SOURCES: psi-richlistview.cpp (REMOVED), psi-richlistview.h (REMOV...

hawk hawk at
Sat Jan 26 00:52:34 CET 2008

Author: hawk                         Date: Fri Jan 25 23:52:34 2008 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- removed from HEAD, I'm too weak to port it to psi 0.11, feel free do it if
  you are using roster-rich.patch features

---- Files affected:
   psi-richlistview.cpp (1.2 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), psi-richlistview.h (1.3 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), psi-roster-rich.patch (1.3 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), psi-roster-rich.README (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED)

---- Diffs:

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