " set alt_kernel to VALUE"
- echo " -t --test-build"
- echo " Performs a 'test-build'. Package will be uploaded to test/ tree"
- echo " and won't be upgraded on builders"
- echo " -r --ready-build"
- echo " Build and upgrade package and upload it to ready/ tree"
- echo " -u --upgrade"
- echo " Forces package upgrade (for use with -t)"
- echo " -n --no-upgrade"
- echo " Disables package upgrade (for use with -r)"
- echo " -ni -no-install-br"
- echo " Do not install missing BuildRequires (--nodeps)"
- echo " -f --flag"
- echo " -d --distro"
- echo " Specify value for \$distro"
- echo " -cf --command-flag"
- echo " Not yet documented"
- echo " -c --command"
- echo " Executes a given command on builders"
- echo " --test-remove-pkg"
- echo " shortcut for --command poldek -evt ARGS"
- echo " --remove-pkg"
- echo " shortcut for --command poldek -ev --noask ARGS"
- echo " --upgrade-pkg"
- echo " shortcut for --command poldek -uv ARGS"
- echo " --cvsup"
- echo " Updates builders infrastructure (outside chroot)"
- echo " -q "
- echo " shortcut for --command rpm -q ARGS"
- echo " -g --gpg-opts \"opts\""
- echo " Pass additional options to gpg binary"
- echo " -p --priority VALUE"
- echo " sets request priority (default 2)"
- echo " -h --help"
- echo " Displays this help message"
- exit 0;
+ echo "Usage: [OPTION] ... [SPECFILE] ...."
+ echo ""
+ echo "Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too."
+ echo " -C --config-file /path/to/config/file"
+ echo " Source additional config file (after $USER_CFG), useful when"
+ echo " when sending build requests to Ac/Th from the same account"
+ echo " -b 'BUILDER BUILDER ...' --builder='BUILDER BUILDER ...'"
+ echo " Sends request to given builders"
+ echo " --with VALUE --without VALUE"
+ echo " Build package with(out) a given bcond"
+ echo " --kernel VALUE"
+ echo " set alt_kernel to VALUE"
+ echo " -t --test-build"
+ echo " Performs a 'test-build'. Package will be uploaded to test/ tree"
+ echo " and won't be upgraded on builders"
+ echo " -r --ready-build"
+ echo " Build and upgrade package and upload it to ready/ tree"
+ echo " -u --upgrade"
+ echo " Forces package upgrade (for use with -t)"
+ echo " -n --no-upgrade"
+ echo " Disables package upgrade (for use with -r)"
+ echo " -ni -no-install-br"
+ echo " Do not install missing BuildRequires (--nodeps)"
+ echo " -f --flag"
+ echo " -d --distro"
+ echo " Specify value for \$distro"
+ echo " -cf --command-flag"
+ echo " Not yet documented"
+ echo " -c --command"
+ echo " Executes a given command on builders"
+ echo " --test-remove-pkg"
+ echo " shortcut for --command poldek -evt ARGS"
+ echo " --remove-pkg"
+ echo " shortcut for --command poldek -ev --noask ARGS"
+ echo " --upgrade-pkg"
+ echo " shortcut for --command poldek -uv ARGS"
+ echo " --cvsup"
+ echo " Updates builders infrastructure (outside chroot)"
+ echo " -q "
+ echo " shortcut for --command rpm -q ARGS"
+ echo " -g --gpg-opts \"opts\""
+ echo " Pass additional options to gpg binary"
+ echo " -p --priority VALUE"
+ echo " sets request priority (default 2)"
+ echo " -h --help"
+ echo " Displays this help message"
+ exit 0;
while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
- case "$1" in
- --distro | -d )
- distro=$2
- shift
- ;;
- --config-file | -C )
- [ -f $2 ] && . $2 || die "Config file not found"
- shift
- ;;
- --builder | -b )
- builders="$builders $2"
- shift
- ;;
- --with )
- with="$with $2"
- shift
- ;;
- --without )
- without="$without $2"
- shift
- ;;
- --test-build | -t )
- build_mode=test
- f_upgrade=no
- ;;
- --kernel )
- kernel=$2
- shift
- ;;
- --priority | -p )
- priority=$2
- shift
- ;;
- --ready-build | -r )
- build_mode=ready
- ;;
- --upgrade | -u )
- f_upgrade=yes
- ;;
- --no-upgrade | -n )
