SPECS (AC-branch): X11-driver-nvidia.spec - merged 173.14.09 from LINUX_2_6...

glen glen at pld-linux.org
Thu Jul 3 08:27:59 CEST 2008

Author: glen                         Date: Thu Jul  3 06:27:59 2008 GMT
Module: SPECS                         Tag: AC-branch
---- Log message:
- merged 173.14.09 from LINUX_2_6 branch for 2.6.22 kernels, old one in LINUX_2_6_16 branch

---- Files affected:
   X11-driver-nvidia.spec ( -> 

---- Diffs:

Index: SPECS/X11-driver-nvidia.spec
diff -u SPECS/X11-driver-nvidia.spec: SPECS/X11-driver-nvidia.spec:
--- SPECS/X11-driver-nvidia.spec:	Tue May 27 08:32:05 2008
+++ SPECS/X11-driver-nvidia.spec	Thu Jul  3 08:27:53 2008
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 # Conditional build:
 %bcond_without	dist_kernel	# without distribution kernel
-%bcond_without	up		# without up packages
-%bcond_without	smp		# without smp packages
 %bcond_without	kernel		# without kernel packages
 %bcond_without	userspace	# don't build userspace programs
 %bcond_with	verbose		# verbose build (V=1)
@@ -19,23 +17,22 @@
 %define		_enable_debug_packages	0
-%define		rel		2
+%define		rel	2
 %define		pname	X11-driver-nvidia
 Summary:	Linux Drivers for NVIDIA GeForce/Quadro Chips
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Sterowniki do kart graficznych NVIDIA GeForce/Quadro
 Name:		%{pname}%{_alt_kernel}
-Version:	169.12
+Version:	173.14.09
 Release:	%{rel}
 License:	nVidia Binary
 Group:		X11
 Source0:	http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/%{version}/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-%{version}-pkg1.run
-# Source0-md5:	c1d45a150a90e6a11da21623493a628e
+# Source0-md5:	02bc9536ad2800855c66684f4c981a74
 Source1:	http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/%{version}/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-%{version}-pkg1.run
-# Source1-md5:	5f8a3a3f403a9bac572d86e57ddd0e6a
+# Source1-md5:	2d64c5bfaa028d94f9478b4e5aa3de06
 Source2:	%{pname}-settings.desktop
 Source3:	%{pname}-xinitrc.sh
 Patch0:		%{pname}-GL.patch
-Patch1:		%{pname}-xen.patch
 URL:		http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html
 %if %{with kernel}
 BuildRequires:	%{kgcc_package}
@@ -145,28 +142,6 @@
 Obsługa architektury nVidia dla jądra Linuksa. Pakiet wymagany przez
 sterownik nVidii dla Xorg/XFree86.
-%package -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-smp-video-nvidia
-Summary:	nVidia kernel module for nVidia Architecture support
-Summary(de.UTF-8):	Das nVidia-Kern-Modul für die nVidia-Architektur-Unterstützung
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Moduł jądra dla obsługi kart graficznych nVidia
-Release:	%{rel}@%{_kernel_vermagic}
-Group:		Base/Kernel
-Requires(post,postun):	/sbin/depmod
-Requires:	dev >= 2.7.7-10
-%{?with_dist_kernel:Requires:	kernel%{_alt_kernel}-smp(vermagic) = %{_kernel_ver}}
-Provides:	X11-driver-nvidia(kernel)
-Obsoletes:	XFree86-nvidia-kernel
-%description -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-smp-video-nvidia
-nVidia Architecture support for Linux kernel SMP.
-%description -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-smp-video-nvidia -l de.UTF-8
-Die nVidia-Architektur-Unterstützung für den Linux-Kern SMP.
