SOURCES: openssh-chroot.patch (NEW) - chroot patch in old form is ...

blues blues at
Mon May 5 16:41:55 CEST 2008

Author: blues                        Date: Mon May  5 14:41:55 2008 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- chroot patch in old form is back. Mainline functionality is weak and not

---- Files affected:
   openssh-chroot.patch (1.8 -> 1.9)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/openssh-chroot.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/openssh-chroot.patch:1.9
--- /dev/null	Mon May  5 16:41:55 2008
+++ SOURCES/openssh-chroot.patch	Mon May  5 16:41:50 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+--- openssh-4.4p1/servconf.c.orig	2006-08-18 16:23:15.000000000 +0200
++++ openssh-4.4p1/servconf.c	2006-10-05 10:11:17.065971000 +0200
+@@ -56,7 +56,9 @@
+ 	/* Portable-specific options */
+ 	options->use_pam = -1;
++	options->use_chroot = -1;
+ 	/* Standard Options */
+ 	options->num_ports = 0;
+ 	options->ports_from_cmdline = 0;
+@@ -131,6 +133,9 @@
+ 	if (options->use_pam == -1)
+ 		options->use_pam = 0;
++	if (options->use_chroot == -1)
++		options->use_chroot = 0;
+ 	/* Standard Options */
+ 	if (options->protocol == SSH_PROTO_UNKNOWN)
+ 		options->protocol = SSH_PROTO_1|SSH_PROTO_2;
+@@ -270,6 +275,7 @@
+ 	sBadOption,		/* == unknown option */
+ 	/* Portable-specific options */
+ 	sUsePAM,
++	sUseChroot,
+ 	/* Standard Options */
+ 	sPort, sHostKeyFile, sServerKeyBits, sLoginGraceTime, sKeyRegenerationTime,
+ 	sPermitRootLogin, sLogFacility, sLogLevel,
+@@ -312,6 +318,11 @@
+ #else
+ 	{ "usepam", sUnsupported, SSHCFG_GLOBAL },
+ #endif
++#ifdef CHROOT
++	{ "usechroot", sUseChroot, SSHCFG_GLOBAL },
++	{ "usechroot", sUnsupported, SSHCFG_GLOBAL },
++#endif /* CHROOT */
+ 	{ "pamauthenticationviakbdint", sDeprecated, SSHCFG_GLOBAL },
+ 	/* Standard Options */
+ 	{ "port", sPort, SSHCFG_GLOBAL },
+@@ -662,6 +673,10 @@
+ 		intptr = &options->use_pam;
+ 		goto parse_flag;
++	case sUseChroot:
++		intptr = &options->use_chroot;
++		goto parse_flag;
+ 	/* Standard Options */
+ 	case sBadOption:
+ 		return -1;
+--- openssh-3.7.1p2/servconf.h	2003-09-02 14:58:22.000000000 +0200
++++ openssh-3.7.1p2.pius/servconf.h	2003-10-07 20:49:08.000000000 +0200
+@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@
+ 	int	max_startups_rate;
+ 	int	max_startups;
+ 	char   *banner;			/* SSH-2 banner message */
++	int     use_chroot;		/* Enable chrooted enviroment support */
+ 	int	use_dns;
+ 	int	client_alive_interval;	/*
+ 					 * poke the client this often to
+--- ./	2008-05-05 16:22:11.935003283 +0200
++++ ./session.c	2008-05-05 16:32:50.025507650 +0200
+@@ -1345,6 +1345,10 @@ void
+ do_setusercontext(struct passwd *pw)
+ {
+ 	char *chroot_path, *tmp;
++#ifdef CHROOT
++	char *user_dir;
++	char *new_root;
++#endif /* CHROOT */
+ 	/* Cache selinux status for later use */
+@@ -1425,8 +1429,28 @@ do_setusercontext(struct passwd *pw)
+ 			safely_chroot(chroot_path, pw->pw_uid);
+ 			free(tmp);
+ 			free(chroot_path);
++#ifdef CHROOT
++		} else if (options.use_chroot) {
++			user_dir = xstrdup(pw->pw_dir);
++			new_root = user_dir + 1;
++			while((new_root = strchr(new_root, '.')) != NULL) {
++				new_root--;
++				if(strncmp(new_root, "/./", 3) == 0) {
++					*new_root = '\0';
++					new_root += 2;
++					if(chroot(user_dir) != 0)
++						fatal("Couldn't chroot to user directory %s", user_dir);
++					pw->pw_dir = new_root;
++					break;
++				}
++				new_root += 2;
++			}
++#endif /* CHROOT */
+ 		}
+ 		if (setusercontext(lc, pw, pw->pw_uid, LOGIN_SETUSER) < 0) {
+ 			perror("unable to set user context (setuser)");
+--- openssh-3.7.1p2/sshd_config	2003-09-02 14:51:18.000000000 +0200
++++ openssh-3.7.1p2.pius/sshd_config	2003-10-07 20:49:08.000000000 +0200
+@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@
+ # bypass the setting of 'PasswordAuthentication'
+ #UsePAM yes
++# Set this to 'yes' to enable support for chrooted user environment.
++# You must create such environment before you can use this feature. 
++#UseChroot yes
+ #AllowTcpForwarding yes
+ #GatewayPorts no
+ #X11Forwarding no
+--- openssh-4.4p1/sshd_config.0.orig	2006-09-26 13:03:48.000000000 +0200
++++ openssh-4.4p1/sshd_config.0	2006-10-05 10:11:41.615971000 +0200
+@@ -451,6 +451,16 @@
+              To disable TCP keepalive messages, the value should be set to
+              ``no''.
++     UseChroot
++             Specifies whether to use chroot-jail environment with ssh/sftp,
++             i.e. restrict users to a particular area in the filesystem. This
++             is done by setting user home directory to, for example,
++             /path/to/chroot/./home/username.  sshd looks for a '.' in the
++             users home directory, then calls chroot(2) to whatever directory
++             was before the . and continues with the normal ssh functionality.
++             For this to work properly you have to create special chroot-jail
++             environment in a /path/to/chroot directory.
+      UseDNS  Specifies whether sshd(8) should look up the remote host name and
+              check that the resolved host name for the remote IP address maps
+              back to the very same IP address.  The default is ``yes''.
+--- openssh-3.8p1/sshd_config.5.orig	2004-02-18 04:31:24.000000000 +0100
++++ openssh-3.8p1/sshd_config.5	2004-02-25 21:17:23.000000000 +0100
+@@ -552,6 +552,16 @@
+ The possible values are: DAEMON, USER, AUTH, LOCAL0, LOCAL1, LOCAL2,
+ The default is AUTH.
++.It Cm UseChroot
++Specifies whether to use chroot-jail environment with ssh/sftp, i.e. restrict
++users to a particular area in the filesystem. This is done by setting user
++home directory to, for example, /path/to/chroot/./home/username.
++.Nm sshd
++looks for a '.' in the users home directory, then calls
++.Xr chroot 2
++to whatever directory was before the . and continues with the normal ssh
++functionality. For this to work properly you have to create special chroot-jail
++environment in a /path/to/chroot directory.
+ .It Cm TCPKeepAlive
+ Specifies whether the system should send TCP keepalive messages to the
+ other side.

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