- f_upgrade=no
- ;;
- --no-install-br | -ni )
- flags="$flags no-install-br"
- ;;
- --flag | -f )
- flags="$flags $2"
- shift
- ;;
- --command-flags | -cf )
- command_flags="$2"
- shift
- ;;
- --command | -c )
- command="$2"
- f_upgrade=no
- shift
- ;;
- --test-remove-pkg)
- command="poldek -evt $2"
- f_upgrade=no
- shift
- ;;
- --remove-pkg)
- command="poldek -ev --noask $2"
- f_upgrade=no
- shift
- ;;
- --upgrade-pkg)
- command="poldek -uv $2"
- f_upgrade=no
- shift
- ;;
- -q)
- command="rpm -q $2"
- f_upgrade=no
- shift
- ;;
- --cvsup )
- command_flags="no-chroot"
- command="cvs up"
- ;;
- --gpg-opts | -g )
- gpg_opts="$2"
- shift
- ;;
- --help | -h )
- usage
- ;;
- -* )
- die "unknown knob: $1"
- ;;
- *:* | * )
- specs="$specs $1"
- ;;
- esac
- shift
+ case "$1" in
+ --distro | -d )
+ distro=$2
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --config-file | -C )
+ [ -f $2 ] && . $2 || die "Config file not found"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --builder | -b )
+ builders="$builders $2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --with )
+ with="$with $2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --without )
+ without="$without $2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --test-build | -t )
+ build_mode=test
+ f_upgrade=no
+ ;;
+ --kernel )
+ kernel=$2
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --priority | -p )
+ priority=$2
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --ready-build | -r )
+ build_mode=ready
+ ;;
+ --upgrade | -u )
+ f_upgrade=yes
+ ;;
+ --no-upgrade | -n )
+ f_upgrade=no
+ ;;
+ --no-install-br | -ni )
+ flags="$flags no-install-br"
+ ;;
+ --flag | -f )
+ flags="$flags $2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --command-flags | -cf )
+ command_flags="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --command | -c )
+ command="$2"
+ f_upgrade=no
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --test-remove-pkg)
+ command="poldek -evt $2"
+ f_upgrade=no
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --remove-pkg)
+ command="poldek -ev --noask $2"
+ f_upgrade=no
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --upgrade-pkg)
+ command="poldek -uv $2"
+ f_upgrade=no
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -q)
+ command="rpm -q $2"
+ f_upgrade=no
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --cvsup )
+ command_flags="no-chroot"
+ command="cvs up"
+ ;;
+ --gpg-opts | -g )
+ gpg_opts="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --help | -h )
+ usage
+ ;;
+ -* )
+ die "unknown knob: $1"
+ ;;
+ *:* | * )
+ specs="$specs $1"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
case "$distro" in
- builder_email="builder-ac at"
- default_builders="ac-*"
- default_branch="AC-branch"
- ;;
+ builder_email="builder-ac at"
+ default_builders="ac-*"
+ default_branch="AC-branch"
+ ;;
ac-java) # fake "distro" for java available ac archidectures
- builder_email="builder-ac at"
- default_builders="ac-i586 ac-i686 ac-athlon ac-amd64"
- default_branch="AC-branch"
- ;;
+ builder_email="builder-ac at"
+ default_builders="ac-i586 ac-i686 ac-athlon ac-amd64"
+ default_branch="AC-branch"
+ ;;
- builder_email="builderti at"
- default_builders="ti-*"
- ;;
+ builder_email="builderti at"
+ default_builders="ti-*"
+ ;;
- builder_email="builderth at"
- default_builders="th-*"
- ;;
+ builder_email="builderth at"
+ default_builders="th-*"
+ ;;
specs=`for s in $specs; do
- case "$s" in
- *.spec:*) # spec with branch
- echo $s
- ;;
- *.spec) # spec without branch
- echo $s:$default_branch
- ;;
- *:*) # package name with branch
- echo $s | sed -e 's/:/.spec:/'
- ;;
- *) # just package name
- echo $s.spec:$default_branch
- ;;
- esac
+ case "$s" in
+ *.spec:*) # spec with branch