-%description -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-smp-video-nvidia -l pl.UTF-8
-Obsługa architektury nVidia dla jądra Linuksa SMP. Pakiet wymagany
-przez sterownik nVidii dla Xorg/XFree86.
 cd %{_builddir}
 rm -rf NVIDIA-Linux-x86*-%{version}-pkg*
@@ -178,7 +153,6 @@
 %setup -qDT -n NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-%{version}-pkg1
 %patch0 -p1
-%patch1 -p1
 sed -i 's:-Wpointer-arith::' usr/src/nv/Makefile.kbuild
@@ -246,7 +220,7 @@
  *                                                     *
  *  NOTE:                                              *
  *  You must install:                                  *
- *  kernel(24)(-smp)-video-nvidia-%{version}             *
+ *  kernel-video-nvidia-%{version}                   *
  *  for this driver to work                            *
  *                                                     *
@@ -261,12 +235,6 @@
 %postun	-n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-video-nvidia
 %depmod %{_kernel_ver}
-%post	-n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-smp-video-nvidia
-%depmod %{_kernel_ver}smp
-%postun	-n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-smp-video-nvidia
-%depmod %{_kernel_ver}smp
 %if %{with userspace}
@@ -290,12 +258,6 @@
 %files -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-video-nvidia
-%if %{with smp} && %{with dist_kernel}
-%files -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-smp-video-nvidia
 %if %{with userspace}
@@ -322,632 +284,30 @@
 All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld-linux.org
-Revision  2008/05/27 06:32:05  glen
-- convert to utf8
-Revision  2008-05-27 06:17:27  glen
-- release 2
-Revision  2008-05-27 06:12:20  glen
-- update to 169.12
-Revision  2008-05-18 14:53:10  glen
-- release 65
-Revision  2008-05-07 13:58:18  glen
-- release 64
-Revision  2008-04-27 15:40:58  glen
-- fix build with 2.6.16 xen0 kernel
-Revision  2008-02-15 16:02:07  glen
-- release 63
-Revision  2008-02-13 17:11:16  glen
-- cleanup macros, modules depend on kernel vermagic
-Revision  2008-02-13 09:36:05  glen
-- fix up module build; rel 62
-Revision  2008-02-12 23:07:19  glen
-- use manually incremented vermagic between main kernel and module pkg deps
-Revision  2008-02-12 11:01:11  glen
-- release 61 (kernel-
-Revision  2008-02-11 17:54:37  glen
-- hack for desktop kernel having smp only kernel
-Revision  2008-01-28 09:33:20  glen
-- rel 60 (kernel-
-Revision  2008-01-21 17:59:13  glen
-- without parens
-Revision  2008-01-21 16:28:52  glen
-- allow building for desktop kernel
-Revision  2008-01-21 15:00:13  glen
-- proper Name for alt kernel
-Revision  2008-01-21 08:28:15  glen
-- rel 59 (
-Revision  2008-01-18 12:26:08  glen
-- rel 58 (
-Revision  2007/11/06 18:28:31  glen
-- rel 57 (
-Revision  2007/11/04 20:22:05  glen
-- prefix src package with alt kernel if present
-Revision  2007/11/01 08:24:18  adamg
-- release 56 (rebuild against
-Revision  2007/10/22 20:41:53  glen
-- disable userspace for alt kernel
-Revision  2007/10/22 20:24:59  glen
-- unify kernel macros
-Revision  2007/10/22 08:51:47  glen
-- allow building without up
-Revision  2007/10/20 12:01:05  hawk
-- removed TODO, obsolete?
