PLDWWW: Vserver

glen glen at
Mon Jun 30 11:17:16 CEST 2008

Author: glen   Date: Mon Jun 30 09:17:16 2008 GMT
Module: PLDWWW   URL:
---- Log message:

---- Page affected: Vserver

---- Diffs:

  # vim /etc/vservers/.distributions/pld-XX/poldek/repos.d/poldek.conf
- Where XX is: ac , ti , th
+ Where XX is: ac, ti, th
  At this point you should have booted into vserver-enabled kernel.
  You must start {{{vprocunhide}}} or none of your Vservers can start.
@@ -563, +563 @@

  # echo i686 > /etc/vservers/test/uts/machine
+ however, you can do that at vserver build time using arguments {{{--personality linux_32bit --machine i686}}}.
  === Package built for different operating system (linux) ===

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