+ echo $s
+ ;;
+ *.spec) # spec without branch
+ echo $s:$default_branch
+ ;;
+ *:*) # package name with branch
+ echo $s | sed -e 's/:/.spec:/'
+ ;;
+ *) # just package name
+ echo $s.spec:$default_branch
+ ;;
+ esac
if [[ "$requester" != *@* ]] ; then
- requester="$requester at"
+ requester="$requester at"
if [ "$builders" = "" ] ; then
- builders="$default_builders"
+ builders="$default_builders"
if [ "$f_upgrade" = "yes" ] ; then
- flags="$flags upgrade"
+ flags="$flags upgrade"
if [ "$build_mode" = "test" ] ; then
- if [ "$f_upgrade" = "yes" ] ; then
- die "--upgrade and --test-build are mutually exclusive"
- fi
- flags="$flags test-build"
+ if [ "$f_upgrade" = "yes" ] ; then
+ die "--upgrade and --test-build are mutually exclusive"
+ fi
+ flags="$flags test-build"
if [ -z "$build_mode" ] ; then
@@ -281,74 +281,74 @@
if [ "$ok" = "" ] ; then
- if [ "$command" = "" ] ; then
- die "no specs passed"
- fi
+ if [ "$command" = "" ] ; then
+ die "no specs passed"
+ fi
- if [ "$command" != "" ] ; then
- die "cannot pass specs and --command"
- fi
+ if [ "$command" != "" ] ; then
+ die "cannot pass specs and --command"
+ fi
gen_req() {
- echo "<group id='$id' no='0' flags='$flags'>"
- echo " <time>$(date +%s)</time>"
- echo " <priority>$priority</priority>"
- echo
- if [ "$command" != "" ] ; then
- bid=$(uuidgen)
- echo " <batch id='$bid' depends-on=''>"
- echo " <command flags='$command_flags'>$command</command>"
- echo " <info></info>"
- for b in $builders ; do
- echo " <builder>$b</builder>"
- done
- echo " </batch>"
- else
- echo >&2 "* Using priority $priority"
- echo >&2 "* Using email $builder_email"
- echo >&2 "* Build mode: $build_mode"
+ echo "<group id='$id' no='0' flags='$flags'>"
+ echo " <time>$(date +%s)</time>"
+ echo " <priority>$priority</priority>"
+ echo
+ if [ "$command" != "" ] ; then
+ bid=$(uuidgen)
+ echo " <batch id='$bid' depends-on=''>"
+ echo " <command flags='$command_flags'>$command</command>"
+ echo " <info></info>"
+ for b in $builders ; do
+ echo " <builder>$b</builder>"
+ done
+ echo " </batch>"
+ else
+ echo >&2 "* Using priority $priority"
+ echo >&2 "* Using email $builder_email"
+ echo >&2 "* Build mode: $build_mode"
if [ "$f_upgrade" = "yes" ] ; then
echo >&2 "* Upgrade mode: $f_upgrade"
- echo >&2 "* Queue-ID: $id"
+ echo >&2 "* Queue-ID: $id"
- # first id:
- fid=
+ # first id:
+ fid=
- for s in $specs; do
- bid=$(uuidgen)
- echo " <batch id='$bid' depends-on='$fid'>"
- [ "$fid" = "" ] && fid="$bid"
- name=$(echo "$s" | sed -e 's|:.*||')
- branch=$(echo "$s" | sed -e 's|.*:||')
- echo >&2 "* Adding #$i $name:$branch"
- echo " <spec>$name</spec>"
- echo " <branch>$branch</branch>"
- echo " ${kernel:+<kernel>$kernel</kernel>}"
- echo " <info></info>"
- echo
- for b in $with; do
- echo " <with>$b</with>"
- done
- for b in $without; do
- echo " <without>$b</without>"
- done
- echo
- for b in $builders; do
- echo " <builder>$b</builder>"
- done
- echo " </batch>"
+ for s in $specs; do
+ bid=$(uuidgen)
+ echo " <batch id='$bid' depends-on='$fid'>"
+ [ "$fid" = "" ] && fid="$bid"
+ name=$(echo "$s" | sed -e 's|:.*||')
+ branch=$(echo "$s" | sed -e 's|.*:||')
+ echo >&2 "* Adding #$i $name:$branch"
+ echo " <spec>$name</spec>"
+ echo " <branch>$branch</branch>"
+ echo " ${kernel:+<kernel>$kernel</kernel>}"
+ echo " <info></info>"
+ echo
+ for b in $with; do
+ echo " <with>$b</with>"
+ done
+ for b in $without; do
+ echo " <without>$b</without>"
+ done
+ echo
+ for b in $builders; do
+ echo " <builder>$b</builder>"
+ done
+ echo " </batch>"
- done
+ done
- fi
+ fi
- echo "</group>"
+ echo "</group>"
gen_email () {
@@ -369,4 +369,4 @@
gen_email | $mailer
-# vim:ts=2:sw=2:noet
+# vim:ts=2:sw=2
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