-Revision  2007/10/20 11:43:12  hawk
-- src.rpm contents shouldn't be arch or bcond dependent
-Revision  2007/10/20 11:31:22  hawk
-- updated to 100.14.19, updated URL, removed obsolete conftest.patch, cleanup
-Revision  2007/10/15 08:26:44  glen
-- rel 55 (kernel
-Revision  2007/10/15 08:21:38  glen
-- rel drbd.spec (
-Revision  2007/10/01 21:25:45  glen
-- rel 54
-Revision  2007/09/30 22:17:50  adamg
-- release 53.1 (rebuild against
-Revision  2007/09/05 19:30:12  glen
-- rel 53 (kernel
-Revision  2007/06/16 19:51:17  hawk
-- updated to 100.14.09
+Revision  2008/07/03 06:27:53  glen
+- merged 173.14.09 from LINUX_2_6 branch for 2.6.22 kernels, old one in LINUX_2_6_16 branch
-Revision  2007/06/04 08:09:08  glen
-- rel 52 (
-Revision  2007/05/11 06:38:50  glen
-- rel 51 (
-Revision  2007/05/08 12:10:09  glen
-- rel 50 (kernel
-Revision  2007/04/25 22:11:26  glen
-- rel 3 (kernel
-Revision  2007/04/09 17:10:57  shadzik
-- O: Mesa-libGL
-- rel 2
-Revision  2007/03/27 15:15:41  hawk
-- updated to 9755
-Revision  2007/03/13 16:47:12  glen
-- HEAD merge
-Revision  2007/01/27 12:19:41  charles
-- added modules: libnvidia-wfb.so.%{version} and libwfb.so (symlink)
-- rel. 2
-Revision  2007/01/23 19:06:56  hawk
-- updated to 9746
-Revision  2006/12/28 00:23:13  glen
-- adapter
-Revision  2006/12/08 15:28:03  hawk
-- updated to 9631
-- workaround for builder automation to allow building against
-  kernel-grsecurity (via bcond)
-Revision  2006/11/20 12:45:31  hawk
-- updated to 9629
-Revision  2006/10/23 02:17:53  mguevara
-- 1.0-8776-1, the last security vulnerability looks fixed, updated desc
-Revision  2006/10/20 08:00:32  mguevara
-- 1.0-8776-0.1
-Revision  2006/10/18 13:42:07  mguevara
-- banner with solution added (security)
-Revision  2006/10/17 20:11:18  mguevara
-- rel++, typo
-Revision  2006/10/17 20:09:35  mguevara
-- security advisory in pkg description - 8774 are said to be remotely
-  exploitable
-Revision  2006/10/10 13:09:58  hawk
-- killed duplicate of install -d o/include/linux
-- do clean up before compiling anything, otherwise UP module gets linked
-  with SMP vermagic
-Revision 1.78  2006/09/06 13:48:33  sparky
-- mass atack: -j1 for make scripts
-Revision 1.77  2006/08/26 08:39:11  charles
-- added missing changelog entry
-Revision 1.76  2006/08/26 08:24:22  charles
-- merged
-Revision  2006/08/26 08:17:54  lmasko
-- Forgot to reduce the release.
-Revision  2006/08/26 08:06:15  lmasko
-- Updated to 1.0.8774, should work with xorg-7.1
-Revision 1.75  2006/07/22 18:39:00  havner
-- desktop+pixmap file
-- xinitrc for loading nvidia settings on startup
-- rel 3
-Revision 1.74  2006/07/02 15:30:19  hawk
+Revision  2008/07/03 06:00:34  glen
 - release 2
-Revision 1.73  2006/06/23 23:38:29  sparky
-- alternative kernel support, to compile it for kernel-desktop use:
-  ./builder -bb X11-driver-nvidia.spec --define alt_kernel desktop
-  to compile for normal kernel you don't have to do anything special
-Revision 1.72  2006/05/28 08:45:47  charles
-- md5 for x86_64
-Revision 1.71  2006/05/28 08:42:26  charles
-- updated to 1.0.8762
-Revision 1.70  2006/04/13 20:55:14  lmasko
-- up to 1.0.8756, seems to be stable on i686 and 2.6.16.{1-0.1,4-1.6}
-Revision 1.69  2006/04/12 12:15:41  glen
-- add kernel epoch, adapterized
-Revision 1.68  2006/04/03 21:16:39  blekot
-- added patch against kernel-2.6.16
-Revision 1.67  2006/03/17 22:06:46  glen
-- rel 5
-Revision 1.66  2006/03/11 12:28:03  arekm
-- rel 4
-Revision 1.65  2006/02/11 14:10:00  arekm
-- rel 3
-Revision 1.64  2006/02/11 12:55:34  charles
