SOURCES: nagios-nagvis-map.cfg (NEW), nagios-nagvis-config.ini.php...

glen glen at
Wed May 7 01:47:58 CEST 2008

Author: glen                         Date: Tue May  6 23:47:58 2008 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- from

---- Files affected:
   nagios-nagvis-map.cfg (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW), nagios-nagvis-config.ini.php (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/nagios-nagvis-map.cfg
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/nagios-nagvis-map.cfg:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed May  7 01:47:58 2008
+++ SOURCES/nagios-nagvis-map.cfg	Wed May  7 01:47:53 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+; $Id$
+define global {
+  background_color=#fff
+  only_hard_states=0
+  recognize_services=1
+  allowed_user=EVERYONE
+  allowed_for_config=EVERYONE
+  iconset=std_medium
+  map_image=nagvis-demo.png
+  backend_id=ndomy_1
+; the following breaks something, leaves output blank.
+;define map {
+;  map_name=localhost
+;  x=408
+;  y=327
+define host {
+  host_name=localhost
+  x=265
+  y=165
+define service {
+  host_name=localhost
+  service_description=ping
+  x=588
+  y=165
+  iconset=std_small
+define servicegroup {
+  servicegroup_name=comms
+  x=609
+  y=363
+define hostgroup {
+  hostgroup_name=local servers
+  x=298
+  y=363
+  iconset=std_big
+define textbox {
+  text=This is the default localhost map.
+  x=505
+  y=263
+  w=117
+  background_color=transparent
+define hostgroup {
+  hostgroup_name=remote servers
+  x=405
+  y=150
+  iconset=std_big
+define textbox {
+  text=Remote servers
+  x=357
+  y=171
+  w=92

Index: SOURCES/nagios-nagvis-config.ini.php
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/nagios-nagvis-config.ini.php:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed May  7 01:47:58 2008
+++ SOURCES/nagios-nagvis-config.ini.php	Wed May  7 01:47:53 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+; <?php return 1; ?>
+; the line above is to prevent viewing this file from web. DON'T REMOVE IT!
+; ----------------------------
+; Default NagVis Configuration File
+; At delivery everything here is commented out. The default values are set in
+; the NagVis code. You can make your changes here, it'll overwrite the default
+; settings.
+; ----------------------------
+; global options
+; select language (english,german,...)
+; rotate maps (0/1)
+; maps to rotate
+; show header (0/1)
+; options per line in header
+; use gdlibs (if set to 0 lines will not work, all other types should work fine)
+; refresh time of pages
+; default values for the maps
+; default backend (id of the default backend)
+; default icons
+; recognize service states in host/hostgroup objects
+; recognize only hard states (not soft)
+; background color of maps
+; options for the wui
+; auto update frequency
+; path options
+; absolute physical NagVis path
+; absolute html NagVis path
+; absolute html NagVis cgi path
+; options for the NDO-Backend
+; in this example the ID of the Backend is "ndomy_1" you can define another ID.
+; type of backend - MUST be set
+; hostname for NDO-db
+; portname for NDO-db
+; database-name for NDO-db
+; username for NDO-db
+; password for NDO-db
+; prefix for tables in NDO-db
+; instace-name for tables in NDO-db
+; maximum delay of the NDO Database in Seconds
+; include options
+; header include
+; EOF

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