-- cosmetics
-Revision 1.63  2006/02/11 12:03:05  charles
-- modules building (new way)
-Revision 1.62  2006/01/31 13:39:00  charles
-- ln %{_kernelsrcdir}/scripts for without dist_kernel
-Revision 1.61  2006/01/26 10:07:27  arekm
-- rel 2
-Revision 1.60  2006/01/12 18:40:00  arekm
-- rel 1
-Revision 1.59  2006/01/01 19:54:43  aflinta
-- up to version 1.0.8178, seems to be stable on i686 and kernel
-Revision 1.58  2005/12/05 21:53:56  aflinta
-- started update to version 1.0 - 8174
-Revision 1.57  2005/11/27 19:11:37  arekm
-- rel 3
-Revision 1.56  2005/11/21 19:52:09  tiwek
-- for rebuild with
-- STBR please
-Revision 1.55  2005/11/01 00:57:11  glen
-- avoid kernel BR when building without kernel bcond
-Revision 1.54  2005/09/15 18:25:04  sparky
-- prepared for kernel >= 2.6.13: link Module.symvers
-Revision 1.53  2005/09/13 13:00:18  qboosh
-- removed XFree86 from Group
-Revision 1.52  2005/09/13 12:59:42  qboosh
-- cleanups, mention Xorg (not just XFree86) in descs
-Revision 1.51  2005/09/07 08:48:56  wiget
-- updated to 7676
-Revision 1.50  2005/07/30 19:03:37  glen
-- without userspace bcond
-Revision 1.49  2005/07/10 19:48:47  djurban
-- updated to 7667, this removes support for many old cars,
-  previous version tagged as 'nvidia-7174'
-Revision 1.48  2005/06/29 07:02:06  glen
-- rel 3 (to rebuild without modutils)
-Revision 1.47  2005/06/09 13:29:51  qboosh
-- removed modutils deps (bogus; module-init-tools already caught through /sbin/depmod)
-Revision 1.46  2005/06/01 01:29:09  ankry
-- rel. 2
-Revision 1.45  2005/05/11 13:17:29  qboosh
-- use x8664 macro
+Revision  2008/07/02 14:21:15  glen
+- vermagic based deps are back
-Revision 1.44  2005/04/07 10:13:47  mkierus
-- updated to 1.0.7174
+Revision  2008/06/23 22:22:32  mguevara
+- up to 173.14.09 rel 1
+- xen patch lost
+- changed rel of kernel package from _kernel_vermagic to _kernel_ver_str
+- changed kernel related requires
+- works with (LINUX_2_6, pax-grsecurity-pae)
-Revision 1.43  2005/04/03 22:34:56  saq
-- rel 2 for rebuild with kernel
-Revision 1.42  2005/03/29 21:19:35  saq
-- defattr unification
-Revision 1.41  2005/03/12 11:46:50  sparky
-- updated to 1.0-7167
-- all 6629 patches obsoleted
-- added 2 new
-- rel 1, builds and works
-Revision 1.40  2005/01/25 14:48:52  pluto
-- patchset updated.
-- release 4.
-Revision 1.39  2005/01/05 22:20:24  havner
-- tls dir added
-Revision 1.38  2005/01/05 21:52:37  havner
-- removed tls bcond, both versions coexist in one package
-- non tls version is probably to be removed cause tls one works on 2.4 too
-- rel 3
-Revision 1.37  2005/01/03 18:47:13  pluto
-- post 2.6.10 patchset.
-- release 2.
-Revision 1.36  2004/12/29 23:28:17  pluto
-- bcond_with nptl added (implies with_tls).
-Revision 1.35  2004/11/18 19:04:18  havner
-- rel 1, works ok
-Revision 1.34  2004/11/18 18:52:24  havner
-- final fix by Przemysław Białek
-- builds
-Revision 1.32  2004/11/11 15:46:59  havner
-- removed patches 2 and 3, seems to be obsolete
-- doesn't build, is it for >= 2.6.9? could somebody look at this?
-Revision 1.31  2004/11/11 03:21:41  havner
-- 6629, NFY, will finish tommorow
-Revision 1.30  2004/11/10 10:56:13  gotar
-- don't build kernel module if --without kernel
-Revision 1.29  2004/11/10 09:37:19  gotar
-- added missing header
-Revision 1.28  2004/10/31 13:31:27  paladine
-- spaces->tabs
-Revision 1.27  2004/10/27 16:39:58  pluto
-- fixes for changes in pci subsystem and power mgt. [2.6.9/2.6.10].
-Revision 1.26  2004/10/26 20:24:57  pluto
-- SourceX-size added.
-Revision 1.25  2004/10/08 20:51:01  adamg
-- release 5 (rebuild for kernel-2.6.8-3.2)
-Revision 1.24  2004/09/29 07:49:26  grzegorz
-- reverting last change
-Revision 1.23  2004/09/28 07:31:44  grzegorz
-- build requires kernel-source
-Revision 1.22  2004/09/21 19:54:46  havner
-- rel 4 for rebuild
-Revision 1.21  2004/09/14 21:29:53  gotar
-- so shameful;/
-Revision 1.20  2004/09/13 11:38:10  djurban
-- make it build quake1, should be stbred to ac, but i guess this can wait after th X11 upgrade
-Revision 1.19  2004/08/22 02:54:03  havner
-- prettier banner
-Revision 1.18  2004/08/21 13:51:38  havner
-- rel 2
-Revision 1.17  2004/08/20 12:21:41  gotar
-- fixed banner
-Revision 1.16  2004/08/08 17:12:20  gotar
-- fixed group for progs subpackage
-Revision 1.15  2004/08/05 20:48:02  havner
-- update to 6111
-Revision 1.14  2004/07/29 22:15:41  havner
-- removed senseless provides
-- oboletes for progs package
-Revision 1.13  2004/07/29 22:00:13  havner
-- without kernel bcond
-- rel 3
-- provides updated
-Revision 1.12  2004/07/23 13:04:56  pluto
-- scripts fixed (thx Michał Łukaszek <prism#hornet#eu#org>).
-Revision 1.11  2004/07/21 17:48:20  havner
-- removed R: kernel-video-nvidia
-- added post message about this
-- rel 2
-Revision 1.10  2004/07/04 20:42:32  qboosh
-- libdir32 is just prefix/lib on amd64
-Revision 1.9  2004/07/04 20:40:02  pluto
-- amd64 parts...
-Revision 1.8  2004/07/04 01:19:24  pluto
-- `-Wpointer-arith' killed.
-Revision 1.7  2004/07/03 18:36:56  pluto
-- make clean/modules separated for parallel build.
-- log fixed.
-Revision 1.6  2004/07/03 16:54:24  pluto
-- updated to 1.0-6106.
-Revision 1.5  2004/07/01 17:05:46  qboosh
-- fixed _noautoreqdep (it must be SONAME, not filename)
-Revision 1.4  2004/07/01 15:49:04  havner
-- provides/obsoletes...
-Revision 1.3  2004/07/01 15:33:05  havner
-- define _min_x11
-- cosmetics
-Revision 1.2  2004/06/30 09:53:22  pluto
-- R:,O:,P: fixed (I hope).
-Revision 1.1  2004/06/30 07:36:25  pluto
-- renamed, NFY...
-Revision 1.56  2004/06/02 18:25:09  pluto
-- BR: fixed.
-Revision 1.55  2004/05/29 11:16:30  pluto
-- minor build fixes.
-- release 3.
-Revision 1.54  2004/05/21 11:36:02  pluto
-- 2.6.6 complaint.
-Revision 1.53  2004/04/17 14:52:21  saq
-- typo
-Revision 1.52  2004/04/08 17:17:42  pluto
-- R: fixed (s/nvidia-kernel-module/XFree86-nvidia-kernel/)
-Revision 1.51  2004/04/08 10:51:52  pluto
-- merged with kernel-video-nvidia.
-- %build complaint with 2.6.x.
-Revision 1.50  2004/04/03 22:33:26  gotar
-- s/glibc-tls/glibc(tls)/
-Revision 1.49  2004/04/03 12:42:33  gotar
-- built with tls support requires this feature in glibc
-Revision 1.48  2004/02/10 15:54:22  qboosh
-- Linux OpenGL ABI compliance; moved static lib from base to -devel
-- release 2
-Revision 1.47  2004/01/28 21:09:59  grzegol
-- updated to 1.0-5336
-Revision 1.46  2004/01/11 13:16:37  grzegol
-- added with_tls bcond (for glibc built with tls support)
-- rel. 2
-Revision 1.45  2003/12/28 18:13:45  adgor
-- Fixed source url
-- Standarized macros
-Revision 1.44  2003/12/28 17:45:37  adgor
-- Updated to 1.0.5328
-- Settings tool is unavailable in this version
-- Fixed "Conflicts" entry for devel subpkg
-Revision 1.43  2003/12/17 20:12:34  grzegol
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

---- CVS-web:

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